Good God. If you want to write the exporter for them, let them know. I'm sure they'd be happy for your help. That said, right now they're using a slew of exporters for mobile exports, and many of those are quite promising:
cocoonJS, ejecta, crosswalk all are being actively updated and hopefully have bright futures ahead of them.
In the meantime, if you want a native app, I highly suggest looking into learning objective C for iOS and probably Java for Android. Since C2 is programmed in JavaScript and uses web technology that's dependent on Canvas and WebGL, so the chance of getting those exported to native apps are... well, there is no chance. It just cannot happen. The best thing we can do is wait for technology to catch up to the trends, and they will. In the meantime, make a game that's worthy of selling. By the time you're finished, who knows what there'll be?