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  • mike wrote actually C2 is currently for prototyping and learning tool - and extremely good one at that. i think currently means "for now". Im not feeling offended dripple its a conversation im not c2s developer. im a another buyer of it. besides as i wrote with these programs you can do a bunch of stuff but if the software dont give the opportunity (now im speaking for c2 not the other engines, i dont use them) to developer for serious and without problematic exports the conversation about prototyping or not has no sense... if i spend months of work in a project and dont run well why should i stick with c2 even for prototypes?i will unistall it and wait for c3 but this time with more caution. to tell you the truth my last hope is spark engine..lets see what will happen.

  • dripple i agree that c2 stencyl and game maker have their limitations and as you said something you get (less or no code at all) but something you lose (flexibility). where i disagree is that these programs are only for quick prototyping. no they are not only for this.

    What is the main goal for the majority of users of visual scripting tools/game engines? to make a game/games and earn money.

    Can you do it with these programs? yes you can. can you build diablo or fallout with these engines - of course not even if these games were in 2d .

    it is logical? yes diablo has a whole studio behind of programmers. you cant do it with c2 "on begin of layout stop animation"..

    but can you do metroid, contra, limbo, machinarium, castlevania, mario, sonic and so on? of course you can.but it will be a long and lonely road. i dont get what you mean "ghost song is just another platformer". it differens in atmosphere and artistic style music and many more. these things made it original and different which means $$$ and popularity.the main goal which i wrote before

    for example if super castlevania 4 release was in this year (most for mobile and tablets) should we said that was a quick prototype? or donkey kong 1?or contra? if we can do these type of games with c2 or stencyl why we are trying to downgrade (i dont know if this is the correct word i dont know english sorry) these programs to quick prototyping game engines only?

    you said about decent frame rates.it will get solved in time (hopefully) if this is a problem of the software, but if this is a misunderstanding of the developer of how the game should build? and he ads sprites of 1024kb's all over the place?

    And how many games from big studios dont suffer from problems and release a bunch of patches to resolve them some with success but some others not? it always came to my mind the game "rage" 2 months after the release it still suffers from graphic problems anti-amd drivers relationship lol, which made the game almost unplayable. tripple A studios with millions of dollars budget release an unplayable game. what about alien colonial marines where a gamer in youtube upload a video on how you cant get hit for a long time in the game ? where is the AI ???

    Guys i post 100+ times and the half of them im asking to resolve problems from ashley or asking for new stuff and im whining for many things but sorry the games of the 70% even if they are clever and fun their assets are awful!!! try to desing your game smarter be carefull with your assets and you will avoid many problems. be original dont use common assets that are in many other games too and watch tutorials about design and music making for the games.

    the biggest mistake of ashley is that he never upload a single scirra game (not a simple game crappy bird) a more complicated one i dont know hire some studio to make one (dont be a scrooge for gods sake you run a business) throw it to our heads like a f....ng brick and tell us you s*ckers for 3 years drove me crazy with your sh*t...take now what a great game i build with c2 and shut up...

    ps.. (answering to my self) but spy84 as you said 3 years have passed what is he waiting for? maybe its only for prototyping ive got to agree...

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  • Iolva at first your game is very cute simle and fun. it reminds me an atari game called bobby is going home. i was 6-7 years old then...anyway i saw that if you choose after loosing to go to the next level, an advertisement appears..so i rotate my device from landscape to prortait and the ad change the orientation ok but when the game began again it was like the window of the game zoom out even when i get back to landscape mode.it came proper when i lost and the level restarts. check it out. rotate the device in advertisment and wait. it happened twice.

    2nd why the sprite of a hero is very common i saw this sprite everywhere. why not draw a new one? dont use assets which are very common..my opinion i give you an 8 for the app (-2 cause the main hero sprite)

  • michael i dont understand why and from where the opinion that c2 is for prototyping and learning tool has established..so with c2 we make a prototype and then what?we go in another engine and build/polish a proper game?

    i think c2 is NOT only for prototyping is a game engine. we can make almost everything in 2d and sell it. it happened before it will happening in the future. is game maker a prototyping tool too? or stencyl with the epic game (is coming soon) "the ghost song" ? its in the same philosophy all these programs.

    we agree that its time for scirra to expand cause c2 gets even bigger and more popular than ashley himself believes.

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  • the buildbucks ahhh sorry buildbox is something that even as a trial dont want to experiment. and thats why 2k's of $$$ is huge amount of money for experimenting with something that failed with other names like project zero or project mayhem 1 and 2. polishing and reselling something like a "new" product dont make me feel comfortable. no i didnt use these softwares i just read comments about trey smiths products. buy even if these reviews came from haters and the software is a real gem why should i pay 2000 dollars when i earn 30 for 8 hours of work and dont use unity or unreal for free (with blueprints) ,or just pay for c2/stencyl/fusion or the soon coming spark tools for under 100-200 usd?

  • Every 2-3 months or so, another thread starts and the conclusion is that c2 is a great piece of software has many possibilities but is hard to reach them. the no1 excuse is that behind c2 is a very small team/studio that cant do as fast as any other aaa game engine developers. and thats true.

    I bought c2 in 2012 i think with my priority for android. i knew nothing about what a wrapper is when ashley said before buying that cocoonjs could make the game like/close to a native one. 3 years after we discuss the same things. about mobile gaming.

    In these 3 years i expressed my thoughts and wills why c2 can not have the possibility of 3d objects (if not playable at least in the backround) to give some depth in the game. the answer of ashley and the most of c2 users was that it will mess the engine the plans is to stick with 2d and we dont want 3d or the third dimension is very difficult to achieve blah blah blah. Then q3d came. and behind q3d is a student who SPENDS his free time cause he studies and maybe works too to achieve his revolutionary plugin. and then the difficulties gone and then 3d is possible and what a great job youve done. and i still feel that the man behind q3d never get the credits that should take. his job is fantastic (the lack of tutorials is depressing me ok) he should be immediately join scirra.

    then came the break up with cjs. it dissapears from the export options (its hidden from the options) and the only way to export "officialy supported" is intel xdk. it build my games and ive got about 25-40% lower frame rate in very small projects, got music problems and a grey screen in the start sometimes. i thought maybe its my smartphone so i bought a quad core mtk, mali 400mp2 gpu smartphone but the frames still are much lower than cjs. if someone told us back in 2013 that the day we will miss cocoonjs will come who will believe?

    what im trying to say is that c2 is most for amateurs no coders who have a dream to make a great game including me with tons of assets and sounds beautifull and complicated and then we realise that we have to make some or many steps back cause mobile gaming is hard to support all of these assets. the problem is that games with not too much assets cant make it to mobile very well too. i export spaceblaster once with cocoonjs and crosswalk(?) to android and it runs with 10 frames or so.. we always are saying that users dont know how to make a mobile game but i think that is not the whole true and maybe c2 is messy and buggy for mobile gaming too.

    for me Scirra youve done a great job, classic was good c2 is good also you take a lot of publicity, youve got many fans/users/buyers. its time imo to hire some programmers to start a kickstarter or something like that (maybe why not..), and rebuild the engine from the start. dont spend time to polish a program which dont delivered to users what it said it will.

    for the developer of next penelope your game is awesome you ve done magic man i wonder if you can port it to android or ios or blackberry is it possible?could an ipad handle your game and if not why? i saw games with tons of graphics and effects 3d or 2d that ran flawessly.

  • i need to know too for this awesome software. if ashley can post his opinion would be cool

  • i really dont get what is the reason to develop and create c3 and sell it again(!) when c2 is totally incomplete cause dont fool ourselfs mobile dev is the main target for about 3-4 years now. aaa game engines focused last years to mobile game dev and a 2d game engine like c2 offer it but under circumstances...actually it offers it and it dont...very awkward situation..so why i should buy c3?to fullfill my expectations that c2 offered me 3 years ago with no luck?instead of this maybe ill wait and give a chance to sparktools (spark game engine which is close to alpha)...

    sorry ashley but with android you tried a lot, but i think ludei-scirra-intel/phonegap/crosswalk (or whatever its called) got lost in translation for sure...i will use c2 for sure, i bought it you know, so i dont let it down. but i dont think c3 will be a priority. ill be waiting for too long to see reactions and facts and then maybe ill give it a try. thumbs up for the updates thumbs down for mobile exporters totally waste of time.

  • thanks a lot mate you help me a lot. it works just fine

  • hello i have a problem i ve got an sprite (lets called it A) and it moves vertically in dt seconds, from the top to the bottom of my screen. i put another sprite (lets called it B) at the edge of the window and the thing i want to achieve is when the A is scrolling down and overlapping the B, it will return to the starting position but this time mirrored or not (randomly). i try to put a number variable with 0 and 1 as counter but after the first time when the A actually get mirrored the next times is like the same. if anyone can help it will be very kind of you


  • QuaziGNRLnose you ve done a GREAT JOB. the plug in is more friendly now i manage to load my models and control the camera easier now. the only thing i try to understand how the materials work. i export to js from blender via three.js addon, i import the model to the files folder so the jpg file. the object is there but i dont know how to add the material on it. if anyone has an example please upload it.

    Joannesalfa i think the official forum about q3d is vital. now its more usable than before so why not.

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