Perhaps someone has experienced the error "Error: texture released too many times" but could not repeat it again. This error is shown in my source code.
Small description:
There are three layouts: the menu, the background selection layout, and the layout where objects are stored.
In the "Files" section, we have three images (backgrounds) in the "webp" format. Their names are written as "bg_&id.webp".
We have a BG object in the menu layout and in the background selection layout.
We have a function that loads an image from the "Files" section ("Load Image From") into the BG object, the function has an id parameter. This function is called at the start of layouts, the global variable BG_ID is passed to the parameter. There are no bugs here.
In the background selection layout, we have a loop (from 0 to 3) that creates a template with a hierarchy, an object with 4 identical frames is attached to it (the original frame size is 2x2). After creating the object, we set a frame for it from the loopindex, load the file with the URL ("bg_"&loopindex&".webp) into the image, and also set the ID for further logic.
After this cycle, we encounter the first bug: not all frames were loaded correctly (one random one looks like the original template). We already have an error in the console: "Texture released too many times", but the game does not freeze. Attached an image of how it looks (the order should be: blue, green, purple, orange)
After clicking on any of the objects (to select a background), we should be transferred to the Menu layout, but the game freezes and the same error appears in the console.
Open the source to test everything yourself. Changing the max spritesheet size does not solve the problem.
//File c3p: