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  • Comparing Java and C2 is a bit off.. Java is mid-level language with some low level components and C2 is effectively a visual based very high level language; I'd go as far to say it's pretty much WYSIWYG.

    In regards to what's better for making games? In depends who the person making the game is: If you're talking to a Java programmer with 6 years experience in software design, then obviously Java is the way to go, if it's just some guy who wants to make a game, then it's C2, every day of the week.

    Talking performance, personally I would find it very hard to justify the learning curve and time/effort required to learn Java against the negligible improvement in quality it would give you over the same game made in C2, if any at all. If you want to go into the games industry then of course learning a "real" language, especially a widely recognised one like Java will be much more beneficial, but if you just want to make games for fun then it's Construct 2 every time IMO <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • On your 6th question, that's not a language I recognise, but it's just a logical sentence with some Construct terms thrown in; plain text it reads:

    if (player.x - spearman.x) && (Distance(player.x,player.y,spearman.x, spearman.y) >= 30) > 0 --> spearman.x += 1; set mirrored.

    IF (the SUM of the player's x position take away the spearman's x position) AND (the sum of the player's x/y and spearmen's x/y is GREATER THAN OR EQUAL TO 30) is GREATER THAN 0 THEN set the spearman's x position to 1, mirrored.

    To the best of my knowledge, I haven't done logic for years. Hopefully someone more knowledgeable can elaborate?

    As for inputting it, it was my understanding that whenever you read code laid out like that you simply translated it into the event sheet.

  • Set up a boolean variable called "cursor distance", set it to True by default.

    Set up a System event to run every tick, calling check on the distance between your cursor and the wall. If the value is less than 125, the action of this event will set "cursor distance" to false.

    On your current event add the condition: Cursor distance=true

    Change your current event to an If statement.

    This is where I'm going to have to delve into even worse pseudocode, apologies, I'm a bit rushed atm :S

    Set the Else to create your plank object at mouse.y+ the distance from wall (Call it from a variable updated every tick?)

    Sorry, that went off badly and probably isn't much help! :(

    There's also likely a much simpler solution using origin points or something! Sadly I'm new

  • That was actually really fun! As soon as I realised the twist I actually laughed out loud, and that kept me playing until the end. I'm "First?" btw

  • They said in the video that you're free to rip it apart and mess with it as you like, so...

    I really can't see this working out well, the manufacturers guarantee would be a tricky beast in this situation surely?

    I look forward to the OUYA as an additional platform to make games for, but I would never buy one, the marketing shot itself in the foot, they're right, I do own a laptop, a phone, a tablet and a games console, and they all do more than the OUYA in either alternate tasks or gaming alone; why would shell out more money for something I already have?

    That and slick corporate marketing really clashes against the raw bedroom programmer dynamic that not only seems to be the target of the console, but will also be responsible for it's survival after a few enticed devs ship their day one releases.

  • I have no .capx to post, but the image of an event sheet from a different project can be found here: i.imgur.com/mNMSn.png

    It was hotlinked above, but appears to have not displayed properly if you can't see it. It's a simple two event solution using collisions.

  • Are you using the Platformer behaviour?

    Set your acceleration event to have the condition of "Is on floor".

    If not you could pull the same trick by having a boolean variable that set to True when your player is overlapping with the floor sprite.

  • Click on the text, the font type and size are in the property panel.

  • Had a quick look, played around a bit and got the teleporter working one way; then I remembered I recreated a Portal Gun in one of my other games and figured it's pretty much the same principle, so here's the event sheet for that:

    <img src="http://i.imgur.com/mNMSn.png" border="0" />

    I made it before I got my head around variables, so it's not elegant, but it works.

    IIRC the last two events should be enough.

  • What's the specific example? You might be better off just using an invisible player sprite for your image points and pinning your animations to it?

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Aaaaand the other side:


    Main concern is the 4.0 leash, mobile games move much faster than console.

  • ^Any Flash past CS4 does.

    Spriter looks to be the best bet.

    So what's the gameplay angle?