Angelus1818's Forum Posts

  • I feel like I'm being attacked when that guy said he knows "a better life hack in where you just hit print screen" said in a vert sarcastic way. When if you read what I said that would be an insanely wasteful way to go about this if you wanted to do this. It would take a lot longer Imagine hitting print screen for each of the animated frames. He just said that to be rude, and like what I said has no real merit.

    Also literally nobody said they don't want to do this, everyone keeps saying they know they can do it better, and that's simply not the case. This is one of the most efficient ways to go about making 2D artwork out of 3D artwork, yet one I write an entire bulky paragraph explaining my positioning, you respond with either " are you serious" or "Ok" instead of actually defending your position and giving a reason as to why I should see your side. You may as well be saying "LOL right dude hahah" it's the same thing.

    If none of that makes sense for you then I don't know what else to say. This was no a friendly experience, I'm sorry to shatter your views here. I came her with honest intentions, my intro thread was very well presented aside from a few typos, and you gus were just not very cool about it. If you can't see that that honestly just lowers my opinion of you even further if you think you were being nice. You don't have to actually call someone a name or swear at them to be mean you know.

    Anyway I'm done with this respond all you want, I don't care. Tell me "Ok, whatever" or write whatever you feel like, I'm not ever logging back in here.

  • Man, you guys are on some next level stuff for some reason. I came here with good intentions. I got snippy when that guy wrote a really blatant message that ignored some of my key points when I had just taken the time to write a full page of what I thought was useful info. Maybe it's much more useful for as I actually use Unity. I can accept that.

    You guys are still just blowing smoke though, you just won't hear me out for some reason, and won't think about a few things you really should know about:

    1) I'll say it again, I am quite confidant in saying that most Construct Users are not going to want to open Blender, 3DS Max, Cinema 4D, or the like, and learn how to use it at all, if they won't even learn how to code. I think that's more than fair to assume, 3D apps are time consuming to learn, even just to navigate properly.

    2) If you're using Construct you're a 2D Artist. Same Point as above - You don't want to touch a massive 3D app.

    3) That brings me to Unity itself. It's much less frightening. It's very easy to use the plugins I mentioned, you literally just click a few things, plus they come with tutorials on how to use them. You will get up and running with them very quickly, so it actually makes a lot of sense I said Unity.

    4) The Asset Store, can't get that artwork anywhere else, from 3D models, animated or static, to Particle effects. Yes some Cost money, but actually, an incredible amount is free. Like really, a lot. Enough to be a great Recourse. Also a tons of stuff is like $5 or $10.

    5) Are you guys really going to pull the "screw you guy, if you don't make the art work yourself then it sucks" card? Then why does Scirra sell art packs and toolkits here? You guys have fallen into the same trap of where there are to kinds of people. The people who literally can't do it themselves or are lazy, or don't have time to do it from the ground up even if they don't know how, so they use Assets to make things faster. How is this a problem?

    6) If you are a big player here or have been in the game maker/Construct scene for awhile, you should know that there are an insane number of people who use game makers, and still can't make art. They can't code, they can't do art, they can't do music, but they still long to make games. So What I thought I was doing was saying; "Hey guys, I know those feels of how there aren't nearly as many 2D recourses out there as 3D, here is a really easy way to use any 3D Resource in your Construct games!"

    7) Unity's Bipedal animation retargeting is amazing. You will never win the argument that baking Mocap animations one by one in blender is easier than using animation Baker/Mecanim with pre made fbx animations (Literally thousands of free fbx animations on the asset store) by simply clicking a few things and letting it bake. You know how much time this saves? You're crazy to not want to integrate this into your workflow regardless of what game engine you're using.

    I'm sorry I was rude to that guy who responded but not to go all elementary here, he was rude first. I think some of you guys really need to evaluate how you treat people who aren't part of your community or who don't use your game engine. This experience made me feel like I was apart of some stupid internet war like COD vs. BF4, or Mac vs PC, but instead it's Unity vs. Construct 2. It was truly quite awful, like I said I really do respect what the Construct Team does, and had the best of intention coming here with this info, I made it very clear why I was doing this, and you guys didn't even take the time to think the entire scope of the situation through. You just were Jerks.

    So with that I bid you farewell, I know you don't care at all, but my last impressions of this forum and app are now filled with bitterness instead of joy. So, thanks for that. Thanks for ruining the tool that got me into game design. As now I feel like it's just filled with people who can't even be bothered to be kind to someone who isn't an active user in their community.

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  • Wow dude, that was harsh. You make it sound like I don't know what I'm talking about when it fact that would be you. However I will admit that it's partially in part to me not explaining what is you don't understand.

    Not being a user of the Unity game engine, maybe you don't know that it's actually quite difficult to get assets *out* of the engine into another app. Have you ever even explored the Asset Store? There is some AMAZING artwork, a lot of actually that you can only get there. My main point of this thread should have been titled I guess "Use any Unity Asset Store Artwork with Construct." But the fact is you can also use your original artwork, as well as paid. So I broadened the title of my thread.

    Also yeah, I am aware you can render a model as an image. Duh. That's kind of the whole point of modeling something haha! I'm no an idiot! But Sprite Maker automates the whole process. If you have the animations set up in the settings, you just click one button, and it captures all the frames out to individual images with PNG and transparent background. Also something I should note - when I used to convert my models to Sprites with Blender, I always had to edit out the background myself, and that takes a long time for *every* photo you convert. So Sprite Maker makes your workflow faster. If you're against that then why do you even use Construct? Code your engine then. What logic is this? I do it in part because it's easier for me.

    If you really take a moment to think about this it's an amazing opportunity for people who are afraid of using a giant 3D modeling program like you're suggesting, and I can only imagine that's true if one is using Construct; It opens the doors for non coders and beginner artists to very quickly produce artwork for their games. I was trying to do a nice thing and it feels like you just crapped all over it lol. I'm sorry the plugins aren't free, but I can't help that. Construct 2 wasn't free, but I was happy to buy that when I used it. I'm not trying to con anyone, I don't work for the people who made those plugins. I don't work for Unity. Really, truly, thought I was doing something for your community.....

  • Hello all!

    Today I bring you an incredible resource, I am only ashamed I didn't think to tell you guys about this sooner. I think some of you are going to lose your minds over this info. I made the switch to Unity about a year ago, and am actually coding in C# now, and couldn't be happier. So I didn't really think to come on these forums, that I never really took advantage of in the first place. Anyway....

    So, how does the following sound: How would you like to be able to convert and 3D model to a sprite to use in construct? Be it one you made if you a a 3D artist, a free one you found online, or one you purchased? Not only static 3D art, but animated ones too. - Converting animated 3D models to individual frames as if you had animated it by hand like some kind of high poly Pixel art. Lets take it even further! What if you had thousands and thousands of particle effects at your disposal, from God Rays, to tornados, snow storms, rain, fire, etc. and could convert *those* to sprites as well?

    Woah! We're getting a little crazy here huh?! It's all possible. Keep reading.

    Upon my quest to find awesome assets in the Unity asset store, I found a $10 little plugin called "Sprite Maker" and it does everything I just talked about, yes, even in the Free version of Unity. So all you have to do, is grab a copy of Unity Free, and buy sprite Maker, and boom, you can convert models to sprites.

    To be clear, I did not make Sprite Maker. It's such an amazing plugin this guy is getting free advertising through me because I think it's so great and could help people here. Imagine being able to use any asset store 3D asset in your construct 2 games. any model from turbosquid or the google 3D warehouse. It's endless. Guys it's freaking endless how much art would be at your disposal.

    The best part is, once you have your models rendered as images, you can take them into photoshop and do whatever you want with them! Apply a filter, or trace over them with your graphics tablet. You can still have an original art style. That's why it's so amazing.

    I really hope this helps you guys out. I know it doesn't really help anybody hear in terms of selling anything, but I truly hope this gives people a chance who don't feel confidant in their art skills yet, that maybe they can still make an awesome game as the resources for 3D to me look like they are like a thousand times bigger than 2D.

    Also, if you're willing to spend another ten smackers you can do something else really cool. Unity has the ability to retarget bipedal animation to biped characters. There are plenty of resources to get animations for free. But if you get a rigged character, or make one yourself, you can get "Animation Baker" and bake the animations into your character, and then you'll be able to render it in sprite Maker. So basically, it allows you to animate your characters with custom animations so you can get exactly what you need, not just what it came with or didn't come with etc.



    Sprite Maker:!/content/15688

    Animation Baker:!/content/18217

    My goal is not to steal people away from here and get them into Unity. Please don't take it that way. I am really trying to show you guys you can use Unity as a way to convert 3D artwork, to 2D artwork, to use inside Construct. If it weren't for construct I may never have had the courage to even try opening up a game engine in the first place, as the ability to not have to touch code is what made me feel like I could handle it. The team behind this app and site will forever hold a high place in my heart, and I respect everyone hear very much, it's one of the main reasons I made this thread for you guys.

    Let me know what you think or if you have any questions! I hope this proves to be a great resource for this site! Take care everyone!

  • Hello all!

    I recently purchased a personal licence of Construct 2 and look forward to getting started using it. I tried to register for the forums and found out I was still linked to them with the same email from many years ago. At least seven or so! Crazy! I did try using Construct Classic when it was the main thing being offered when I was a teenager as I preferred it to Game Maker.

    Once Unity was multiplatform I sort of went on to that but I just got a a volunteer gig working with kids at one of my local Hospitals (I'm now 21 that's how long it's been!) and one of the things I offered to do was Animate the kids drawings in Spriter and add to them and make interactive environments for the kids to literally play their drawings.

    Anyway, I just wanted to say hello (again) and say I look forward to meeting some of you and actually meeting some of you again. It's been a long time so I don't really remember how to use Construct, and I've never even opened 2 up even after purchasing it. But I look forward to making some games and having some ideas come to life! See you guys around!

    • Isaac

    P.S. I do a lot of Orchestral music now a days. Have been for awhile now. If anyone needs some strings or piano for their games please let me know and I'll try to work something out for you. ;)

    You can check out my Soundcloud here and use most of the tracks already made as it is, I have about 50:

  • there coming out with those 9" ones from HP with solid slate Hard drives up to 30 gigs I believe, and they will not have the atom processor!!! I look forward to that, downside, they will be over a thousand bucks....I think it's going to use something like to the Airs processor. Anyway....

    I've actually been able to do a lot of stuff with this little guy. I've even played "Open arena" smoothly on it! It's a mean little guy, and the HP one for an extra 200-300 $$$ would probably be well worth the cash. (Not the hp men tioned above-a $550 one) But for $280 I'm certainly not going to complain!!!

  • Hey guys,

    I have recently been doing alright, I guess. The only downside (Can't remember if I told you guys) is that I had surgery on my toe (yes toe lmao) and it got uber infected from a hospital bug or something, then they put me on an ant-biotic that I'm allergic to, so now I have build build up in my joints (like knees, elbows) It hurts like hell whenever I stand :'(

    On the up side:

    I got a new workspace/desk for my desktop. It was actully my moms, and now it's mine

    But everything fit's really well, I have room for my speakers, midi box, 4 channel stereo mixer, Wacom Bamboo, Samson Q6 mic, a gamepad (That I never use lmao) and with plenjty of room! Here is a picture of it: (Link not embedded-still imageshack though)

    I do apologize for the quality of the pictures in this thread, I took them with my phone on a very low setting=crap

    Anyway about the title of my thread; Yes I got a "Netbook" I got the ASUS EeePC900A Linux model 7" edition with only a 4 gig HDD and 1 gig ram.

    I found bestbuy's version of linux to be crappy as Fu** so I searched for a free alternative OS. Ah of course "Ubuntu 8.10" that would be rockin on this thing! IF you've never seen a netbook, it's a really tin tiny laptop w/o a disk drive. (Full keyboard) They come in a crappy linux of windows XP. (XP id more money though-$200 more) Here is a pic of how small my netbook really is-I got this off google but this is my model:

    <img src="">

    So I searched for "Ubuntu on Netbooks" and came across "Ubuntu Netbook Remix"

    At first I thought "How perfect!" It's made just for the intel atom processer + it's still ubuntu!!!!

    NO!!!!! It IS NOT!!!!!

    It's a stripped down version with a crappy interface as it's not done yet. And it would even boot up properly lol. So here's what I did:

    I D/L(ed) the Ubuntu Desktop 32 bit 8.10 version and installed through a 1 gig SD card that I made bootable. I installed, and to my suprise it f'ing worked!!!! I now have unbuntu 8.10 (somewhat) in my pocket! Or in my hand are some pics of it booting and running a few apps:

    Full body shot (booting)

    <img src="">

    Up close-screen-shot (Booting)

    <img src="">

    Screen-shot (Booted)

    <img src="">

    Running "Audacity"

    <img src="">

    Running Gimp

    <img src="">

    I've got everything on there like Open Office, and you name it, all on the little 4 gig HDD to lmao. I did however (with it having an SD card reader built in) put in a 1 gig card so I have a place to save all my documents/music, photos, for the meantime anyway, I'm getting a 4 gig or an 8 gig soon to replace it

    Overall I highly recommend this thing. As it was only $280 and I have 32 bit power wherever I go. And with it having usb 2.0 slots I was able to plug in my midi box and record with audacity!!!! Plugged in with my Guitar and my mic!!!!! and it was able to read and boot off my maxtor mager 750 gig external usb HDD. The XP version is still cool though, err if only...FL Studio on the go...ahh one can dream...WAIT!!!! I have a real laptop lmao!!!! Wtf? am I saying.........(Not this thing another one running uck, Vistax64)

  • lol I'm quite the depressed/lonely Fu** so here is the only picture I could find of me, it's my current facebook picture....I changed it to sketch in photoshop lmao. I'll try to get a real pic up soon

    <img src="">

    P.S. Sorry if it's to big.....and I'm 16 btw so cut me some slack...I'm in F' the world mode lmao

  • lmao davo,

    Your going to flip!!!!

    My girl loves violent video games such as classics from silent hill and resident evil, and epically the new ones like Gears, Bioshock etc. And let me be clear she own me when it comes to them. (And I looooove my horror games) And ironically she is tall (Well not really tall, I'm a little over 6' so everone my age seems short-she's 5' 10", piffle) And of course she is the hottest thing to walk on earth, but sadly she is much to young for you....or wait one year untill she's 18 lmao then she'll break up with me to be with some cool 21 yr old :'(

    anyway I belive I have davo's wish...I didn't even really wish that in a seance......

    Sol, check out my new off topic thread I got an "I want" thing, but felt it was to much to post in this thread


    Oh yeah, she's blond to (No jk)

    EDIT: 2

    Darnit!!!! I don't know if she can fly or not......I'll have to ask her.....

    EDIT 3: Wow....apparently she can fly but she states she would not save you nor I even if we where falling off a cliff. She says that; "If one were to be falling off a cliff, one deserves it"

    I guess she thinks dark like!!!!

  • Happy new year!!!

    Mine is to have more appreciation for what I have, epically my life....I have problems with appreciating what I have sometimes. I don't value my life as much as I should. Although there is a lot of darkness in me, there is quite a bit of light, it just doesn't always seem to surface. But my lady friend helps

    That's another one....I want to be a good provider for once. Not be the "prividee" lmao. It's my turn to give the bacon!!!!! We'll see how it turn out....

    P.S. Rich did you install the chatbox function? If so thank you very much!!!! I had great fun with it last night, it was a real blast actually talking with fellow constructors! Much obliged!!!!

  • Thanks dude!!!

    I had fun talking to you on the chat box to

    Looking forward to it again sometime!!!!

  • Read First!!!!

    Music is not equalized!!! You will have to adjust your speakers to hear the music sometimes. Or it may be to loud at some points. Keep this in mind please!!! Thanks!!!

    Also since the end of the url is ".MP3" it does not load in Firefox correctly, just click the invalid link button and you should be good to go

    Hey guys,

    After my not so fun time, but good experience with a friend, I have been more musically inclined lately. So In this thread I will be uploading original MP3 files for you to stream and if you like them you can (in your web browser) go to File>Save Page As... and you will get a do0wnload box pop up. Anyway....all these songs are made 100% by me in either FL Studio 8 Producer Edition or Recorded in Session or Audacity. And rarely Edison within FL Studio.

    I will label if a song has any "real" instruments in it or if they are all made with "VSTs" through "Piano Roll" You can read about FL Studio here:

    The Music

    Song: The Nightmare Before Christmas Theme

    Original composer/songwriter: Danny Elfman

    Format: Cover-FL Studio 8 (No "Real" Instruments)



    Song: Sweet Child O' Mine (Acoustic Version)

    Original Band: Gun's N' Roses

    Format: Cover-FL Studio 8 (No "Real" Instruments)



    Song: Morrowind Theme

    Original Composer: Bethesda Softworks

    Format: Cover-FL Studio 8 (No "Real" Instruments)

    Description: This is one of my favorite game themes ever, so I attempted to cover it. Please enjoy it though never the less!!!!!



    Song: Johnny B Good

    Original Band: Chuck Berry

    Format: Cover-FL Studio 8 (No "Real" Instruments)

    Description: This song seriously needs to be equalized lmao. I like it though, as far as the use of the plugin "Fl Slayer" This is one of my best pieces, besides my "Pain" cover by "Jimmy Eat World" anyway Enjoy!!!!



    Song: Bewitched Theme

    Original Composer/Songwriter: N/A (???)

    Format: Cover-FL Studio 8 (No "Real" Instruments)

    Description: My mother loves the show Bewitched from the 60's. So I made a cover of the them e that is more modern, more like the Bewitched movie with Will Ferrel. Thankfully she loves it!!! It did come out quite nice actually. Let me know what you think!!! (It's not meant for enjoyment really, just thought I'd share my "talent" in FL)



    Song: Pain

    Original Band: Jimmy Eat World

    Format: Cover-FL Studio 8 (No "Real" Instruments)

    Description: I love the song "Pain" first heard it in "Midnight Club 3 Dub Edition" on my PSP and fell in love with it. So here is my version FL Style. It sounds odd though, beware...I have a distorted electric guitar and a flute lol. It may sound cool to you or just "off" anyway enjoy. One of my best "FL Slayer" Works yet.



    Song: Ghostbusters Theme

    Original Composer/Songwriter: N/A (???)

    Format: Cover-FL Studio 8 (No "Real" Instruments)

    Description: Great Movie, Great theme, Whats not to love!?!?!? Here it is FL Style!!!!!


    If you have any requests of popular songs let me know, I'll do my best to cover them for you!!! Just send a PM or make a post!!! Theres' more to come by the way!!!!

    P.S. All songs are 100% Free to use

  • Thanks Mainly for the responses guys. Your support means so much to me I really can't put words in it, but thank you.

    Ashley first off. I should probably let you know something quite cool. Just know (10:08 P:M EST) I got back from a friends house that I was at ALL DAY!!! We played guitar, piano, listened to music, played Games, made art. It was awesome. I will be getting out in the world a wee bit more now

    Also I will check out your book you mentioned. Although I'm dyslexic, I hate reading lol so I might not be to happy with it (Or any book lol) But I WILL give it a chance. Thank you


    Thanks for the advice, it is truly helpful. I will try not to get consumed by my life, I have been before....I'll do my best. also as stated above I WILL be going out more (Not online as much)

    Also you have a great point, I don't have to date her to have that feeling of "safety". I'll I have to do is be close to her in some form or another. Be it a friend or Boy-friend. Thanks man very insightful even though I had to read in between the lines to get your message haha.

    And lastly to all whom posted the following:

    Your right, We won't be able to post topics like this when construct gets bigger. When it goes national we will have to be more careful. In the meantime let's enjoy our little sanctuary on the web, away from the world (Wide web) haha pad pun. Anyway point being it will fade but let's not worry about till the time arises.

    C-ya guys, and again thanks you!

  • Hey Barri167!

    Thanks for the support man! It means a lot. I really hope it works out with this girl as a lot of **** is happening in my life right now that I neither need nor can I handle at the moment. She will be my savior. (Though I won't put everything upon her lol) Anyway I really need to get some stuff together and then I'll *try* asking her out in my own way. Although it's true, I don't want to be in the firiend zone, all I want from her is quite simple yet deep in some ways)

    *Her Love

    *To be able to hold her/her hold me

    *Her Trust

    What I mean when I say "Her Love" all I mean is I want her to care about me. (I believe she already does) I want her to be there for me-

    When I say "Hold her/Hold me" That is actually more literal actually. I truly want to just be in her arms, I believe I could do it for hours, even in a completely Platonic way.

    Also I said trust because of the following:

    She said in school to call her by "8:20 P:M" one day, so I called at 8:15 P:M that night and she nearly squealed with joy when her father handed her the phone saying that it was me lol.

    (I guess her trust has been misused as mine has)

    So I want her to trust me. As I will not hurt her (On purpose anyway) I shouldn't make a promise on that one, I don't know what the hell I'm gonna do next....Anyway thanks for the encouragement and I'll tell you guys how it goes but give me time lol I want to be rewady before I sign on for this. Or hell I might ask her next mother F'ing chance I get!!!! Wgho knows

    Thanks again-Cya

  • Thanks for the responses Guys I will respond to both of you now!


    First off my exact words to her where along the lines of what I told you guys. About being afraid of the world and how I feel safe with her etc. It was probably a good 2 mins of talking lol thankfully I did not bore her. There was unfortunately a silence after I told her though....But you know what she did?

    She said:

    "Hey, Look at me."

    (I slowly lifted my head up to meet my eyes with hers)

    "Have you told anyone this before?"

    (I was suprised at the question and hesitated to respond)

    "No, I haven't come to think of it. Holy **** (I giggled a little when saying "Holy ****** "I can't belive I've put that much trust in someone again."

    (There was another silence and I looked down again and unmanly of me started to cry very softly)

    "Hey, I'm glad you did, put trust in me"

    ( Although her words where comforting I continued to weap. So she placed her hand on mine and we sat there for a good five mins, just in silence)

    Then my my mother F8ing watch went off at 12:25 saying to get back to school campus. (Off campus lunch-we where at a parkish place on a picnic table)

    So yeah that's how it went down....thanks for the response though dude!


    I know you are a wise man, so I will trust what you say. Also what's funny about her is she likes it when I swear. She likes the way I use "bad" words. Also Two weeks ago (You guys will love this) She practically stole my heart.

    We where in Art class. I was doing a trace technique involving printer paper and colored pencils and some other stuff. The image I chose was this one:

    <img src="">

    When she saw me working on it she said:

    "Holy Hell!"

    What?" (I replied)

    "Is that from Silent Hill 2, James Sunderland right?"

    "Motherfu**, you know Silent hill!?"

    "Why wouldn't I?"

    "No, it's just most girls hate Silent Hill."


    And so on and so forth. It just amazed me. She even shares the passion for Violent video games haha. She's F'ing perfect!!!!!

    Anyway When I feel the time is right I shall ask her out on a date. But I will not phrase it as a date. If she really wants me back she'll make it a date

    Thanks for the help guys it means a lot!!!!! Good to see you again to!!!!