Hey some great information here and informative insight. I dont mean to derail the thread (anyway I think most have been said regarding additional visual options concerning variables) but I was wondering if you could elaborate on some of your points. I hope you dont mind if I pick your brain a little bit.
How is it that you turn events into behaviours (if I understood correctly)? That is a great idea, to create a set of events, get them into an behaviour and use them by just adding a behaviour to your desired object (sort of an external limited function).
Is there an easy way to this or is it done, from what I know, using java?
Functions use up more memory than using variable based loops? Is this true for PC/Mac as well as it is for mobile export? So are you suggesting to stay away from functions as a whole, or to limit their implemetnation? I thought functions help stop code repetition and thus increase performance by decreasing the amount of code that had to be processed? Or was that mainly for the programers sake, as repeating code is not needed only running a function, which can be compared to a shortcut on a computer desktop instead of searching for the program in folders by hand.
Regarding the objects and instance variables, do you use empty sprites or just rectangles? Do the additional sprites not weigh more than global varaibles in the event sheets?
Regarding naming conventions, I see that quite often not only in programming. For example in rigging programs the name bones, dummies, props accordingly altough these can be toggled by type anyway.
Last but not least what does "cmv" stand for, as I guess you are not referring to a virus that pops up with a web search lol.
Thanks for your time and insight.
Ps. Congrats on implementing slopes in your game, if that is easy I dont know what is hard for you