Tekniko's Forum Posts

  • For one, why do the blocks have the bullet behavior? They should just be platforms. Your custom controller for the Platformer sprite will handle the moving.

  • Hey everyone, I believe I posted this question before but I am unable to find the thread.

    I am dissecting the pre-made games that come with Construct 2. Right now I am focusing on the Top-Down Scrolling Shooter game. I learn the most by dissecting other peoples work/code/etc.

    Anyways, in this game the enemies are spawned at certain intervals but they just sort of fly south and that's about it. What I am wanting to add, is a path my little ships could fly in on. Slow down after the path is completed and take up a formation, attacking the player. After a set time they would continue on their way south or whatever I decide.

    Hopefully this has given you an understanding of what I am interested in making. Do you have ideas how I could tackle this?

    Thank you,


  • Hey everyone, err Webmasters,

    I have been noticing, for months now, that during the day, between 10:00 and 17:00 PST, the Scirra website is extremely slow. (Forums and Arcade)

    I figured this was just peak-time operations for most of the C2 users so I have learned to deal with it. But, I have come to use the site more and more over the past week and I have found the slowing down of the server directly affects the all too common "Access Restricted, No Permissions" error. Which can be very annoying if you have just written a long thread/reply. No Firefox does not save it if I press back :( Chrome does though.

    Anyway, can whomever is in charge please consider the server load when paying your next bill? I realize this isn't a game breaking issue but more of convenience.

    Thank you,


  • Why don't you just flip the animation around in Photoshop and then reload the frames. Might not be the best way for file size. But if its just for one or two animations, then it is definitely the easiest.

  • Here is what I do. I have never had any problems.

    <img src="http://img17.imageshack.us/img17/3553/support013.png" border="0" />

  • It still boggles my mind how they can have so much music in such a small game.

  • *Bump*

  • Yes, please give us dark grey or something! When I came across this feature in After Effects, I was in love. I was able to work longer with less strain on my eyes and less head aches.

  • What exactly is happening? What does the error say?

    Do you get a loading screen? Do you see a black page and gray frame?

    Do you see a white page with nothing on it?

    Does your game have sound? If so, can you hear it?

    What does it do on other browsers?

    What version of browser are you running?

    Are your video card drivers up to date?

    Do you even have Java installed? If so what version?

    What OS are you on?

    COME ON MAN, give us some info!!

  • Hey everyone,

    Some of you may know a classic game called Zelda: Ocarina of Time. You may also know that this game is packed with music. One hour and seventeen minutes to be exact. That's not including the sound effects.

    Guess how much room was on a N64 cartridge? 64 megabytes!

    Guess how big Zelda: OOT was? 26.4 megabytes!

    So we have all the art assets, programming code, sound effects and the one hour seventeen minutes of music all packed into 26.4 megabytes...


    Gah, anyways, this was all ten to fifteen years ago. Are there any informed people out there, who may have a way of creating such small sound/music files? Bit-rate is the first obvious option but the quality is beyond garbage and is nothing compared to what was pulled off with N64 games.

  • Patience is a virtue.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Hey everyone,

    Is there a way to setup a number of predetermined paths and then at a certain time have an enemy randomly select one of those paths and attack along said path.

    I am trying to have around 10 space ships fly in and attack the player. Kind of like Lost Viking from Starcraft 2.

    Subscribe to Construct videos now

    After writing that last paragraph, I am kind of wondering if a Turret Defense type game, may be a good place to start learning.

  • You need to purchase a license before you can use it on iOS.

    Any web-host will do.

  • You could fake it. But the power required to run such a system is beyond mobile hardware, right now. Maybe in five years.

  • This is what I use. Does this help?

    <img src="http://img593.imageshack.us/img593/598/support012.png" border="0" />