/0 presents: Pixel Unchained

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Vintage steam pixels for your UI! 125 unique assets in a single pack!
  • Hellooo!!!

    Just to the point - here's our humble debut. We call it "Pixel Unchained", and this is a tiny 2d adventure about..amm... well, let's say, it's about awakening. Sort of.

    We made it basically on c2 with a number of other progs (ps, cubase and most important, Notepad++) in about 4 weeks.

    Bad luck, we can't post Pixel Unchained in Scirra Arcade, because of strange restrictions there. So we decided to roll out it right here, in da forum.

    It has some rough edges, but I hope, you will enjoy it!

    *works with Chrome ONLY*

    Here we are: http://dividebyzer0.com/pixel

    Offline version (Windows): pixel.zip

    Feel free to comment/critic/abuse


    • DNK,

    chieftain Dividebyzer0

  • First off, I have to say the opening sequence (where the screen scrolls vertically showing the logos and such) was VERY[\b] well done. I love the atmosphere you're portraying.

    The game plays pretty well, too. Though, I'd suggest giving the player more of a prompt to move when they're watching the brainwashing video. It took me two tries to figure out I was supposed to do something then.

  • Seriously how long is that opening sequence?!

    I've been waiting for five minutes and the dumb screen is still scrolling painfully one centimeter a second...

    I suspect some framerate dependent bad timer here...

  • Seriously how long is that opening sequence?!

    About 1 min.

    But yeah, i guess it's depends from framerate.

  • Christ, I got to the presents bit and Chrome locked up! I'd place most of the blame on the fact I have 9 tabs open (One of them YouTube) but maybe this would work better as a downloadable game?

  • Ahh, dat technical problems... I hate it as well, as you do, guys! Honestly!

    A little advice:

    ~ If you are trying to play on grandfather's netbook - thats a bad idea.

    ~ If you are trying to play, while rendering CG for new "Transformers" movie - thats a bad idea.

    I know, it's a strange a little, that Battlefield 3 and tiny 2d browser game has the same system requirements - all thanx to ass-like optimization made by me. Anyway, we will try harder on optimizing next time.

    Don't know if it helps, but here is offline version of the game (for Win):


  • I wonder if anyone will ever finish this game)

  • I finished it ;) strange game and at first you really dont know what you're supposed to do but I liked it, well done !

  • You lost me at "chrome only". I can understand webgl supported browsers only, but only chrome? Why be so specific and exclude the majority of players?

  • You lost me at "chrome only". I can understand webgl supported browsers only, but only chrome? Why be so specific and exclude the majority of players?

    Maybe because he extensively tested the game on Chrome, instead of Firefox.

    Here, using Firefox always end in a different result than Chrome.. And other browsers give random issues, so, the idea of limiting it to Chrome is not bad at all, if it ensure the quality.

    Maybe an .EXE could give the alternative for everyone else.


    You need an shortcut button urgent, because if someone play your game two time in a roll, they will give up because the intro is too slow and not possible to jump out.

  • You lost me at "chrome only". I can understand webgl supported browsers only, but only chrome? Why be so specific and exclude the majority of players?

    Well, i'm a sound designer of this game, and i'm afraid, this is mostly my fault.

    I used alot of c2's sound features(such as HRTF panning), and some of them doesn't works correctly in other browsers. Or at less, it doesn't works correctly in firefox and IE.

    I couldn't let anyone to have the bad experience with the game. So I insisted to force players to use the chrome only.

    I finished it ;) strange game and at first you really dont know what you're supposed to do but I liked it, well done !

    Wow! I did't expect that anyone would actually try to figure out what to do.

    Thanks alot!

  • That intro needs a skip button.

  • AT LAST! Now, you can skip this god-damn intro! Just hit spacebar!

    And just in case... You have to clean your cashe in Chrome in order to play latest version of the game.

    AND don't forget to check your application cashe, too! To do so, just go to chrome://appcache-internals/ and remove any links to dividebyzer0.com

    * all links to offline version Pixel Unchained also updated.

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  • Dude you really have a timer problem...

    Even if I skip the intro, the lil cube-things move at a painful speed

    Just read this page and get it sorted out

  • Dude you really have a timer problem...

    Even if I skip the intro, the lil cube-things move at a painful speed

    Just read this page and get it sorted out

    Woow, thx for great advice, man!

    Funny thing - I remember myself, when I was reading c2 manual, my thoughts on "Delta-time" topic were: ohh, come on, I'm gonna skip this one - what a boring crap!))

    Anyway, if I'm not mistaken, all movements in game now frame inde.

    And as always, don't forget about cache cleaning.

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