Hey everyone, err Webmasters,
I have been noticing, for months now, that during the day, between 10:00 and 17:00 PST, the Scirra website is extremely slow. (Forums and Arcade)
I figured this was just peak-time operations for most of the C2 users so I have learned to deal with it. But, I have come to use the site more and more over the past week and I have found the slowing down of the server directly affects the all too common "Access Restricted, No Permissions" error. Which can be very annoying if you have just written a long thread/reply. No Firefox does not save it if I press back :( Chrome does though.
Anyway, can whomever is in charge please consider the server load when paying your next bill? I realize this isn't a game breaking issue but more of convenience.
Thank you,