spy84's Recent Forum Activity

  • the developer of overlap 2d sent me this : "well as far as I understand, there is nothing I can do. The way I see it, Construct2 is an editor that allows people building games without programming. Overlap2D is an editor that exports data, and then expects others with good programming skills to use that data any way they want. So I am not sure where can I help, who, and how. From forum it seems that developers of construct too do not understand what is that you guys want

    Overlap2D does not do anything related to lights, it just positions things. that's all. and exports that data to a file. how do you want to use that data in construct2d I do not understand."

    so the o2d is made for libgdx as i understand. libgdx has the ability of lighting system (better than c2) and then the o2d comes in and gives the developer an easiest way to drag and drop sprites and lights like an editor...

    ive got to say that i feel very tired with all this, i believe that we will never have a decent working lighting system and normal maps thing or wait at least for a very long time...lights out (for real)

  • if godot engine adds a visual scripting then i take a look.. But im affraid that all of the engines except c2, stencyl, fusion which are using the moto "visual scripting no coding" is some kind of misleading. yes the have visual scripting but is for people that already know at least some basics of programming. you see in c2 all the events and action points are camouflaged under names that even a no coder understands at the very first time. In unity and ue4 for example the visual scripting is blocks with names that a coder understands but an novice like me don't get it so easy or at all..if you are a coder is a great tool cause you save a lot of time but for a novice i dont think its so handy either..

  • the developer of overlap2d sent me this : "I am not sure how this can be related to overlap2d. overlap2d is just an editor that will export a file that says "where the lights are"

    It will not render the lights for you (outside the editor). There are runtimes for different programming languages that will read that data and render the lights accordingly, currently for Java -libgdx, and Actionscript-haxe.

    As far as I understand Construct2 is both engine and editor. Does it's engine part, capable of rendering lights, if so, how?"

    i told him to contact ashley or post here for any information cause i dont speak english very good and im afraid to say something wrong.

  • i send an email to overlap 2d developer if he can integrate overlap2d in c2.. only time will tell.

  • Elios great job as always.

    overlap2d what a great software ive posted one year ago in a topic called "Overlap 2D App Useful for Construct 2?" by PsmithReginald but no more posts except mine.. i think its great and its exactly whats in my mind.. something like Elios video i dont know if supports normals. anyway if Ashley thinks that it can be part of c2 why not? and why in c3? c2 is a good start too.

  • the problem for me with c2 speaking for lighting system is this. someone starts a topic for lighting system. people try to find the best way to make a lighting system with better results when we add normals of the sprites..

    spritelamp, sprite dlight, and spriteilluminator's work is the inspiration and the goal here as i understand from the pictures of the topic starter. So people try to find a solution and give the best solution. LeuNoeleeste will upload a tutorial (20 pages) to make it easier for us how to use the Joannesalfa alternative.. so everybody who have the skills offer their time to help the rest of the community and i'm grateful for this.

    And then Ashley upload a cool tutorial with different light sources with different colors. that is almost ok cause some artifacts are here and there BUT with parallax enabled the whole thing doesnt work the shadows are running faster than lucky Luke i wrote about this yesterday no answer..so the tutorial is ok for something but not helpful for other situations.

    Sometimes when i wrote some problems I've got i think that dev's make me a favor to answer. Ashley you said that you dont see a reason why to upload a half hour video full of effects of a game. the reason is that i want normal maps and a better light system, bloom effects and sprite emitters that works actually everywhere without a problem like IN THIS GAME.if i cant do this with c2 i dont mind at least i know that i cant. if i need to make a metroid style game with parallax effect on and put in a level 10-20 lights (including spotlights, pointlights and a sun light ) i need 10 to 20 layers for this and if i put some normals inside the result will be correct? cause in a static game like this example you upload is working (with no normal maps inside) but with parallax on is chaos.

    if again you don't understand its simple what im asking for "is there any way to make it easier user friendly and better way to have a better lighting system with normal maps in c2 or c3? cause i see people try to find a way and help when you dont understand.

  • Colludium i got a problem too with parallax i make some changes but still when in parallax shadows are in different places so an idea will be helpfull.

  • Ashley is it possible to add normal maps to sprites and have the desired effects when in a scene are more than one lights?great tutorial thanks a lot.

  • Ashley is it possible to upload a tutorial how to make something to have the same results like the games in the videos i uploaded above?i think that lighting system is very basic so far. and a video of loads of effects propably is the way to ask if we could have such effects and if we already have it how to use it, so a tutorial maybe is vital. cause the topic has the title " a REAL dynamic light system" thats the reason i post something i want to achieve as a result and asked you before IF it is possible.

    it will be nice if we can have effects like these on SoundSphere with c2 and as you say its possible please give your advise

  • i saw these videos and i am wondering Ashley if its possible to make it happen in c2. Or in c3.

    i know this made with unity and its hard to compete but the result is fantastic the normals the lights very polished and clear..hope one day we have the ability to achieve something like that.

    also i saw this

    where the lighting effects is great too..

    don't get me wrong but the normals and the lights/shadows in c2 i think is at a very beginning status so far and im still confusing to use them properly. Also as my first priority in a game is the artistic part (cause art is my hobby) i think that games with great implementation of lighting system boost a game really up.lighting in game is the alpha and omega so why not to have at least better choises?

    Ashley is it difficult to have lights (point lights, directional lights(with rotation capability like particles ) etc with fade out, different colours and shadows more realistic? I mean no cube-based shadows but with more details and lets say to have the option in the game to choose between levels of shadows quality low (cube shaped shadows, medium and higher (more complex, based in the sprites collision points). and another idea is some sprites to emit light based on the colision points too.like a hexagon to emit light from six diffrent directions..

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  • roteam your games are amazing simple and addictive why not you try to make an udemy series of tutorials game by game?just a thought maybe you have more chances to earn some $$$ or on codecanyon also (the templates only).

  • Ashley, glerikud these kind o posts is what we need plus some screenshots or a quick video with some of the changes which will keep us think more positive. anyway i dont like this topic i respect the thoughts of anyone for c2 either positive or negative but i dont find what a topic like this could help the topic starter?if you feel that you are at a dead end with c2 posting this nobody will change your experiences with c2. Or again its an opportunity to throw our problems and thoughts for c2. which i respect but we can do it without a new post. there are many of them already

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