dripple i agree that c2 stencyl and game maker have their limitations and as you said something you get (less or no code at all) but something you lose (flexibility). where i disagree is that these programs are only for quick prototyping. no they are not only for this.
What is the main goal for the majority of users of visual scripting tools/game engines? to make a game/games and earn money.
Can you do it with these programs? yes you can. can you build diablo or fallout with these engines - of course not even if these games were in 2d .
it is logical? yes diablo has a whole studio behind of programmers. you cant do it with c2 "on begin of layout stop animation"..
but can you do metroid, contra, limbo, machinarium, castlevania, mario, sonic and so on? of course you can.but it will be a long and lonely road. i dont get what you mean "ghost song is just another platformer". it differens in atmosphere and artistic style music and many more. these things made it original and different which means $$$ and popularity.the main goal which i wrote before
for example if super castlevania 4 release was in this year (most for mobile and tablets) should we said that was a quick prototype? or donkey kong 1?or contra? if we can do these type of games with c2 or stencyl why we are trying to downgrade (i dont know if this is the correct word i dont know english sorry) these programs to quick prototyping game engines only?
you said about decent frame rates.it will get solved in time (hopefully) if this is a problem of the software, but if this is a misunderstanding of the developer of how the game should build? and he ads sprites of 1024kb's all over the place?
And how many games from big studios dont suffer from problems and release a bunch of patches to resolve them some with success but some others not? it always came to my mind the game "rage" 2 months after the release it still suffers from graphic problems anti-amd drivers relationship lol, which made the game almost unplayable. tripple A studios with millions of dollars budget release an unplayable game. what about alien colonial marines where a gamer in youtube upload a video on how you cant get hit for a long time in the game ? where is the AI ???
Guys i post 100+ times and the half of them im asking to resolve problems from ashley or asking for new stuff and im whining for many things but sorry the games of the 70% even if they are clever and fun their assets are awful!!! try to desing your game smarter be carefull with your assets and you will avoid many problems. be original dont use common assets that are in many other games too and watch tutorials about design and music making for the games.
the biggest mistake of ashley is that he never upload a single scirra game (not a simple game crappy bird) a more complicated one i dont know hire some studio to make one (dont be a scrooge for gods sake you run a business) throw it to our heads like a f....ng brick and tell us you s*ckers for 3 years drove me crazy with your sh*t...take now what a great game i build with c2 and shut up...
ps.. (answering to my self) but spy84 as you said 3 years have passed what is he waiting for? maybe its only for prototyping ive got to agree...