Wow, thank you for your post, it is much appreciated! Very informative.
Regarding behaviours and Javascript Ill have to pass on that one, at least for the time being. Altough from what you write it shows the power behind learning Javascript and using it in combination with C2, I want to stick to visual programming, at least for the moment, until I get a solid grasp on logic, at least in the form that is present in C2.
On a side note Ive looked into various other programs and procrastinated some time in trying to pick the right software, but in the end you got to pick something and C2 seemed just more intuitive. In Unity Ive read for example, that making 2D games is ********* a few pages of code are needed just for some basic structure implementation. I would rather focus on the nicer side of gaming so to speak, since I am mainly into graphics and less into programing.
It is good to know the downside of functions, and that will be the first place I look I have a performance bottleneck.
As for 100 baddies, a the moment I have 50-something instances on the screen at once, and NWjs seems to cope quite fine, and that is baddies along with HUD elements. I am constantly using the debugger to check performance and hopefully I wont get nowhere near to a situation where I have to decide on performance vs content, at least not too soon anyway, because it is meant to happen sooner or later (this is regarding a PC/Mac game).
By saying that sprites weigh more, I meant as they are sprites they are additional objects that have to be taken into consideration by the processing power. Do you use this method for mobile games as well, or mainly desktop content?
I have to admit, your workflow is interesting at least to the extent to which my current level of understanding reaches.
As for CMV I will need to look into those, especially if that is to speed up my work.
Regarding slopes, I had a look at your profile and your entry on your web page, where you mentioned solving slopes being easy (as well as the other thread here on C2).
Oh one more thing. Have you done or do you know someone that has created a game in C2 that weighed more than 600mb? Do you know how C2 handles such big files when exporting to NWjs? I created a thread earlier and recieved no response, just thought I take this opportunity and ask you as you sound quite proficient in what you do, and perphaps your experience might venture into this matter
Once again thank you for your time!