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  • Cant see how mesh is the same as a vector. My vector uses a tiny image that i can see on my sprite sheet and I can scale and manipulate it fine in game.

    But are you saying that this is created AGAIN at runtime like vectors as a new bitmap?

    Maybe Ashley could clarify again. Thanks

  • Thanks Ashley for the clarification.

    Also, it seems that when scaling up a small square sprite (if its just a solid square) there is absolutely no degradation in quality or blurring of the sprite. Additionally, I can even make simple (and big) shapes from it using the mesh feature which all have crisp edges even when using a tiny image.

    So win win.

  • By changing the spritesheet size to 1024 and setting the downscaling quality to low I managed to reduce the memory size to 45. However, the game still starts to glitch graphically after a few seconds and then eventually crashes out after about 20 seconds or so with no user input. It freezes and the screen goes white.

    No issues on any other platform and no issues when i run the remote preview on the same device.

    When I run the chrome debugger I see the following continuous 206 errors before the game drops out.

    206[Violation] 'requestAnimationFrame' handler took <N>ms

    index.html:1 WebGL: CONTEXT_LOST_WEBGL: loseContext: context lost

    c3runtime.js:3056 [Construct 3] WebGL context lost

    c3runtime.js:3166 [Construct 3] Suspending

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  • So why would using an SVG be a better solution?

    I read somewhere that a scaled up small sprite is far better than using a large sprite or large SVG.

    There seems to be some confusion which I'm trying to clarify. Cheers

  • It's a Philips tablet with a Mali-t720. Its about 4 years old.

  • Hmm, I think that's the case with SVG in other game engines, but I was under the impression from some of Ashley's posts that in C3 the SVG object re-creates the vector as a bitmap at runtime. Correct me if I'm wrong. Cheers

  • Hi, my game runs fine (albeit very slowly - 20fps) on my low end android when I use the remote preview. However, when I create a build and install it, the game chugs to a halt after a few seconds with some strange graphical glitches happening just before it crashes out completely. The timing of the crash seems to be random and at no specific point in the game which leads me to believe its a memory issue.

    My questions..

    Why would it do this on an installed build and not on the remote preview?

    The memory usage reading for the scene is around 110. Is this way too much for a lowend device with just 2 gig of RAM?


  • Hi. For a large VERY simple shape (a red square that covers a third of the screen for example) is it better to use an SVG or just a tiny (32x32) scaled up .png sprite?

    I figure the SVG would just essentially become a large memory hungry bitmap once loaded in, whereas the tiny scaled png would still use very little memory. Is that correct?



  • OKay, I guess I'll just need to stay away from it. For saving/loading I'm just writing/reading everything from a JSON file.

  • On mobile when switching between scenes I sometimes see what looks like black borders running all along the left and top of my display on mobile. These appear for about half a second or so before disappearing.

    At the same time my artwork seems to disappear and then re-appear when the borders vanish.

    This is on the remote preview. I havent tested with a full build.


  • SOLVED. The object with the fade behavior was set to global. Removing that seemed to fix the issue.

  • The fade behavior seems to works fine for the most part, but when I use it on a 'Start Of Layout' event which calls a function it works fine the first time (a second delay before fading out) but when I return to this layout later in the game the fade seems to ignore the delay and just fades immediately.

    Its strange because its the same piece of code wrapped inside a function.

    Any ideas? Thanks

    // for some reason when coming back to the main scene this function runs but ignores the wait time

    * On function 'Fade_Out_Load_Screen'

    * Parameter 'delay' (Number)

    -> Browser: Log in console: "Calling Fade OUT"

    -> Browser: Log in console: "FADE OUT SECONDS: "&delay

    -> Full_Screen_Loader_BG: Fade: set wait time to delay

    -> Full_Screen_Loader_BG: Fade: set fade-in time to 0

    -> Full_Screen_Loader_BG: Fade: set fade-out time to Load_Screen_Fade_Speed

    -> Full_Screen_Loader_BG: Fade: start fade

    Note that the "FADE OUT SECONDS: "&delay prints correctly 3 seconds even though the fade happens immediately.

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