Man, you guys are on some next level stuff for some reason. I came here with good intentions. I got snippy when that guy wrote a really blatant message that ignored some of my key points when I had just taken the time to write a full page of what I thought was useful info. Maybe it's much more useful for as I actually use Unity. I can accept that.
You guys are still just blowing smoke though, you just won't hear me out for some reason, and won't think about a few things you really should know about:
1) I'll say it again, I am quite confidant in saying that most Construct Users are not going to want to open Blender, 3DS Max, Cinema 4D, or the like, and learn how to use it at all, if they won't even learn how to code. I think that's more than fair to assume, 3D apps are time consuming to learn, even just to navigate properly.
2) If you're using Construct you're a 2D Artist. Same Point as above - You don't want to touch a massive 3D app.
3) That brings me to Unity itself. It's much less frightening. It's very easy to use the plugins I mentioned, you literally just click a few things, plus they come with tutorials on how to use them. You will get up and running with them very quickly, so it actually makes a lot of sense I said Unity.
4) The Asset Store, can't get that artwork anywhere else, from 3D models, animated or static, to Particle effects. Yes some Cost money, but actually, an incredible amount is free. Like really, a lot. Enough to be a great Recourse. Also a tons of stuff is like $5 or $10.
5) Are you guys really going to pull the "screw you guy, if you don't make the art work yourself then it ****** card? Then why does Scirra sell art packs and toolkits here? You guys have fallen into the same trap of where there are to kinds of people. The people who literally can't do it themselves or are lazy, or don't have time to do it from the ground up even if they don't know how, so they use Assets to make things faster. How is this a problem?
6) If you are a big player here or have been in the game maker/Construct scene for awhile, you should know that there are an insane number of people who use game makers, and still can't make art. They can't code, they can't do art, they can't do music, but they still long to make games. So What I thought I was doing was saying; "Hey guys, I know those feels of how there aren't nearly as many 2D recourses out there as 3D, here is a really easy way to use any 3D Resource in your Construct games!"
7) Unity's Bipedal animation retargeting is amazing. You will never win the argument that baking Mocap animations one by one in blender is easier than using animation Baker/Mecanim with pre made fbx animations (Literally thousands of free fbx animations on the asset store) by simply clicking a few things and letting it bake. You know how much time this saves? You're crazy to not want to integrate this into your workflow regardless of what game engine you're using.
I'm sorry I was rude to that guy who responded but not to go all elementary here, he was rude first. I think some of you guys really need to evaluate how you treat people who aren't part of your community or who don't use your game engine. This experience made me feel like I was apart of some stupid internet war like COD vs. BF4, or Mac vs PC, but instead it's Unity vs. Construct 2. It was truly quite awful, like I said I really do respect what the Construct Team does, and had the best of intention coming here with this info, I made it very clear why I was doing this, and you guys didn't even take the time to think the entire scope of the situation through. You just were Jerks.
So with that I bid you farewell, I know you don't care at all, but my last impressions of this forum and app are now filled with bitterness instead of joy. So, thanks for that. Thanks for ruining the tool that got me into game design. As now I feel like it's just filled with people who can't even be bothered to be kind to someone who isn't an active user in their community.