ight now the entire game is one layout. That layout is a room that generates doors, hazards, and monsters, but I need the doors to lead to a new instance of that same layout, which will randomize again, and so on. If I can figure out how to get from one layout to another, and save all previous layouts, then I'd basically have this game in the bag.
Use a Global variable called RoomNumber to keep track of what room you are in.
When you exit a room do:
System->Save game to slot "Room" & RoomNumber
Then increase/decease RoomNumber based on which door you leave
When you reload the layout do:
System->Load game to slot "Room" & RoomNumber
If there is a previously saved room, it will load it otherwise it will return condition On load failed in which case generate a new random room (which you should save once created, not just on leaving)