Sorry to turn this into a discussion vs an answer type tread. I also am not a lawyer lol.
I agree with
igortyhon I use AI every day to help with jewelry design. Very helpful but the end product is always edited digitally and even more so in the fabrication phase that I feel no bond to copyright.
I think its going to get real interesting with AI when you consider parody or fair use. Most people think that you should have the artistic freedom to mock some source intellectual property. In a way it seems like freedom of speech (USA). However its always better to ask. 100% if it is for profit. Companies owning the "AI" will be unapproachable in this respect I fear vs being able to talk to a person.
"Space Balls" George Lucas gave the ok but with terms for no merch etc.
I think use AI as a tool in the creative process but make it your own in the end.