R0ller's Forum Posts

  • 13 posts
  • Thanks for advises!

    Yea, i know how to move sprites without bullet behavior, but i'm wasn't sure it will make any differense. And also behaviors should work with delta time so it should be fps independed. That's why i choose to use bullet behavior instead of set X. But now i'll try to use that way too.

    And ofc i will rework my background sprite to make it tiled. Hope it's gonna help) Thanks!

  • Hi!

    I'm sorry for my english, but i will try to be clear)

    I'm making a prototype of... something like a endless runner with top-down view. And i'm aiming to mobile devices. But i had face the problem: even with pretty good fps, like 35-50 gameplay is not feels smooth enough.

    The core of game logic:

    I have two background big sprites (1280, 720) with bullet behavior. I create them one after another outside of layout and they are flying on bullet behavior to the game window, making the effect of moving. Also I randomly spawn few objects with bullet behavior, which shoud create some variety of backgrounds.

    On 60 fps it's working perfectly. But on 30-40 fps it's feels like the background and objects do not moving smooth. I would say it's look like it is moving jerkily.

    Is there is a way to make it work more smoothly with 30-40 fps? I don't think i will able to get 60fps on every device.

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  • You lost me at "chrome only". I can understand webgl supported browsers only, but only chrome? Why be so specific and exclude the majority of players?

    Well, i'm a sound designer of this game, and i'm afraid, this is mostly my fault.

    I used alot of c2's sound features(such as HRTF panning), and some of them doesn't works correctly in other browsers. Or at less, it doesn't works correctly in firefox and IE.

    I couldn't let anyone to have the bad experience with the game. So I insisted to force players to use the chrome only.

    I finished it ;) strange game and at first you really dont know what you're supposed to do but I liked it, well done !

    Wow! I did't expect that anyone would actually try to figure out what to do.

    Thanks alot!

  • I wonder if anyone will ever finish this game)

  • Seriously how long is that opening sequence?!

    About 1 min.

    But yeah, i guess it's depends from framerate.

  • If you are using this expression to determine the volume:

    System every tick -> Set volume(-distance(player.X, Player.Y, Sound.X, Sound.Y)/10 dB)

    and you want the volume to be affected by the size of the sprites, why don't you subtract half the width of the sprite from the distance. Something like this:

    System every tick -> Set volume((-distance(player.X, Player.Y, Sound.X, Sound.Y)-(sound.width/2))/10 dB)

    Well, i get the idea but i'm too stupid to make it work...

    System every tick -> Set volume((-distance(player.X, Player.Y, Sound.X, Sound.Y)+(sound.width/2))/10 dB)

    Something like that works nice, if the object is square. But if it's not?... Player can come to the object from any side. And the object isn't square.

  • Well... The good news - it's works. Alot of really cool sound staff in new version. But it's works only in Chrome...

    Oh, i was a little blinded by cool staff there. But generally "play at object" doesn't solve the problem, becouse it still working around origin point. And also it makes panning sound around that point.

    So, i still hear sound from center of the object, not from whole object..

    It's like we have a river, but sound of water going just from center of it.

  • Well... The good news - it's works. Alot of really cool sound staff in new version. But it's works only in Chrome...

  • I have last stable - 119.

    I see, it's in beta... i didn't hear they made it.

  • Hm...

    Where exacly can i find that "sound at position"?

    In audio actions C2 has pretty few options, and this not one of them for sure.

    Maybe i missing something.

  • Thanks!

    But, can u plz tell me a little more details how to make it work?

    Generally, i trying to make a sound in my game. I found the way to make the volume change depending of distance between object and player.

    I'm using this formula:

    System every tick -> Set volume(-distance(player.X, Player.Y, Sound.X, Sound.Y)/10 dB)

    It works fine for small objects. But now i have a big object, and i want to hear some sound arround it. And also i want make that sound fade in/out depending from player's moves.

    And in this case my old formula doesnt work. Sound's volume going up if player moves closer to the center. But i need same volume arround whole object. And fade it only if player going away

    Sorry for my engl)

  • Hello guys!

    I have little problem here.

    i need to calculate real distance to the object in real time. And the distance to the origin point is not actually right.

    <img src="http://s003.radikal.ru/i201/1304/34/2fcd3627599e.png" border="0" />

    Is there is a way to solve it?

  • Hello.

    I found the other way. You don't need to make a tons of events. Just:

    System every tick -> Set volume(-distance(player.X, Player.Y, Sound.X, Sound.Y)/10 dB)

    Maybe u will want to change number "10" to some another. For me it was optimal.

    Sorry for my engl...

  • 13 posts