Elliott's Recent Forum Activity

  • ramones: You absolute gent! Thank you very much :D

  • Interesting video, great price; will have to have a proper look at the specs later! Not expecting next gen but if it's OS like they imply I'd love for them to try and get some obscure tech in there: Voxel graphics anyone?

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Great news! This and 360 implementing IE9 (Aye.. It's IE9.. But what else where they going to use?) could mean very interesting times for C2 game dev.

  • Very interesting! The art style reminds me of the old Bruce Timm shows :)

    I'll definitely be keeping an eye on this one.

  • Joined a while ago but never posted here; just set up a Gravatar account :)

  • A quick update on this, I decided to ditch my frankly over complicated animation system in favour for a much simpler one, diagram below:

    <img src="http://i.imgur.com/qKBh4.png" border="0" />

    The condition is now dependant on the compass sprite (Synced with player movement/orientation) overlapping with one of four direction sprites that surround the game area.

    It effectively works, though there's some faults as I don't quite understand how the animation commands work

    Anyone have any ideas on how to improve animation logic? Currently it works great if you release the direction key every now and then and try and stay off of multi-key presses, but how would I go about improving the system to account for these?

    Obvious flaws that would be a quick fix is both animations playing on start-up and the length of compass not being perfect :)

    Here's the .capx:


  • The best way to learn any kind of game design when you're starting out is to reverse engineer it, take the game, analyse it, break it down and understand it's logic, it's rules and how it works, and then recreate it.

    It's a great process and you learn as well as teach yourself.

    Let's look at Connect 4:

    The aim of the game is to line up four objects either vertically, horizontally or diagonally; whilst stopping your opponent from doing the same.

    Right off the bat I would start thinking about using Constructs built in physics behaviour, allowing the objects to sit on top of each other and fall realistically. For scoring I would use collision events, each counter could have four separate collision zones to track collisions with counters of the same colour; the winning conditions would likely be tracked by a dynamically altering variable, which would determine when a player had aligned four counters.

    For simplicity, I would make the game two player, as programming an artificial opponent might be a much for a first try.

  • Add the Browser object and then construct your event, here's a possible event:

    <img src="http://i.imgur.com/NH0Ns.png" border="0" />

    You also have options such as open in new window etc.

  • There are multiple options that will do what you want in the browser object :)

  • You could assign a weight,threshold and contact variable for each object: Events would run a quick check on overlapping objects; the contact variable would be the sum of any overlapping objects weight variable: If the the contact variable of an object is greater than the threshold variable of an object; it's destroyed.

    Should work?

  • Was my poor explanation! To my knowledge any event with multiple conditions is using logical And by defualt, unless you specify logical Or.

    tl;dr: Add multiple conditions


  • Use the "And" expression to qualify the destroy event:

    Is overlapping Circle 1 - - - Destroy Ball


    Is overlapping Circle 2


    On collision with Object