View a comprehensive history of all the new additions in Construct 3 since the first release.
Local Storage: integration with Binary Data plugin to save/load binary data
NW.js: intergration with Binary Data plugin to read/write binary files
Timeline Bar: Show the name of the current timeline
Timeline Bar: Add smaller markers to represent tenths of a second in the timeline ruler
Timeline Bar: Short ease function names when there is not enough space to show the full name in the "Ease View"
Timeline Bar: Add default option to the "View" context menu
AJAX: can now receive and post binary data
WebSocket: can now send and receive binary messages
Common object expression 'ObjectTypeName'
System expressions 'CurrentEventNumber' and 'CurrentEventSheetName'
'Toggle' option to 'Set visible' action
Array: 'Value' parameter for 'Clear' action (to clear to custom value)
Animations Editor: Handle to resize the color picker
Animations Editor: Input to explicitly input colors as hexadecimal values
Custom colors for Layout View and Event Sheet View tabs
Advanced Random: permutation tables - randomly ordered non repeating numbers
Prompt to switch to C3 runtime when opening a C2 runtime project
More links to tutorials when exporting projects
'Buy now' tab in free edition
Project Bar: 'Select all in project' option, to edit properties for all instances in project
New 'Procedural terrain generation' advanced example
Instant Games: 'On context change cancelled' trigger
Instant Games: 'Navigation menu' property (affecting value of "navigation_menu_version" in fbapp-config.json)
Add a warning on export if the project uses images larger than 4096 pixels, since this is larger than the maximum texture size of some devices (including most mobile devices)
Animations Editor: Option to draw ellipses enclosed in the rectangle defined by dragging the pointer
New 'Facebook Instant Games' export option, which generates the now-mandatory fbapp-config.json file
Instant Games: 'Change context' action (based on chooseAsync) and 'On context changed' trigger
Instant Games: 'Custom update' (based on updateAsync with CUSTOM action), 'Switch game' and 'Subscribe to bot' actions
Instant Games: 'Show ad' action can now specify the ad type to show
Facebook plugin: add 'On CTA click' action, for use in Playable Ads
JSON Plugin: Push value/Pop value actions for adding/removing values at the start/end of an array
JSON Plugin: Front/Back expressions for retrieving values from the start/end of an array
C3 runtime debugger: add properties for Z elevation
New 'Monk fight' beat-em-up style template
'Max spritesheet size' project setting, allowing customising the tradeoff between lower memory usage (smaller sizes) or better performance (larger sizes)
Data editor: menu options for resizing one or all rows/columns
Data editor: persist row and column size for project file until end of session
Platform Info: conditions to test if web/Cordova/NW.js/UWP export
Startup notification when "Simplified user interface" enabled
Parameters dialog: support for undo/redo when typing expressions
New 'Tweening' example showing basic usage of Tween behavior
New 'JSON' example showing how to read a JSON file
Drawing canvas: 'On resolution changed' trigger (useful for redrawing one-off content)
Advanced Random: new RandomSeed expression
Advanced Random: default black to white color gradient
Advanced Random: can now replace system random with the plugin's inbuilt seeded random number generator
C3 runtime: new rgbEx255 and rgba255 expressions, using 0-255 range instead of 0-100
New examples: Animated SpriteFont effects, Animated Text effects, Noise textures, SpriteFont formatting, Text formatting, Tile-based game
C3 runtime: system expressions ViewportWidth and ViewportHeight, returning a layer's viewport size
Platform Info: new expressions CanvasCssWidth, CanvasCssHeight, CanvasDeviceWidth, CanvasDeviceHeight
Solid collision filtering using tags on the solid behavior, and a new 'Set solid collision filter' action
Data editor: support for selection range, with Google sheets compatable copy/paste
Tile movement: new isometric mode
Platform Info: conditions to check the system OS
Added Shift+F4 alternate shortcut for debug project, since some browsers use Ctrl+F4 to close tab
Audio: new 'Fade volume' action, making fade-in and fade-out effects easy (C3 runtime only)
Game recorder: new action to record entire screen (where supported - currently only Firefox, soon Chrome)
iframe: property to set HTML content on startup, if URL not used
iframe: now displays URL or initial HTML in the editor
System: new rgba() expression, allowing specifying a color with alpha component (C3 runtime only)