Vilehead's Forum Posts

  • every attribute of any behavior should have a reflecting action/condition/expresion.


    This should not be requested. It should be there from the beggining.

    Whats the point of any behaviours if i don't have full control over it?

    Instead of adding more and more new features that no one uses maybe make a step BACK and finish whats unfinished (from months/years)?

  • jump for a quick cash eh?

  • Words cannot express my gratitude. You made job of so many of us so much easier.

    Thank you kindly. Genui creation.

  • Try 3rd plugin Nickname before supported officially.

    interesting. how stable would you consider the plugin to me? (damn i speak like Yoda today).

    I am asking because i have a very bad expirience with 3rd party plugins.

  • A short and simple one. A way to create an object by name.

    So for example i can type

    Create object by name>"Object"&int(Random(3))

    and have object 0, 1 and 2 picked and spawned randomly.

    Or picked which object to spawn based on some outside variable.

    Easy to add i hope.

    Would make my job a bit easier, thx.

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  • i would advice everybody from the page 2 to actually READ the first post in this thread.

    Because you obviously just read the thread title only and skip the rest. And then you keep on ignoring what the OP has to say and you just keep talking nonsense.

    Which is pure ignorance. And the OP is an old and well respected member of this community from LONGER then any of you even THOUGHT about GameDeving. So your ignorance is unforgivenable.

    If what OP wrote is beyond your capabilities of understanding - just ignore this thread and keep going.

    OP is not asking anybody to turn the image editor into freaking Photoshop. But to give it more features regarding the engine. More control over frames. And in general make it much more user friendly and usefull.

    And i am baffled that i had to write all this.

  • Just come across this and it's great! just what I'm looking for but how do you position the 'rotating planet'? It always seems to be in the bottom left and how do you remove the black square behind it?

    Preety much this. Without proper alpha channel or/and autocentering this effect is mostly just an eye candy.

    Still cool thought.

  • +1 Arima. This should be here from the beggining.

  • You guys are joking right? please tell me you are joking.

    I remember 4-5 years ago, when i was reporting various issues with CC and i would keep on bumping people (i restrain myself from calling them "fanboys") who would defend CC even for the cost of their own life, regardless how broken it was at times.

    And now i hear the same bullsh*t over again.

    So what exactly changed for BETTER...? Except that now you have to pay for the engine.

    I am not requesting anything fancy, no shaders, no quantum physics. Just the very basic things, the damn foundations. And sorry - C2 was not released yesterday. Its been for a while now. And it cost now.

    So drop that tone will you?

    I cannot understand why people nowadays accept like anything thats being throw at them and keep on smiling. Have some self-respect, respect the money you keep on spending. Ashley and the crew don't need your sympathy and sweet-talking - it doesn't pay the bills. I hate how this community keep on comming up with excuses each time someone complain about something. "its hard to implement", "its still in developing", "it will be added eventualy","don't be so demanding". Makes me wanna throw up. C2 just like CC - can easly dominate the market but it needs constructive support from the community. CRITICISM. Not buttlicking. Same damn story that burried CC, happening all over again. But whatever.

    The point is - when moving from CC to C2 - i was promised from various sources (both official and unoffical) that C2 is like CC just bigger, better and constantly updated. So finaly i took the bait and switched. And now when i actually gone into work i see half of the silly old CC features not being present. And i am not talking about fancy Layout Object (you people even now what that is? Of course you don't bah) or some crazy *** shaders or 3D box who preety much no one used. I am talking about basics. DAMN basics. I open up conditions/actions and i see half of what i know that should be there - GONE.

    Are you - who defend C2 so madly - even tried CC for once? even for a week? Then how do you DARE to give me reprimands?!

    Going back to where it started: Custom Movement.

    In CC you could preety do whatever you wanted using this alone. You wouldn't really need any other behaviour - you could emulate any other behaviour with CM and do 1000 % more. It was the core of CC. And here? its broken, deformed little shadow of what it once was. And i should be happy?!? Oh you really have the guts to tell me this, i give you that.

    But go a head = prove me wrong - my initial request stands unchanged.

    Heres the situation:

    1. There is a variable number of small objects being randomly spawned across the layout.

    2. They are all the same Object, just diffrent instances.

    3. They have to be moved away from each other when being closer then 128 pix.

    Now go ahead. Tell me how this can be done in C2. Because i don't know. In CC that'll be 1-2 events. But here? I am out of ideas. I have no clue. And i've spent last 4h trying to figure out a method.

    Now its your turn. So you can go with

    1. Try and help/resolve the case

    2. Continiue trying to lecture me

    If you are interested in picking number 2 - don't.

    If you feel the urge to be a jerk to someone - type Theres planty of room for you there. I don't need it. I don't deserve it.

  • Okey... so. To put it bluntly. How can i force an object to push OUT or IN of another object in C2. It was a childplay in CC but in C2 the Custom Movement is like broken.

    <img src="" border="0" />

    Just look at this. Do i have a broken copy of C2???

  • so, basicly (trying not to sound dramatic) C2 is a web-app maker now?

    With an option for a stand alone platforms...?

    If yes, then... wow. I don't know when i was soo disapointed last time.

    And no, i am not trolling or anything. I am just incredibly sad.

  • studioG, this thread is from December. It is now out of date, 'Else' was recently added to Construct 2.

    So where is it? i don't see it in System Conditions


    Nevermind. It was gone due to bad placement. Found it.

  • The problem isn't it's difficult - it's easy with the WebGL renderer. It's just that in canvas2d mode it wouldn't be supported. So Safari for iOS, older Android devices, old desktops with blacklisted drivers, IE9-10 and a few other platforms wouldn't support it. From the eyes of the user, this basically means "argh my game is randomly broken".

    Then this problem is not a problem at all.

    Please remember that when C2 was made with web apps and tablets in mind - a huge amount of people use this do develop a serious windows games. Games you can actually SELL.

    So i am talking Node Webkit. So as long as the game will work just fine as a regular game i really couldn't care less if it breaks on smartphones or web as the game will never be in such format.

    Just let it be optional from the Project Section. Let the user chose.

    My target audience are people on normal stand-alone home computers with Windows, Linux and iOS. Maybe tablets.

    So if a switch from Canvas2d to WebGL would be made, this fellow user would be "argh everythings fine".

    As i said, just let it optional. So the users can switch betwen those two.

    Out of curiosity: how it was made in CC? It worked perfectly there.

    The bottomline is: you are missing a feature that is available preety much everywhere else. Now what? You guys are a pack of heck of a briliant minds - i refuse to believe you cannot figure out a workaround.

  • Some of those features are difficult to pull off in the canvas2d renderer and would probably only be supported with WebGL. We're very cautious about adding features that only work in WebGL mode, since it can make it difficult to port your game.

    Ashley, as i said, i am not saying its piece of cake. I am sure if it would be - it would be already done. But this doesn't change the fact that its needed.

    You think making games is easy? The shortest, playable i ever done took me 2 months. But still - i did it. And i believe you know this just as good as i do. I am not a priencess sitting on pillows telling people what to do. I am fully aware (even if i don't know the details) that if you claim that something is difficult - it means just that and nothing less.

    But difficult doesn't mean impossible. And the stakes are high.

    Fully functional TiledBG from what i researched (after making this thread) is something being offten requested. And how usefull such object is - i should not need to explain.

    Whats the exact problem with it anyway? Whats with the WebGL? I mean does it work in HTML5 only? If you could explain please. I won't drop my request, but i might understand better.

    It took me a damn while to finally force myself to switch from CC to C2 and i've been stroke how many features are missing or unfinished.

  • This is asked many, many times. Most recent thread is HERE.

    Then i really don't know why its not present in C2 already.

    I've been aware that other people might share my view point but i wanted to add my personal cry.

    I wanted to make this topic long time ago and with each new update i hope to see TiledBG getting an update. Just gotten a bit tired of passive waiting. Especialy as a fair share of new content, that is being added frequently, have no use for me.