View a comprehensive history of all the new additions in Construct 3 since the first release.

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Timelines: Tags for master keyframes, and triggers for when playback reaches them
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Timelines: 'TimelineName' and 'KeyframeTags' expressions for use in triggers
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Timelines: Action to set playback rate of a timeline
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Timelines: Added 'Loop', 'Ping Pong' and 'Repeat count' properties (which work similarly to Sprite animations)
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Google Play: added 'On sign in failed' trigger, fired when a user cancels sign in or it fails
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Animations Editor: copy/paste images in browser, where supported (currently Chrome 76+)
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Tile Movement: 'Is moving in direction' condition
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Use custom easing curves in with the tween behavior
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Event sheet view: now shows function and parameter descriptions in tooltips for both function blocks and 'Call function' actions
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Solid behavior: 'Set tags' action
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Shadow Light: 'Set cast from' action
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Advanced Random: 'Remove probability entry' action to remove an item from a weighted probability table (useful for "unique" draws)
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Settings: button to download all local browser saves as zip file
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Pathfinding: made 'Find path' and regeneration actions async
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Advanced Random plugin: new "Weighted random" feature allows you to create a list of items with odds of being picked that you choose
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File dialog: options for sorting by date modified / file name / file size
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Bluetooth plugin: now links to its manual entry
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Manual links for timelines in editor (note the manual content is not yet ready but should be available soon)
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Event sheet view: 'F' and 'P' keyboard shortcuts to add function and parameter (respectively)
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Share plugin: 'Add file' action - add images or videos to a share from a Binary Data object
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New advanced example 'Raycast reflections'
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Support for multiple local previews: hold Alt while clicking 'Preview' or use Alt+4 / Alt+5 shortcuts
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Event sheet view: can now use Shift+Up/Down for keyboard range selections
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Browser object: new 'Navigation UI' option for 'Request fullscreen' (set to 'Hide' for true fullscreen in Chrome on Android)
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Import Audio dialog: new option to specify encoding bitrate
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New advanced example 'Bluetooth - device name' that connects to a device and reads its device name
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Function maps: allows calling the new built-in functions by a string
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New advanced example 'Function maps' demonstrating calling a function by a string
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Added a "Clear recent projects" button to Settings
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Experimental option to automatically convert old functions to new built-in functions
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Game Recorder: 'Start User Media recording' action, to record the user's camera or microphone from a User Media object
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User Media: 'Include microphone' option for 'Request camera' action, so recordings can include audio
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Bullet behavior: 'Set bounce off solids' action
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Drag & drop behavior: 'Set axes' action
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Tile Movement: GridTargetX/Y expressions returning the target position in grid cells
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Instant Games: new 'Supports feature' condition (to check if 'Switch game' supported)
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Find results bars can now be closed with Escape key
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Timeline Bar: Basic keyboard shortcuts
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JSON plugin: 'Set JSON' action - allows merging a JSON string into existing JSON data