Solomon's Forum Posts

  • I am relatively new to Construct 2, but one thing I learned, is that one is shooting off because they can both collide with each other.

    So to prevent that you would have to disable their ability to mutually collide.

  • It is hard to tell without looking at your events. Can you share the capx or screenshot of your events so everyone can better look at it.

    Here is a part of the code: (sorry cant attach files here)

    I have another problem with this code.

    I have set it up so that a box is spawned randomly every 0-4 seconds under the condition that there are less than 4 boxes in the scene.

    Once I destroy a box, another box is supposed to spawn between 0-4 seconds, but instead the box spawns immediately after I destroy 1. I have tested this for

    a couple minutes straight hundred of times, since I thought that the box might be spawning in the 0-ish time frame. But no, it does not, it always spawns straight away.

    It seems that when the 4 boxes have been spawned, and I wait for 4 seconds or more to destroy a box, it is spawned straight away like I said. The random time does not work after I wait the 4 seconds, seems like it loads a box into memory during the time that the boxes are all loaded and after the 4 seconds I wait.

    Now I can't jump over this, to me it seems that the code is not behaving as I am making it to, but I might be missing something since I am have just started working in Construct 2 today. Thanks for the help.

  • Hi, I am having a problem with spawning an actor into the scene with bullet and sine behaviour attached to him.

    Initially, on spawn there is this wierd jerky movement, not only does this not look nice, also there are times when due to this he is thrown out of the scene even though I have set some boundaries. After spawning its all good, just during the spawning moment, he apears and then is yanked to the left or right by some pixels.

    I would appreciate any help.


    EDIT: The jerky spawn isnt happening all the time, its random. I should add that I am spawning actors in a random time frame too.

  • AllanR and blackhornet

    Wow thanks!!! So simple and so efficient

    Once again thanks for your time and help!

  • Sprite:Pick top instance

    Darn, I can't seem to find that anywhere? Hmm... will keep looking...

  • Did you try the condition > system > only once while true ?

    Can't nest the 'destroy on click' in the 'trigger once while true' command... unless I'm doing something wrong?

  • Hi, My first Construct 2 question (regarding code)

    I have a set up a system which destroys an instance by clicking on it. Only problem is when the instances are overlapping, clicking on them destroys all of them instead of one of the instances.

    How could I go about making it so that by clicking on overlapping instances only 1 instance is destroyed? Currently they are on the same layer, I was thinking on adding them to different layers upon creation, then somehow deleting one by layer only.

    Only what if I end up with 20 instances? I recon that the layer placement upon creation could be hard on memory.

    The other idea is that each needs to be somehow labeled, then upon clicking the overlapping instances need to be checked and only 1 needs to be destroyed.

    But then again I might be doing this backwards

    I would appreciate if someone could shed some light on this matter.

    Thank you.

    Ps. At the moment it is only 1 type of instance that is being created.

  • Solomon

    I had a similar experience recently after a Windows Update.

    Microsoft decided I needed an 'Important' update (KB3035583), which after installing, placed an annoying 'Get Windows 10' icon in the notification tray, as well as resetting Automatic Updates to include the Recommended updates (which, after 15 years of updating my company systems I know are pointless). This had the unfortunate effect that when going to shutdown for the night, I found I had 58 updates to install.

    After install, my system was a dog. Luckily, I know what I'm doing and managed to get it back to it's previous state.


    Don't trust Micrs**t ;/

    It is certainly possible an update has caused your system to be 'glitchy'.

    Ive tried to uninstall some updates, but there are just too many installed! For the moment I have to roll with my laggy system unfortunately because of work that I have to do, but Ill format my computer as soon as I find a window to do so.

    Yep I am almost certain now its because of the updates.

  • Hi Ashley, Ive only tested it out in Firefox and Opera, did not install Chrome.

    I think it has something to do with one of the Windows updates, been reading on other webpages concerning Html5 game development and I have found some posts where people mention similar issues due to updating Windows.

    I will keep you all informed how it goes.

  • Hi Tumira, yep I have the latest drivers I double checked that. Firefox is also the newest of versions.

    It seem that the issue has to do with the Windows live update. Ive turned it off some weeks ago but unfortunately it managed to download some updates, and as I did some reading on the internet there are loads of people that have issues with their system being slow simply because the updates made it slow.

    Will have to make a new fresh Windows install and turn of the updates immediately during the first launch. Lesson learned.

    Don't exactly know when I will be doing that but I will let you all know how it went and whether or not it solved the darn laggy problem.

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  • I have disabled "hardware acceleration" in Firefox browser settings, and that fixed the scrolling artifact issues, but still there is some lag from time to time.

    So there is a partial victory here.

    Will try to dig up some more information regarding this, hopefully someone else had similar problems which they've solved.


  • I have just installed the software, my first post was just a couple minutes after.

    My Construct 2 version is: Release 212.2 (64-bit)

    The same problem appears in Opera, a "rewinding" line appears from time to time and there is choppy gameplay.

    My screen resolution is 1920x1200. Same thing happens when in full screen as in windowed mode.

    All in all my system is a few months after formatting and a fresh reinstall.

    Any other ideas to what the source of the problem might be?

  • Solomon

    > Hi,

    > I am a new user, just registered and downloaded Stencyl for the first time


    Wrong software.

    I have the GTX 970 and the 'Flapping Bird' template runs fine.

    Try it on a different browser.

    Try disabling all Firefox addons.

    Eh, yeah long day/week during which I was/am testing out different programs, sorry for the typo should not have happened

    I fixed my post, and my apologies once again.

    Well sure it might work with GTX 970, that is why I was asking specifically about someone with the same card and drivers as I have. Will check other browsers now, thanks for the reply.

  • Ok, Im back.

    Restarting and turning the antivirus off did not help anything.

    The choppiness isn't constant, it comes and goes. It looks like an oldschool tape refreshing issue on the screen, sort of a "rewinding" effect, and sometimes it slows down as well during.

    Does anyone here have a GTX 960 to confirm that its not an issue with the graphics card?

    I feel a bit bummed out at the moment, hopefully I can get past this issue.



    The same thing happens with other templates

  • Hi,

    I am a new user, just registered and downloaded Construct 2 for the first time.

    Ive opened the Flappy Bird template, as it came with the package and clicked on run layout.

    Now straight away the game is choppy and laggy with the settings that came straight out of the box.

    My machine is a high end workstation with 16GB of RAM, 64 bit Windows 7, up to date drivers for Nvidia 960GTX and multi-threaded processors.

    I am running Firefox and have plenty of room on my hard drive.

    Any ideas to what might be causing the lag? Can other users run the Flappy Bird template smoothly? I will try to go offline and try to run the template after a computer restart and after disabling the antivirus software. Other than that I don't have to many ideas on what might be causing the issue.

    I would be grateful for any insights.