Solomon's Forum Posts

  • planetserve

    Good to see youre still working on this!

    Good idea on working to get down the mechanics/level base structure first and not get sidetracked on a reward system.

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  • R0J0hound

    After about 15 something hours I managed to implement a collision system based on your information. For now it will do, but I will be back

    Once again my big thanks and a tip of my hat towards you.

    You are one of the few people, thanks to whom this forum is running but you already know that

    Ps. There needs to be a +rep system on this forum along with C3.

  • zenox98

    I did transform my post into more of a request with a brief explanation as you requested.

  • The image did not attach itself to the post.

  • What I am missing in C2 is the ability to move object visually, and then set their easing in/out in a graph editor per keyframe.

    Basically keyframe the movement on screen, and set the motion bezier curve handles for the keyframes in a graph editor.

    That would be helpful in making interactive books for children for example.

    At the moment it is counter intuitive to set animations by code.

    It would be great to have that feature in C3.

  • That message usually happens when you have put the folder in the wrong location.

    This 'plugin' should be placed in the "Behaviors" folder rather than the "Plugins" folder.

    Well I just copied the SplinePath folder into my behaviours folder, and its not selectable from inside Construct 2, nor are there any messages regarding errors. Any ideas how to make it work?

    Edit: Was looking in the wrong place, all working now.

  • I have manged to get something going on but only for 1 axis.


    Thanks for the link, my mind is blown.

    However I see at first glance that there are angles being calculated here and there in the example, and as of now Im not sure if I can discard those.

    I have to try and figure this one out, and try to implement it at least in some way.

    Im off to try and make something of it.

  • Irbis

    Sounds like you are serious in regards to your game plans Awesome.

    Writing things down is a good idea, so have I noted brief bullet points to what I intend on doing, but I am stuck at the moment with custom collisions using only events and not behaviours (as I too am more into graphics than coding) which is basically core mechanics. Hopefully once I get that done, I can work on all the rest.

    From what you have written you are really motivated which is really great, 49 pages, that is some serious work right there.

    Do you have any milestones set in regards to loose dates?

  • Looking nice, concept seems interesting.

    What I find if I focus too much on the graphics at the beginning, I get side tracked and dont have enough steam left to focus on the core mechanics. Curious how are you coping with this?

  • What I am finding is that it is crucial to have the angle from which a box is colliding so it can be pushed back into that angle, which prevents it from overlapping. Is there any other option to implement such collision without having the angle specified, or having the object move per X=self.X*60*dt and Y=self.Y*60*dt and still be able to use the angle to stop the object fron overlapping?

    When an object is stationary I assume is that we need to tell from which angle the enemy objects are coming in, and stop them per same solution, pushing them back from the angle they came from in order to stop the overlapping. Again how is this possible without having the angle?

    I have been looking through the Seperating Axis Theorem, but it is a little way over my head at this moment.

  • How is it possible to check collisions on a stationary object being bombarded by other objects, but using only events no behaviours.

    Also the object that is stationary, is the player and he can be stationary and in motion as well.

    I am having trouble figuring out how to work this out in both states - in rest and in motion.

    Is it possible to check on which side of the player sprite the overlap of an enemy sprite is happening? (so that the player is not penetrable by the enemy objects).

    As the player moves he does not use vector motion (which would be helpful for angule check) to push himself, but a self.X+60*dt and self.Y+60*dt (which is necessary for this situation for certain reasons).

    The idea behind this is just to make the player object unpenetrable, no bounce at this stage.

    I have been sitting on this one trying certain solutions without success.

    All help is appreciated.

    EDIT: The Objects are rectangles that are parallel to each other, and not some fancy shapes.

  • LittleStain


    Thanks for the reply.

    I took some time to think this over.

    The first thing is to detect the collision which is simple enough using the "is overlapping" condition.

    Well to be honest the collision detection is not that simple in my situation I dont think (surely not for me).

    I can detect for right and left no problem, by setting up a variable that switches depending on which arrow was pressed last.

    But for the up and down movement its different, I have a different mechanic and cannot do so.

    I am using self.Y+[other variables]*dt to define the movement, and it seems I cannot marry in the vector movements to be able to have the angle direction.

    I was wondering if there is an easy way to check which side of the sprite was hit (or which side is overlapping), left, right, up, down (in another program I used this was already implemented in the system as events) and then perform and event/action accordingly. I have tried to use image points, but Im not sure how to handle the image points on the corners as they would be overlapped from 2 sides, and I really dont want to attach sensors all around manually, but will do so in the end if Im forced.

    Additionally, I am using a formula for the speed, thus your example in which the system checks for the angle the player is moving is not appropriate for me.

    Also I dont mean to spam, but Ive created another thread with a more elaborate question regarding my problem, and I would appreciate if you could check it out:

  • Well the hardest part at the moment it seems, is that I have a box constantly moving by set x=selx+60*dt, and another box controlled by the player is to slam into it at the players discretion. On impact both boxes are to bounce off each other and move in different directions.

    I have the player movement set, "just" the collision and bounce is left.

    Now this I would like to do without behaviours but I cant find anything that could help me out, altough I am still searching.

    Rotations arent necessary for me, only direction.

    I really wish there was some explanation, Im begining to dislike the idea of having behaviours that are quite limited in their functionality in regards to custom events.

  • I was wondering if anyone could point me towards setting up some bouncing off and mini mock up collisions using only events and not behaviours.

    The reason is twofold, firsly to actually learn to code a bit and not just use behaviours, and secondly I am using custom movements which do not work with the bullet/solid behaviours.

    I am browsing the forums now, but just thought I would ask in the meantime.

    Thanks for the help.

  • Fixed this with unbounded scrolling set to Yes.