Elliott's Recent Forum Activity

  • Fantastic! Cheers Ashley :D

  • Would it be possible to specify the target for browser actions? For example TARGET="_parent" or ="_top" would be really helpful for embedded games; and ="_self" would keep the current functionality.

  • What font are you using and what is it for?

    For lots of dialogue, whilst fancy fonts may look good it's generally annoying for lots of text, Tahoma,Trebuchet MS and Veranda are all super safe, easy to read and look great; maybe they'll work better?

    For a logo or seldom used text assets, have you considered just using a sprite in place of the font?

  • "Do you want to make games, or engines?" People who use raw code often end up working for ages on the underlying engine and tools before they can even get to starting work on the game itself. Many people don't get past the first step at all because they realize that the engine they've written is clumsy and they go back to fix it, or by the time they're done the industry has advanced and what they're doing is obsolete - getting stuck working on the engine and not the game.

    Bravo! This is an absolute gem of a point and I can't possibly put it any better. If you want to make a GAME, you'll find no better engine than C2.

  • Is this a community college? Excuse the brashness but you're using Construct 2 for everything but it's intended use?

    Web design, use DreamWeaver. Animation use Maya and Flash.

    I can't offer anything of value to the discussion, I'm not an educator, but I did use C2 with a bunch of non-programming business students to create a web-app; they loved the simplicity.

    I'd love Scirra to whack some promotion material around to schools, especially KS2/3, I can't see how the program wouldn't be a hit and the government is always going about how it wants to encourage kids to embrace the computer, look at Raspberry Pi

  • Christ, I got to the presents bit and Chrome locked up! I'd place most of the blame on the fact I have 9 tabs open (One of them YouTube) but maybe this would work better as a downloadable game?

  • You don't return the paintbrush after you've bought it because you can't paint.

    C2 is not the best development tool for mobile devices, but that's because it's not meant to be; it's a HTML5 game engine, and a bloody good one. The fact mobile devices happen to support HTML5 is simply a convenience.

    If you design your game properly you'll get good results, serve scaled images, check for overdraw and do absolutely everything to minimise GPU use, that's the bottleneck for mobile.

  • You can certainly buy IP blacklists which will save you a lot of time; and if you dig around you can find quite a lot of lists for free (Especially on support boards for software like phpBB or vB)as many webmasters just build a list as they go.

    Sadly the easiest way is still to block China, Japan and Russia if you're not focussed on a global market. If your webhost has a support team I'd definitely talk to them as they'll have a good bit of knowledge on the area (Y)

  • How many people do you expect to be on? We can't sit on the forums 24/7! We have to go out and work at some point! <img src="smileys/smiley36.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    The forums are very active imho, it might not be a super-social forum (Because it's not meant to be!) but the C2 related topics get fast and frequent replies.

  • Hmmm try div align:

    <div align="center">

    <iframe id="iframe" src="http://dl.dropbox.com/u/56104169/WebTest/index.html" width="1150" height="300" scrolling="no" frameBorder="0" ></iframe></div>

    The black border appears for me to, if you upload your C2 project by FTP you can change the background colour by editing the HTML, odd that it doesn't appear in Blogger though.

  • In the example given changing the blocks desnity to 0.2 and adding platform behaviour gives the same results as a block without platform behaviour and a density of 5.

    You can also use the physics object as a stand-in for a platformer by simulating movement with forces and impulses, such when keydown apply impulse at 90 degrees to jump.

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  • GAMEGAMEGAME You can edit density in the properties panel