View a comprehensive history of all the new additions in Construct 3 since the first release.
Tilemap Brush Editor: links to documentation
New effect 'Replace solid color', which works better for pixel art
Can now drag-and-drop an SVG file to a layout to create an SVG Picture for it
Remote Preview: new 'First layout' option and 'Reload all' button
Tilemaps: option to disable the collision polygon of an individual tile
Tilemap Bar: implement two finger gesture to scroll the tileset image
Array Editor: rename columns and rows
JSON plugin: new actions 'Insert value' and 'Remove values' for modifying arrays
JSON plugin: new expressions 'GetAsCompactString' and 'GetAsBeautifiedString' return JSON strings for a part of the object
Functions can now be made asynchronous, allowing them to be used with 'Wait for previous actions to complete'
Families can now be organised in folders
Data editor: drag selection
Tilemap Brush Editor: default brushes for the default tileset
Tilemap Brush Editor: toggle to show tiles associated with a template
Tilemap Brush Editor: toggle to change background brightness
Drawing Canvas: 'Set drawing blend' action
New scripting examples 'Drawing Canvas: generated image' and 'Sound synthesis'
Mobile Advert: new actions for setting content filtering and child directed content
Sprite: 'OriginalAnimationSpeed' expression
JSON Plugin: new actions 'Toggle boolean', 'Add to', 'Subtract from'
Tilemap brush editor: new auto tiling template images
Array editor: new context menu option to transpose (swap rows and columns)
Event sheet view: expand/collapse animations for events
'Framerate mode' project property, allowing uncapped framerate
New 'Camera average color' scripting example
Android export: option to edit version code on export
Prompt when opening a second project if you want to close the previous project
Advanced Random: debugger properties for the plugin
JSON: 'Is boolean set' condition
Orbit: 'TotalRotation' and 'TotalAbsoluteRotation' expressions
Confirmation prompt when closing important UI bars like the Project bar
Platform Info: expressions to get screen safe area inset (for notched displays)
Particles: action to set or unset object to spawn as particle
Parameters dialog: show descriptions when selecting an instance variable, event variable or function from a dropdown
Animations Editor: toolbar button to preview the current animation
Cordova export: iOS 13 & Android 10 in version lists
Mobile IAP: 'On product owned' and 'On any product owned' triggers
Three new timeline examples in the Start Page: 'Timeline basic playback', 'Timeline instances' and 'Timeline drawing'
Tile Movement: 'Can move in direction' condition - allows checking if a given direction is free of obstructions for a specified number of cells
Google Play: new 'force reload' option for 'List Achievements', 'Get metadata' and 'Request hi-scores' actions that bypasses cache
New 'Move along path' intermediate example, showing how to use 'Move to' to follow a fixed path designed in a timeline
Additional Alt+Shift+N/B keyboard shortcuts for Next/Back, which can be used while typing
Mobile Advert: 'Create Banner Advert' action can now set position (top or bottom)
Tilemap Bar: Tileset zoom can now go below 100% to 50%, 25% and 12.5%
User media: 'Preferred direction' parameter for 'Request camera' action - can choose between front/back cameras on mobile
Layout View/Ease Editor: Keyboard shortcut (Ctrl/Cmd) to move related anchor points of curves at the same time, to achieve smooth transitions.
Advanced Random: new 'Create probability table from JSON' action and 'ProbabilityTableAsJSON' expression for saving probability tables
Export: 'Minify script' option can now be set to 'None', 'Simple' or 'Advanced' for different levels of protection vs. compatibility
Timeline support for Orbit and Sine behavior properties