Any suggestions/experience regarding latest admob issue?

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  • Hi everyone,

    Nowadays I am facing a new type of issue with admob.

    I got email from admob, stating that "Google AdMob ad serving has been restricted to your app". This is happening with multiple apps & I am getting extremely worried

    My policy screen looks like this:-

    All issues are related to "Google-served ads obscuring content".

    Any idea/suggestion on how to deal with such issues? If you have any experience with dealing with such issues, please share it

    Thanks & Regards

  • I bet you have already seen this article related to your issue.

    if not I hope this will help you.

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  • I bet you have already seen this article related to your issue.

    if not I hope this will help you.

    Thanks for the reply

    Definitely I have read that. But many times there are few things which can be learned only from other's experience

    For example:- I was facing 'ads restriction issue'. I made a post & someone replied that by 'naming' ads units properly, the restriction may go away. I tried it & it worked for me

    I was expecting something like that here too

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