Angelus1818's Forum Posts

  • First off How is every one? I myself have been doing quite odd...things are going horribly and well at the same time. (I guess they always sorta do though don't they...) Anyway I personally have not been getting much sleep at all. The earliest I can get to bed is 12:00 P:M EST Time and I get up at 7:00 A:M ( I can never sleep in for some reason, my body just wont allow it) However I do take sleeping pills they just won't work...usually I get to bed at 3:30 A:M. So I feel really awful as this has actually been going on for over three weeks. But to the "Better" news!!!!

    Most of you are like 20-30 here (Age Wise) Well I'm still a fricking Softmore in highschool! lol.(16)

    If you remember I am from California, but have lived in Oregon for 7 years. But now live in Georgia (Savannah by the way) I had yet to find a lady friend for quite some time. Well I found her about a month and a half ago. It's a really complex situation really. To put it as simple mas possible:

    I am afraid of the world and mainly the people in it. This is because of the people that have left me. Left me through Death, betrayal, or abandonment. It has crippled me in the seance of trusting people. That is why I stay at a distance. (Only having friends online such as you guys) As I know you are far away and can't possibly hurt me the same way or to a degree that would matter.

    Well this girl makes me not afraid for once. I don't know how or why but it's true. All I know is that when I'm with her and we are talking or even just making eye contact, I'm safe at last. Like when I was a mere child of 6 and didn't know the horrors of the world yet such as death.

    So I Have told her how I feel. But I have not said the words; "I want to be with you" Or something along those lines. So what I'm asking for is advice, Man to Man. As my father is emotionally absent, I can't turn to him. As you know my mother is in no condition to here about this, so I'm asking you, my friends. What should I do? How should I handle this? Should I take a chance and ask her out on a real date? Or maybe go really slow and ask her out as a friend first?

    I'm at a loss here so please, your wise people, grant me your input.

    thank you very much, and I hope all is well.

    P.S. In other news I am doing well in school!!!! My average grade for this semester was a B+!!! W00t!!! And I got a A+ On my History Test today

    Also my music is coming along...very slowly haha. I think I may have writers block!!!!! :eek!:

    Alright I look forward to hearing back from you!!!!! C-ya L8rz!!!!!

  • Hey peoples,

    Thanks for the encouragement

    I'll DEFF pop buy every now and then, and hopefully w2ith a tune or two fact here's one right now!!!!

    It's an Acoustic song I'm working on for a "Special someone"

    I'm going to do a mjor revamping of it and make it more "flowish" as in more like a real song and with better "Flow" It may sound jagged at some parts as I recorded the different sections of the guitar and layered them together, but was to lazy to do it well haha. But it's a WIP right!? So what more do you want, it's 3:20 long by the way. Don't worry about letting me know what you think of it just enjoy it. I'm over at Newgrounds now by the way. (Under Angelus1818 lol) So you can get updates of my music there if I don't post it here

    there ya go

    Anyway I'll always be back to boast when I get new software and graphics cards to so you guys will still see me lol. Thanks again and cya.

    P.S. Some of my NG Music sucks YOU HAVE BEEN WORDED!!! lol

  • Hey Guys,

    You all have been so supportive of me when I've asked for help. I can't relive the quality of this forum. I wanted to say sorry for abandoning you all after making deals with a few of you like with Sol for example. My bad man, I should have PMed you that I was giving up. Here's whats up:

    My mother just had an amputation of her %&$ing foot, and a bloodclot that almost killed her. So that was not fun. She is stuck in as wealchair FOR THE REST OF HER LIFE. I have to get my drivers license/Permit as soon as possible cause she can't drive anymore really. (She does have hand controls though) Anyway I myself had a crisis that I so not want to go over what's so ever, but let's just say it was really F'ing bad OK?

    So things where not going well so I said $%^& Game Making and I turned to the one thing that helps me in my deepest darkness...making/writing music. The best part is (Of course) using a editing software to make it perfect or FL Studio to generate it, but I have decided to devote my spare time to Music now.

    If anyone wants to hear me play sometime send me a PM or post in this thread and I'll post/send a MP3(s) of my stuff. Heads up I'm an Acoustic Indie Rock guy

    Anyway I'll still come over to talk to you guys on the off topic section every now and then. But overall this is my departure. (Not like I ever really arrived eh?) Anyway thank you for the open arms, they meant a lot to me, still do in fact.

    Keep up the good work you got going here Ash, you got a great thing here. I've only seen 1 other place like it. it did not consists of 20-36 year olds however, lol more like 14-20. But hey the older the wiser. I'm not complaining.

    See you guys around!!!


  • PC FTW... Nuff Said

  • I just got Far Cry 2 on D2D and love love love it!!!! The graphics are just amazing! I have it in DX10 mode with everything on FULL and 1440x900 screen RES. (I know thats not a great RES but it is "HD")

    So here are some screens like Sol was talking about at full RES. They are all from the In Game intro so no spoilers...I think

    I took about 30 screenshots lol but don'y want to upload them all...Enjoy and GET THIS GAME!!!

  • Yeah...

    3D Is waaaay harder then 2D, but I like it so much more. I love being able to walk around in a real world (or fake one for that matter) the fact that I could bring one to life and actually walk around in it astonishes me. I totally forgot about Blenders Game Engine. I might try that as well. Especially the new 2.48 version coming out has a vastly improved 3D Editor for game creation.

    Sorry that this has been asked before sounds like many times, I'll admit I didn't search the forums first.

  • Hey guys,

    Thanks for the suggestions, I will look into Blitz primarily. It seems pretty darn awesome. Anyway If you guys have any more ideas don't afraid to thrown them at me. I'm always open to suggestion

  • Hey whats up peeps!

    It's been a few days and I have a simple question for you....I love construct, oh so much. It is the very best 2D Game creation suite. However I really want to make 3D Games. I want to know if there is a program like construct where you can make 3D Games. What I meen by that is:

    1: NO Programing Required. I don't want to script. It is alot to learn as a teenager (Coding)

    2: Preferably a WYSIWYG Environment.

    Thats about it...I'm trying to make a horror game so if that helps you decide so be it. Also please don't give me a lecture on how I should learn a programing language. I am learning C++ and C# for 3D Game Studio. That is my engine of choice however I can't code, yet. (Yes it comes with pre-made scripts I know, they just make your game lame is all)

    Thanks for the help as all I've found is 3D RAD and I don't think it would make a very good Horror game...

  • I think you should forget the pre-k stuff anyway. Like you said this is for people that have already used the Ghost tut and want more. So I think your making a fine decision. I really want to thank you for making this series of tuts. I can't wait to get my hand fully onto construct!!! You will get me there. And once I learn from you I can tech others at my site so really you are a god send

    Keep up the good work!!!

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • But you've only been at it for 14 days

    Anyway I am looking forward to your tutorials and will DEFF use them Thanks for sharing that with me and I'll cya around!!

  • Hey Jayjay,

    Thanks for the reply! I will look at that template and peruse the forums for performers and ask for the cap files or something or talk one one one with the developer through PM. Thanks for the help

    I'll C-ya around!!!

  • Hello Again!

    It has been awhile, but ah how nice to return

    I don't know if you guys remember but I was going to make a RPG with construct. Well You where right....

    WAY TO HARD!!! So I have decided that I want to make a side scrolling platform game. Something very very basic. I was actually inspired by a PSP-Homebrew game coming up. Here is the style I want:

    <img src="">

    <img src="">

    So As you can see what I'm going for is not that difficult at all. However I have not made a sidescroller in construct yet. Only Top down Games like ghost shooter. So here is what I need help with...What are the basics to making a sidescroller in construct?

    Alright thanks!!! Remember just the basic stuff and I want to keep it simple however I want to make the graphics nice so please explain all that stuff to


    P.S. Sorry if someone already posted for SS help

  • Whoa!!!

    I did not know it was that expensive...Nevermind for now lol I'll stick with my Paint.NET and GIMP lol.

  • Thanks for the kind offer!!!I will keep you in mind especially once I purchase photoshop. What version of PS to you use by the way? CS3? Thats probably what I'll get. Thanks again guys!!!! Bye!!!!

  • deadeye,

    I completely understand and agree with you. Sorry If my post implied other wise I was just about to leave and saw your post and had to reply then my parents said we had to go now or that was that lol. Thats all, Effort is essential for making great games it is true I would not think other wise. But yes you need to have fun with it right?! Thats the whole point of being an independent Game Developer!


    Isn't that video pretty?! I was amazed at the power of the A7 engine, I highly recommend it to anyone who can code in C# at all or is decent at level building in a World builder.

    Anyway I'll see you guys around, thanks again for all the help, fun, chating and support it means alot

    P.S. Rember me saying I was getting a Longboard Skateboard? Here is the one I got....I am in the off topic forum I believe so I hope it's ok to post this... ... board.aspx

    Pretty sweet eh? "Never Summer Concept" W00t!!!!