Vilehead's Forum Posts

  • Bump


    I don't understand. Can you explain it bluntly WHY this request cannot be fulfiled? Oh and please don't argue that We don't need it - because this sounds like Microsoft.

    If there are some heavy technical difficulties to implement this - okey. But if its just a matter of "you don't think its needed" then not okey. I might be getting the wrong impresion, and don't feel offended if so - but it sounds like you are giving excuses instead of explanation.

    Because i have a similiar issue - i have **** load of GFX assets which i use to generate content and past it into Paster and then never to see it again. And my paster, when the content generation is done, is 5mg. and my content is about 200 mb.

    The way it works in my case:

    1. Spawn object A

    2. Paste Object A into Paster

    3. Delete Object A

    4. Spawn Object B

    5. Paste Object B into paster

    6. Destroy Object B

    And so on, rise and repeat. So at any given moment i never have more then 20mb VRAM in use. At least i should be. Because the freaking textures are stuck in VRAM long after i discared them and the player won't see them again. And i have no means, that i am aware of, of getting rid of this garbage textures sitting in VRAM.

    So whats the problem? And why the heck out of 10 requests - 6 always needs to end up as arguing. Sure if there are technical obstacles - in such case i can relate and understand. But in many cases i keep hearing "No because you dont need it/We think its pointless" => thread closed.

    Sorry if the "tone" of this post sounds a bit raging.


    Lol, when googling i've found this

    And i was like YAY, and then i noticed the forum path...

    "Board index ‹ Construct Classic ‹ Construct Classic Discussion ‹ Help & Support using Construct Classic"

    So apparently even CC had that.

  • This issue is really wourth the attention. I am aware of 3rd party plugin that does this, but this should be a natural part of C2 - not a plugin.

    So bump

  • the only way as of now of doing this is storing real world time when the app losses focus and then comparing the time when it regains it.

  • PathFinder is a lot faster then the original C2 Pathfinding. It would be great if this plugin/beh could be somehow passed with the source to C2 developers. Especialy as original C2 Pathfinding... is kind a weak.

    00Rez Tom

  • bump any luck Kan ? i am asking because i have a similiar issue. and it must be something hyper-simple because the person who will do the data writing is not a programmer or anything.

  • Well i registrated. I mean, what worse can happend? more junk mail i can deal with. And i doubt they will come all the way here to i dont know - kill me ?

    The thing i am curious about is do they pay or just run away with your money.

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  • I have even a better lifehack. No plugins needed.

    Click Printe Screen on your keyboard. Then open Ms Paint and press CTRL+V

    MAGIC! :O

    • Post link icon

    umm.... care to elaborate...? or is it just "gimme my moneh b1tches".

    First of all, on the bottom right corner of every page, on you have all the needed links. About, contact - you name it. And this is where it should go. Not here. You have over three hunderds posts, you should know better. That is, if you really want to get the job done - not just make a fuss.

  • You can write your own shaders with the SDK.

    Yeah, and i also can write my own engine or game creator.

    3rd party plugins/effects made via SDK are something optional, not some granted charity labor you can count on. Beside, your answer do not match the question.

    I was not asking: "hey how can feature A, B and C come to reality?"

    I was asking "Are there any NEWS?" Aka - is someone still working on this? Do anybody remember? Then "bump" if not. Because the few missing shaders would be very helpful.

    So you come to a restaurant and ask do they serve pancakes. And as an answer - the owner tells that you can go home and make your own pancakes.

    Great. Cool. Awesome. You knew that. Yet still you've came here. Because if making those pancakes all by yourself would be an option - you probably would STAY home. Quite logical, isn't it?

    So yeah. Is anybody, from the official dev. team still working on new shaders/effect? If not - could your spare some time and make those few missing, please? If not - why?

    I like knowing whats the exact status quo. So i can figure out a workaround if its needed.

  • > Mind if i ask where did you get that beautiful crystal sprite?


    i rendered this myself =)

    Dang. What did you used? Software i mean. You hand-cut it or generated? Do you still have the model somewhere? Not so long ago i was looking for a crystal like that. And none i've found suited my taste. Regardless were they models, sprites, made by me or others. So i ended up using something else. But your crystal is just perfect. I don't have any use for it as of now, but i really wouldn't mind having it around. In case of need.

    And why the hell i keep on reading the topic name "Erosion & DILDATION"

  • over 2 years have passed. Any news on the drop shadow? or decent glow/bevel/stroke?

  • Mind if i ask where did you get that beautiful crystal sprite?

  • this is a god send. But rfisher can i request for you to somehow integrate it with Tilemap object? There are not many user-friendly dungeon generators, yours are is one of few if not even the ONLY one. But because it uses sprites - it creates hell load of objects which is a killer if you have mobile games in mind. Sure it can be mixed with Tilemap Object even now (using Drawmaze and then mapping the Tilemap based on the maze generated, and destrying the sprites afterward) but it adds few needless, from technical point of view, steps in order to be used proparly.

    From what i understand the Drawmaze generates a an array and creates sprites/objects in a pattern based of that array. Now if we could somehow have access to that array alone - we would be able to use it elsewhere. E.g load our tilemap based of that array.

    Being able to save the create/generated array data and paste it into json or array format... you would really make day.

  • Tilemap VS Sprite (arranged and used in a Tilemap manner)

    Go and make a Boulderdash-style map/game. lets say 30 x 30 tiles (this is not that big, gameplay-wise) using sprites (Sprite Object) as tiles. Preview on Android. Write down CPU/FPS. Then do the same thing with Tilemap Object (again 30x30 tiles). Then compare the results of both tests.

    And this is just a small BASIC example. Don't get so butthurt when people criticize you. Especially when they are someone far more expirienced then you are. I would take their advices regardless of their tone (which was rather neutral in this case, if you would ask me. ). You learn from the master, you teach the aprintences. This is how it works.

    As for the terminology - things changes, yes. But the basics do not. Circle won't suddenly be called triangle. Even in 1000 years. Water won't burn and fire won't freze. Sprite sheet, tilemap, sprites, tiled bg, e.g - they never change. They have the same meaning from over 20-30 years. If you are not very familiar with them, it means you lack some basics. Ergo - your competence as a tutor is questionable. And this is what Shinkan has pointed out, i'd say politly. And believe me - out of all the people on this boards or/and the internet - he was the nicest commentator that could come around. It could been worse.

    It could have been me.

  • Can you guys elaborate? I am not using beta-build so i cannot open your capx