BluePhaze's Forum Posts

  • TheEggMaster Go to any of your posts and you should see a little pencil icon in the upper right corner. That lets you edit the post. You can delete your last post, not sure about deleting previous posts though.

  • As TheDom said, if you reset the values of the variables in your goTo layout event you should be fine. For example:

    If Done = 1

    Set Done = 0

    GotoLayout = WhateverLayout

  • Use a variable to track the state. If they exit set a variable to 1 or whatever value you want. On the continue button click event check the variable and then you can choose to restart the layout or go to the next one based on that value.

  • Hello All,

    With all the updates related to phonegap over the past few releases, it makes me wonder has it actually become a viable format for publishing to Mobile (Android/iOS). I have not been able to work in C2 for a couple months (changing jobs and moving) so figured I would see what your experiences have been with it so far since the new updates. Ashley any input from you on your thoughts would be welcome as you seem to have put more focus on PhoneGap support lately in the more recent builds...


  • If you are using bullet behavior on everything just turn it off or set it to a different value for powerups....

  • The update works for published items, I am not so sure it works the same in preview mode.

  • Should be relatively simple to pin your spritefont object to an invisible sprite, set the size of the sprite to the size of your spritefont object and then use the invisible object for the collision checking...

  • Oh yeah, and the web audio API is also in the works...

  • Microsoft has recently created a new site that allows you to see what features they are working on. It also allows the community to propose features and see the current status of features. The first thing I looked up of course was the GamePad API and I was pleasantly surprised to see that the status is in development. This seems like a great step forward for Microsoft in terms of opening up the lines of communication on their plans for IE features.

  • look at the tutorials there are plenty of examples. Search is your friend. Also youtube has plenty of examples of C2 menus, etc...

  • That usually means there is an issue with the game. Before you try to upload it make sure that it works as expected in preview mode. Use the manual and tutorials including the ones on performance. Most likely you have images that are too large or other assets that are either too large or causing issues.

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  • Each layout is a level for the most part. Or each layout can be a part of a level. Anything that needs to be persisted between layouts should be tracked with global variables. It is advised to have one layout that has a copy of all your sprites (one that the player never actually goes to) so that you can spawn instances of sprites without any errors. You cannot spawn an instance of a sprite if it does not exist in at least one layout. So create a sandbox layout, put one copy of each sprite in it and then just never let the player go to that particular layout. You can then use events to spawn instances of any of your sprites in any of your other layouts without issues.

    The manual and basic tutorials cover all of this in pretty good detail so I definitely recommend going through them. Hope this helps.

  • Quit posting the same thread to multiple forums on here. Thank you.

  • The score "menu" is one sprite with multiple image points, the buttons, stars, etc... are sprites that are pinned to the image points. There are a few tutorials on doing menu's, etc... including stars for scoring.

  • If anyone has the time you may want to try and dig into the windows 8 ads plugin and see if you can rig it to work with the new universal apps. That is what I used before the universal apps were released. It has all the plumbing to display Microsoft pubcenter ads. And it is a drag and drop control you just put in your layouts and then give it the ad ID from your pubcenter ads. It didn't work with WP apps, but it shouldn't be too much of a stretch to get it to work with them.