Vilehead's Forum Posts

  • I'd like to see a statement by Scirra on why they are unable to go into NW source code and create a C2-compatible version that fixes these bugs. Assuming they have the skills to do this, I see no reason why this is impossible.

    this is a good lead. Because NW is open source right? Or something changed?

  • Just publish your capx, add some Commentary (for other to understad what is where) + some additional documentary in a sepertate file.

  • One last thing to throw out of my system and i am out of here. ********** developers... Even the sound of this makes my blood boil.

    So now, apparently, i am ******** because i want to develope my games on as many platforms as i can...?

    THIS is the definition of ******** now? Bloody hell how the world changed.

    Wanna know a story? Ever heard of Torque engine? It was like RPG Maker on steroids for years. Till one day... two guys from their basements made a game called SPAZ. And the game gone viral. And Torque sells suddenly skyrocket.

    Wanna know why? Because right before the title screen rolls in theres a Torque 2D logo. And the engine is best rated by how many succesful games has been made with him. Wanna earn pennies or bucks? Because Torque made bucks. When i develope a successful game, and i am fond of the engine of my choice - i advertise it. I am paying my respect to the people that enabled me to fullfill my dreams. But if i am publishing a game, with an engine that brought me nothing but struggles and stress ("omg what will break this time...?") you really need to have guts to expect me to advertise you. If anything - i will do the exact opposite. To warn people.

    Maybe this is the right time for you to finally leave your comfort zone and join the big boys.

    If you have what it takes, that is.

    And another problem is not as someone said "people being spoiled and demanding".

    Its exactly the other way around. Its people being FEED UP with MEDIOCRITY and cheap "Made In China"-style products and services. At least - I AM.

  • [quote:2cm3n1tt]That's same as arguing that when you buy a car, the producer of the car is responsible to support every issue you have with that car.

    Lol, do you own a car? Ever bought one? Of course they have to. And that thing is called "warranty". Of course as long as the issue is not made of the user own actions/fault. Butif we suddenly jumped into "law and legalities" - C2 is being advertised as having various multi-platform wrappers, which as of now - is a FALSE advertisment. And if someone would feel like it - he has all the right to bring Scirra to court. And he would win. Of course i don't want this to happend, but yeah - its a totaly legit and possible reality.

    And no, Scirra is not young. If it appears young to you - then i don't know what is old in your dictionery. Microsoft? Apple?

    They (Scirra) are old and qualified enough.

    I hate when you guys play this "overprotective card" whenever someone says anything not-good about Scirra. You treat them like some kind of retards who need to be comforted and defended all time. Thats the "constructive criticism" (which Shinkan has been talking about) which is no where to be found. Only "yay"s, "bravo's" and a lot of clapping hands. With sweets and sugar you can only go so far.

    "There, there little Scirra, its alright, dont listen to those jerks. You are great and awesome and they can go kiss their own **** Everything is gonna be alright i promise, hush hush~".

    It's disgusting.

    5 years ago i've made a choice. I decided to go with CC. Which then evolved into C2. Now i am 30 years old, with wife and 3 years old son. My and my family future depends on Construct. Do i like it or not. Those 5 years has been already spent and i am really in no position to turn away now. Its too late. But i also believe its way too soon to judge my choice, and you telling me i was stupid to pick C2 is plain insulting.

    I am NOT here to troll or argue, especially with someone who (for some reason) cannot see the big picture. But bottomline - i await and EXPECT a solution to be found. And i have ALL the rights to do so. Because the "car i bought" is suddenly missing wheels. And i am not in a mood to push it down the street from now on. That was not part of the deal. When money lands on table - things gets serious. This is how the world works. Do you like it or not.

  • "The answer" I was talking about.

    Like a broken record, stuck on endless loop.

  • > megatronx That's great idea.

    > But why? Why WE - users, should be doing that?

    > NW is integral part of C2. It's not a thing that you need to download and setup separately.


    > Imagine you bought a game, and you have some issue with one level not running correctly. What would you say if developers of that game would say "I'm sorry but we did not make this level, Contact XXX because they are responsible of that part of the game"


    Why, well, even thought i can still wait, since my game is in early stages, I would like to know that at the end of this journey it will work as intended. I guess I just know that if we wont take things in our hands things will not improve in a way I'd like to see those things improving and within a timescale that is reasonable.

    And thats why we can't have nice things. Because, propably - you are not the only one thinking this way. Aaaanddd thats why nothing changes. Because at the end - people just move on, or hire a native programmer and forget about C2.

    Btw - i am not bashing you, megatronx. Not at all. just sharing my observations. Especially, as even when i am not around here for as long as Shinkan, i did said a fair share of what Shinkan is saying right now.... MANY times over all those years. But i've been either bashed or ignored. I kept getting "explanations" and "excuses" instead of "solutions". And its damn sad, because out of all the moments and situations when i enjoy "being right", i really hoped that this time i'll be "wrong". Because yeah, i also develope games using C2 and my very own career is at stakes here. And i feel freaking cheated, to call it by its name. And if this situation won't get fixed, and ASAP... Well, then i am in deep s***t, up to my ears. F**k me right?

    BTW: I am not trolling... I am just very tired and disapointed.

  • Just for the record, before anyone will go bananas against shinkan .

    He is one of the most loyal and one of the oldest CC/C2 supporters, still being active and helpfull. To the point when in various situations i called him "Scirra Fanatic".

    So yeah, if a guy like him, drops a bomb like this... Instead of rage and butthurt - i would really, REALLY pay attention to his words and what he has to say. Because he is one of the last few who would abandon the ship before the sinkage. And if HE is at SUCH edge... Figure it out on your own..

  • Hello the plugin works wonders. It really should be added to official construct build. Actually i don't know why it haven't been added already.

    One question i have - when offsetting there is a small, like "jump" or a notch. To eyes, it looks like the image would jump forward and then jump back. Thats when i offset with "SpriteSheet.offsetX-10" method. The notch happends every 0,5-1sec and is not FPS related (the FPS was 60 all the time without any even slightest drop). This jump happends regardless if i base the offset OF the offset or variable and regardless of how high the offsetting speed is.

    Also the size of the graphics and the object in editor seems to not affect the "jump".

    Tested in Nodekit, Chrome and Firefox. The jump is best visible when running in Chrome.

    One thing that comes to my mind which would be the final touch is adding IMAGE angle and coresponding actions/expressions. You know, so i can change the angle of the image ONLY.

    Beside that - i am full of awe. As always with you R0J0.

    Sorry for typos and whatnot - i just woke up.

  • I'm not actually sure, but presumably all other layer properties, effect parameters, global objects, persisted objects, any other global state like project settings, global variables, storage, music playback, in-flight network requests, etc. In fact it's easier to list what it does change: it just destroys all objects and re-creates the initially placed objects from the layout view. All other state is global.

    and this should be added somewhere. really.

    that was the biggest pain with CC remember? Poor documentation. Now its a lot better but still from time to time issue like this arise.

    Maybe just write a quick guide in tutorials section? You can even copy/paste what has been said so far in this thread. So if people would bump into some troubles - that guide would popup in their google search.

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  • There's probably a lot more state that isn't reset by jumping layout. It would be difficult to list everything in a useful way.

    Huh? What else doesn't reset?

  • Irbis - where would the warning go and under what circumstances should it appear in such a manner that it is not a simple irritation to those whom the problem does not affect? It is not trivial even to display a warning, and the workaround is trivial, you just need to throw in a 'set layer visible' action.

    In "Go To Layout" and "Restart Layout" system actions tooltip + Layer Visibility tooltip

    Ashley, believe it or not but not all C2 users are reading forums. Left alone being instantly teleported to this thread when they spot this problem.

    If i would be a new user, and i would use those system actions i would be very suprised and i would try and find a bug in my events that is cousing this. I would think it was my mistake, somewhere. Then after minutes or hours of checking my project events i would go here and report it as a bug.

    Or just get pissed.

    I would never have gues that its a well known issue which the C2 devs are aware of.

  • yeah. nothing critical but damn anoying

  • Irbis

    While I agree with your point of view to certain degree, being a douchebag wont help your public image wchich certainly can have effect on if Ashley will take you seriously to change something in c2 you suggest.

    i give what i recive. nothing more, nothing less.

    I am crawling this forum from 5 years and, i really em way too old to care about my public image(left alone its totaly not the subject of this thread) or sweet talk when i know i am right.

    And i much rather prefer a honest douchbag rather then polite ignorant.

  • Irbis

    I tend to disagree with you. The purpose of these default behaviors is to create a quick and simple series of actions which follow (what is perceived to be) the most common usage of these actions. It is not to handle EVERY SINGLE possible usage. As such, there are many things these behaviors are not going to do that each individual user may want. In these cases, there are 3 options:

    1 - learn to work with the behavior as it is.

    2 - create your own behavior that does what you want.

    3 - send in an enhancement request to have the behavior changed. If enough people show interest in changing the behavior to change Ashley's perceived idea of the most common way it would be used, and to add enough value to the product, then the change will most likely be made. If not, the change will only take away time for adding features that will add value. Why change something that is working as desired for the majority of users.

    Developing new features adds value that makes the product more marketable and brings in income. Changing features that are working just fine for the majority of users, just because a small minority want it, does not. That being said, I believe at least some of the features mentioned by shinkan would be very useful. Especially having the fade behavior take into account the current alpha value of the object when it begins to fade.

    BTW shinkan the axes drag and drop feature can be faked easily, and without too many extra events, by setting the x/y value to it's locked position every tick. If the locked axes is the y axes, set a variable to store the start y position and every tick, set the sprite y back to the stored value. If the locked axes is the x, do the same for the x. See the attached capx. You can do a similar work around to fake many of the other things you are requesting as well.

    whats your damn problem? i can walk and i can drive a car.

    i prefer driving. you prefer walking. what it cost you to let me drive?

    I request that and this - you don't? then what are you doing here? huh?

    Then lets freaking dump all behaviours - because you can do everything via events.

    IF you go that path then the whole Construct 2 is a waste of time and space because you can learn programming and you won't need such game making software.


    Why the hell people on this board are such a pain in the ****

  • Closing as won't fix. It's trivial to workaround, and changing how this works will likely just break lots of existing projects in confusing ways.

    huh? can you explain a bit more?

    If you are not going to fix it - regardless your reasons - you should at least add a warning tooltip.

    Because if you RESTART a layer you EXPECT that layout to go back to its original state, in every and all aspects.

    So either fix it or place a warning inside editor. otherwise be prepared that more people will come here and report this issue.