Angelus1818's Forum Posts

  • Hey,

    I Spent alot of that money on the 3D Game Studio A7 Engine. (commercial version) check out this youtube video and see what the engine can do graphically:

    Thats all 3DGS A7-C with Boh_Havoc's "Shade-C" shader frame work. It looks amazing in my opinion. So thats why all the money spent lol then another $150 on commercial quality 3D modeling and Animation Programs such as Milkshape 3D, Character FX and many more. But I do use many freeware tools as well, such as construct. And I expect my first few games or first ten to be crap thats why I haven't released any to the public yet lol, so they see my "first game" and it will actually be good. I thought that was clever hehe. I just might spend $1000 when I'm done including content for my site and stuff like that but I will not produce crap in the end, no worries there mate. I love my games with a passion that can not be broken and I want the best for them, if that makes seance, so I will not amke a crap game and show it to the world. If I feal it is good I will hsare, but any flaws then to hell with it!!! lol


  • Thank you so much for the support!!! I will do just what you have suggested, and will get started on my spriting after I get back from a little treat lol. What I mean is the following, that probably made no seance, (A little treat) heres whats up. I have spent over $350 on Game engines, Modeling & Animation Software, Model & Texture Packs and online Tutorials + books. Now the whole reason I am doing that is because I love freeware. And I want to make a great freeware game for everyone to enjoy. (Many games infact) But not do that I have to spend some dough. I want to earn awards for my freeware Games and software. But $350 and I haven't even made the game yet? Thats crazy. So When I said a little treat I meant I'm going to spend some money on myself for once lol. I'm going out to buy myself a longboard skateboard. I haven't rode that in years. But what I am trying to say is that no one has ever encouraged me yet, in my freeware projects. (Only my parents lol) So It means alot that your giving me advice and telling me to go with it. Thank you so much. I really like these forums, they are amazing.

    Also I would never paint over someone elses work unless they asked me to!!! Thats stealing!!! So don't worry about me there. I don't do crap like torrents or steal other peopls art work. Thats horrible.

    Anyway thaks again for your kind words and having someone besides "mom" saying "heres the good, heres the bad, keep going!" It makes me feel good!!! lol cya around and good luck with your projects!!! Bye!!!


  • deadeye,

    Thank you so much for the honest and sincere criticism. It means a-lot that you where able to say something constructive about the art and something to help it. I guess my first step will be to get rid of those colors lol, in the bookcase. The only reason I put them there was because I thought sprites are sooo small, and if the books where colorful then you could see them better. But if I apply that thinking to all my sprites then my game will be in Candyland. Also the box...It is rather simple isn't it? But think of it this way I did it in 20 mins with the drawing as reference and then spriting it, instead of 3 1/2 hours. So overall I'm ok with it. And I toattly agree that it can bring a realm of genius or disaster. We'll we will see lol. It will be my first public game so hopefully people will go easy on me. ohhh, one last thing....If jpeg is bad what do you suggest? If construct can load dds I guess that would be ideal huh? We'll cya around!!!!


  • Fisrt off I am sooo sorry for the double post but did not see a edit button anywhere. Please tell me where it is lol. Anyway....Can I get your opinion(s)? I have recently finished two sprites. A box and a bookcase. I have a hand drawn version and a sprited version. I want to know which to use. Is it ok to use hand drawn sprites? I think in a way it could bring a very unique aspect to the game, but also looks bad cause' I can't draw!!! I have in the mediafire link provided all four sprites. 2 of each object, hand drawn and sprited. Link:

    Please tell me your opinion and if my spriting is any good for a beginner. I am not looking for praise (beacuse there is none to give lol) but just advice is all. Thanks for your time, and these are things I could host on my site right, as I have made them myself 100% for my use and can decide what to do with them. Thanks again, you've been great, bye!!!


    Found the edit button lol but it won't show on the post I need it to....weird huh?

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  • Hey,

    I wanted to clarify a few things before I run off and get obsessed with creating my game and don't post for awhile lol.

    Firstly when I said I will host sprites on my websites I meant I will host sprites I have made myself. Not ones other people have made. I need something on my site thats 100% me, if that makes seance. For example if I host other peoples 3D models and textures thats not my work but if I make the sprites...All of them that will be 100% me. Also you said that such a thing is not on the web. that would bring a unique role to my site. But you did say that it is frowned upon. I'll have to think about it.

    Also my site does not just host files anymore. Now that I am more expirenec in my Game Development I just installed a video codec on my website so I can have video titorials, I already have two for beginners in Anim8tor. I will also be adding tonight a PDF viewer so that you can view the tutorials I have made in PDF right from the site. So I will have tutorials. Also I do offer tools the whole point of this site was to have everything you need to make games and play them on the PC. Be it a classic mario game on an emulator or the Penumbra tech demo to making a game in Panda3D or Construct, whatever your flavor even Support with modeling/Animation/UV Mapping programs. And when I'm good enough Spriting.

    I'm sorry I know you didn't want a "but" it is though. I had to defend my site lol it is my very first one, it's my baby. I take pride in it and my site means alot to me as my fiend is paying the web hosting for me so that I can learn Web Design. He thought the best way to learn would be to build my own site from the ground up myself, so I did

    Anyway nice chatting with ya and I look forward to your responce!

    P.S. I wasn't trying to sound hostile or negative or mean at all in that post sorry if I did. It was not intentional. I'm just trying to have a conversiation lol thats all.

  • Thank you so much for the replys, I was un-aware that there was NO sprite resource site (legally anyway) I actually run a Game development site (FreewarePCGaming) As you might have gueesed we host everthing freeware to do with gameing on the PC. So that means Freeware:


    Game Engines/Game Makers

    3D models



    3D Modeling and Animation software

    Even Emulators lol

    So I think what I'll do is be the first!!! I'll do what you guys said get a picture olf what I want then "paint" over it in say Gimp or Paint.NET, not a bad idea instead of drawing it myself. But I think I will host sprites on my website is what I'm getting at. So that literally you have every single tool to play games and make them of every gnere and kind of game play. Thanks for the ideas it means alot!!! Also your right i'll get better at say graphics gale or pixia it's just time like anything else right? thanks a bundle!!!

  • Hello again!

    I was not sure where to post this, there is no sprite section....Anyway I have hit a snag in my development. You see I have a basic Idea of what I want for the first level or "tech demo" of my game. But one big problem...No Sprites!!! I downloaded two freeware sprite editors/makers (Grphaics Gale & Pixia) But must say it is sooo slow making sprites. It took me 3 1/2 hours to make a bookcase beacuse I had to draw it out, Scan it in and pixel over it. But it did come out very nice lol. But if it takes that long to make an object %^& forbid me making a moving one like a person. Or many-o-objects. So heres what I'm asking. Is there a Legal Sprite resource site? Once where the people did not rip from commercial games and pirate the sprites? I don't want to use those in my game as it will be freeware. So If any one knows please fill me in. I am sad to say it I have been having to use the YoYo Games forum resource site for sprites and music and stufff as there is no where else I found.

    Thanks for your time and help and sorry if this was the wrong section after all, my apologies.


  • I don't think you sounded mean lol. Your just trying to through out a suggestion, that's what a game development forum is about. So no offense taken

    And yeah I do make 3D games but trust me it is so different. The main things I use are Reality Factory and 3D Game Studio A7. They have a very different interface and it is actually a lot harder in my opinion, but I'm not trying to step on anyone's shoes here. Construct is very intuitive and easy to get used to yes, I'm already getting the hang of it. I have made the ghost shooter game and must say I had a smashing time doing so and look forward to making my own games. Like I said though this is more of a "get to know my game" project. Where I don't really know what my 3D RPG is going to be like yet so I'm going to make it in 2D first so I can tweak it and get to know what I want to do first. I played around with construct a little and it was very easy to lay down the textures I wanted, scale them, and place sprites over them. And yes Game maker is horrid. Thats $20 I'll never see again lmao. I even bought their book :O

    So I wish I would have found construct sooner but at least I have it now. Also I knew most of those things that I asked from the Ghost shooter tutorial, but wanted to get more advice on how to go about doing it in the direction I wanted. Thats all. I'm pretty sure I know how to basic stuff in construct (now anyways) So I think i'm all set as of now. thanks for your advice and I look forward to see you peeps around. ( Yes I said peeps....what about it?!)

  • Thanks again!

    I belive all my questions at time of writing are answered. You are amazing! I'll get right to work!

  • Ashley,

    Thank you for the fast reply. I now have a great understanding of what to do. I will get started on my game, now in fact. Ohh, wait...I seem to have phrased my first question oddly, let me try again.

    When you are playing a RPG from a birds eye view usually you don't see the whole level at once. You just see the player and say 10 feet around him/her in all directions. So what i want to do is make it so that when you walk say 1 foot to the left more of the left shows on the screen, you know so your not confined to that 10 ft spacing. If you have ever played Breath of fire or even the game I mentioned Golden sun this would make more sence. I hope I was a little more clear this time lol, I can go a little crazy with my owrding sometimes. Thanks again.

    P.S. Is there an option in constuct to make it have an intro before the game? Like to show credits and stuff like that? Like a "Powered by construct" logo then go to the main menu. Ohh and theres another one for ya, Can you make a main menu like "new game" or "continue" Or a "erase data" option and so forth? That would be perfect. If not it's ok but I would love to implemnt that into my game. Thanks again and I hope all is well! Bye!!!!

  • Hello!

    First off I wan to thank you Ashley for making Construct! I am sad I did not find it sooner as I have been using Game Maker for the past 4 months...bleh...Anyway I am a HUGE fan of your work and must say Construct is the best Gamemaker out there for creating 2D games. Not even the commercial guys are as good as this. I prefer this to the Torque 2D game engine!!! and thats about $100$ So Again thank you it means alot as I love my open source software, I even run a freeware site I love it so much. In fact that leads me to a question...I host Construct on my site, is that ok? It's under the GPL so I thought it would be ok. It's in an un-modified archive and a link to your site. I even said that it's my favorite one. My site has not launched yet so theres time to remove it if it's a prob, but I hope it's not. Unfortunately I do have some questions for you and your forums...

    You see I usually work with Game Maker for 2D games but really hate it. I make RPGs like the ones that where on the SNES, from birds eye view. But it takes so long in game maker with it's crappy layout. Also it's graphics are horrid. I like all the features you have implemented into construct, thats why i'm going to use it from now on, plus the frequent updates are nice. Anyway...

    I also use 3D Game Studio A7-Commercial for making my 3D Games. Now I know constuct has no where near that kind of power but here is what i'm doing...

    I like to make my games in birds eye view, SNES style before I make them in 3D. This gives me time to get to know my characters, game world, story line, and much much more. It's a very helpfull process and your software will get me there. But I have some questions about construct first, how to stuff. (I have read and made your "Ghost shooter" game)

    1: How do you make it so that when a player reaches part of the screen in the game another part shows? Say if i'm walking up and then half way through the screen want the player to see then next section of land or building how do i tell construct to do that?

    2: How do I do that above question in construct when building my level? What I mean is would I make the room really really big? Or do I biuld it in sections? Or are both option available?

    3: Related to the above questions kinda the same actually but phrased differently, How do you build a vast world in construct? The kinda game i'm really going for is "Golden Sun" (GBA) but better.

    4: related to 3, how do I make it so that my player can enter houses and take stuff or interact with object like opening doors?

    5: Can construct only support sprites? or can it load 3D models as well like game maker? If not thats something to look into i guess. I know I do more 3D modeling than sprite making, it's actually easyer for me than the sprites lol.

    6: How do I load a moving texture in construct such as water? I have some AVI videos of water looping, would they work? They are not recorded water they are textures made into a slide show.

    7: Continued from 6, can construct load gif images, "videos" I could try to make/find a water texture in gif. IF not how do I apply a moving water texture or any moving texture for that matter?

    8: How do I add triggers to construct? Like say when a player hits a certain spot on the level or beats a certain boss/monster it would go to a movie. Can construct even load movies and integrate them into games? like cute scenes, intros, outros?

    9: Can you make a player have certain sounds? Like say when he/she is walking on grass it would be very quit, then in water very loud. How do I tell construct to do this? Can I?

    I believe thats it! sorry for all the Qs but I want to make games. I thank you all in advance for your patience and responses. I'll be looking forward to hearing from you all!!!
