use intel xdk lol! and port to simple android no crosswalk or other ********* i just ported my game in plain native android with intelxdk and also you can port it to ios store if you have the certificate to publish! you can port simply on contruct 2 easy! and its not hard to use intelxdk! just export game for simple android no other plugin **** (cocoonjs or other stuff for android)install intelxdk ./... start inteld xdk platform new project (use an already build project section) browse computer select folder where you exported the file for plain android from construct 2 (if you go into that folder youl notice 2 file .xdk. and xdks or something like that! so you want that directory in intel project link! then enter name for app! create project ! go to build section directly ! and you have 10 ways to export it there wich one is ios , tizen and all cool stuff! that also cocoonjs offers but without been needing to sign you up cause is autosigned to you ingame id "com.youcompany.yougame" and you ingame construct2 file website and name email! then just select build method i just exported a simple android native like ! is first build method that says Android (nothing more click it unless you want headakes with arm , x86 crosswalk! this is universal x86 and all android devices) mine worked on googleappstore shows compatibility with 5208 of 5650 mobile devices! pretty neet! compare to arm versions that i exported and sayd 200 mobile platforms (wooot?!) lower fps yes ! but less file size! more options to use etc!
and just simple plain use intelxdk book from construct2 and you learn to use it! its that simple!
(btw you have to add in build mode ! name of app, icons that shows on mobile! when is installed! no android so far supports splash screen / only second screen splash screen , as is the cocoonjs preview logo etc !) have fun hope you guys find this usefull!
P.S before you upload file to intel xdk take the .wav sound files out of the directory where you exported the files! intel xdk will make them in .apk ! even if you app isnt using it! so simply go to folder and delete.wav files( all you audio for android, ios is .ogg you find it in media folder! you dont need .wav) then set the link to intelxdk project . have fun !
P.P.S also on assets configuration disable all request for app that you dontuse (geolocation, camera etc, use only audio playback and stuff that you need)