Grimmy's Recent Forum Activity

  • Imagine a layout with an associated event sheet which has a group that gets deactivated during gameplay

    When that layout is closed (lets say I've loaded another level) but then return to the layout with the de-activated group, should the group still be de-activated or does reloading a layout with its associated event sheet automatically re-activate groups that are no set to active on start.

    Sorry if my English bad (And I'm actually English :))


  • Perfect. Thanks

  • Hi, Ive been using C3 for a while now and here is my list of most notable suggestions. Apologies if there is already a board for things like this but I couldn't find it. Take it all with a pinch of salt. I will update as I go. Please add yours to the list.

    • A colour variable or a colour picker built into the Set Colour action dialogue.
    • When you drag external images onto a sub folder in a project they currently go to the root of the Object Types folder. They should stay in the folder you dragged them onto.
    • Default sprite size when creating a new sprite should be able to adjust in settings. The current 250 size is pretty heavy for mobile and its easy to forget to change it.
    • Add the relevant shortcut keys to all of the menu dropdown items in the editor. For Example"Toggle Bookmark" should read "Toggle Bookmark (F2)"
    • When creating a new object it should be created inside the current folder that you have selected in the project view. I am forever dragging objects between the parent folder and sub folders.
    • In the Scene graph we should be able to transfer the parents current "opacity" to children.
    • A shortcut key for moving an object up/down through the z order. As far as I know there is only a key to either move it to the bottom or top. I know there is the zorder bar but a shortcut key would help.
    • Ability to select multiple objects in the project view and add a behaviour to them all at the same time (not just the last one selected)
    • Same goes for selecting multiple objects and selecting 'Add to Family' All should go in and not just the last selected

    That's all for now :)




    Create a sub event within the creation loop and create a PICK LAST CREATED event.

    In my case I pick the last created shirt and then color it.

    Job done.


  • You could give your bullet an instance variable eg "Bullet Type". Then when you check your bullets in code you check if their Bullet_Type is either regular or bouncy; then code the desired behavior for each.

    To switch between the bullets I guess you would have a variable like "Current Bullet Type" which gets adjusted whenever the player switches firing modes.

    On My Player

    If my firing mode = bouncy...create bouncy bullets (with a bouncy bullet type instance variable)

    On My Bullet..

    If I am a bouncy bullet (my instance variable is bouncy) bouncy things

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  • I have a bunch of character instances created using a for loop which are created with their hierarchical child objects.

    Each character is comprised of a few different parts..body, legs, head etc using the scene graph. But lets say I want to change the color of the body to something random for each of these. How do I do it?

    I can loop through the base object that created them (the legs in my case), but I have no idea how to access the children in code.

    Any ideas?



  • Imagine Ive created a character and linked it all up with the scene graph hierarchy at edit time (using 'add selection to this instance' in the editor)

    I copy and paste the character 3 times

    ..but then I want to align the characters evenly along the horizntal axis..

    Currently the align option does this...

    Any idea how to resolve this and have the characters aligned as expected?



    Select the object/s - right click and choose 'Wrap Selection'

    Now scale the red box.


  • Imagine Ive created a character and linked it all up with the scene graph hierarchy at edit time (using 'add selection to this instance' in the editor)

    ..but then I want to scale the complete character inside the editor. How do I do this?

    Currently it seems to scale every object individually around its own origin.

    Here is a video example:



  • Okay. Good to know. Thanks

  • Great to know. Thanks Ashley!

  • Is this even possible?


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