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Introduction to Timelines
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Start with the Timeline Bar manual page to get started. Hello all, as you may have learned by now, Construct 3 now supports timeline animations. It took a while...

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Where's the timeline at?
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Downloaded the new release. Was curious about the timeline feature. But I can't see it anywhere. Thanks.

posted 6 years ago
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Can I use one timeline for multiple sprites?
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I tried to create a relative timeline for a small animation but it seems you can only use it for existing sprites (not created at runtime) and only for fixed in...

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Timeline: Missing feature or am I missing something?
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I have a question about the timeline feature. Problem. I'm trying to make changes to keyframes in my animation. When hitting 'S' to save the changes, Construct...

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Getting started with Timelines
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In Construct, Timelines are sequences of changes over time. They can be used to make pre-defined movements and animations, such as cut-scenes. This tutorial wil...

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Introduction to Timelines (video tutorial)
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A video tutorial covering the basics of how to use timelines in Construct 3. A written version of this tutorial is available too - see Getting started with Time...

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Blog Post
Announcing Timeline animations in Construct 3
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We've been working hard on a major new Construct 3 feature for some time: Timeline animations! You may have seen us mention it previously, or even tried it out...

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3 quick questions about timelines
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1) can I add sounds to a timeline? 2) how do I make sprites appear at specific places on the timeline (but not before)? Right now I'm having two keyframes next...

posted 5 years ago
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Timeline: How do I rotate more than 180?
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Hope you're having a great day. I'm trying to animate an arm swinging motion for a character. Problem is that the arm goes the wrong way if I rotate it more tha...

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How do I properly reset a timeline to run several times?
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I got one character composed of 5 sprites. The animations are done with timelines. The timeline finished and I set the sprites to their original x and y. Also t...

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