Solomon's Forum Posts

  • LittleStain

    Well nope, thats not working either with the on animation idle02 finished --> set animation to idle.

    Not only that, but now that I have set a random(4,8) timer, once I press a key and get a different keyboard input than 5, and hold it for the longest amount from the random number, in this case more than 8, and I let go, the idle02 frame pops in instantly (just for 1 frame) instead of starting to wait random(4,8) on letting go of any key and leaving input keyboard 5.

    Here is the capx:

    As of now, the animation idle02 is played without pressing anything between random(a,b) in my example random(4,8), but just its first frame.

    And like I wrote in the previous paragraph, once a key is kept pressed beyond the max number in the random timer, the animation idle02 pops for 1 frame instantly, and doesnt wait the 4-8 seconds.

    So this is broken in two places...

    To illustrate what I would like:

    No buttons pressed - playing animation idle -> just 1 static frame

    -----------> while animation idle is playing, every random(a,b) seconds play idle02 once, untill animation idle02 is finished,

    -----------> animation idle02 finished, go back to play animiation idle, to finish off the loop


    If either animation idle or animation idle02 is being played, on any key press switch to animation according to that key.

    If after any amount of time that key that was just pressed is let go (can be after 4 seconds or after 1 minute etc.), go back and play idle animation, and go back to wait random(a,b) to play animation idle02, and the loop above.

  • LittleStain

    Thanks for your time.

    Hmm, but the wait random(a,b) to play other animation is set within the keyboard input 5, does it not go down the condition branch every a,b seconds then?

    As the idle animation has 1 frame, when I add the "set animation to idle" it will automatically play idle02 once again.

    Anyway I will try what you suggested first along with the random(a,b) then Ill get back to you.

  • At this moment when using an "or" block in the event sheet, it is possible to specify only 1 condition before it is seperated by the "or" statement.

    So If I have 3 IF's in an event, and add an "or" all three are seperated automatically moving each IF into a different "group" followed by or, which can be really annoying.

    Its not possible to have little groups of IF's and select manually which IF's are divided by the "or" statements. This produces problems when I want to use an ELSE IF statement when using the "or blocks", and need to end with an ELSE statement. The problem is when I have 2 more events/conditions with 3 or more IF statements, then its not possible to introduce one Else IF, but two need to be ELSE statements which renders one of them not functional.

    So to present what I mean more visually:

    What I would like:

    IF x=z


    IF x=b


    IF x=c

    What I am getting automatically:

    IF x=z


    IF x=b


    IF x=c

    Now the above example is just for example sakes and doesnt reflect the exact IF statemets I have, which cannot be solved any other simpler way than using the or block with robust function implemented. I end up having to work my way in circles to try and solve this issue through additional variables and the likes.

    If its not possible to pick manually which IF statements should be divided by "or" statements, I strongly believe it should be as this feature would help tons when implemented.

  • You do know every x seconds is counted from the start of the game and not from the moment the condition becomes true?

    it would probably be better to use wait or timer behaviour to accomplish this..


    Of course you are right, but in this situation it doesnt matter as both arent working as you will see in the attached capx where I have changed to wait random(a,b):

  • LittleStain

    It is shown to prove my point, please dont focus on proportions in this situation.

    Doesnt matter if its 1000 or 100, 100 is indeed a lot too. As is 50. Besides blowing up things out of proportion helps visualise the problem as you surely know.

    Hmm... alrighty I will check out your link in detail, but still I think that adding option to the "or" block to choose where to put or and where to put and would be great, a real time saver.


    If it was requested before, its a shame that this has not been added

    Hmm, Im entering virgin territory with your statement/piece of code I need to look into this


    Well no I dont think so.


    IF x=z


    IF x=b


    IF x=c

    There is only 1 explanation: If x=z and b, or IF x=c, but used with an "or" and an "and" block. How can this be interpreted differently?

    As for the first or second, no there is no first or second, I would like the option with or/and not with or/or like it is now automatically avaliable.

  • LittleStain - Local variables are indeed shown only when they are within their scope but what I am trying to tell you that all the other global variables are shown there too, besides the local variables. That does not help as the list is getting longer. This has nothing to do with how I set up my variables I dont think, only how C2 displays the lists of variables - both global and local are in the same bag when looking for local (not when looking for global), unless indeed there is something wrong with my workflow, thus I am trying to find out.

    Edit: To illustrate:

    What happens:

    Looking for local variables - list:

    Global variables x 1000

    Local varibales x 10

    Looking for global variables - list:

    Global variables x 1000

    What I would like:

    Looking for local variables - list:

    Local varibales x 10 -----> only - no global variables available to choose --> makes list waaaay shorter

    Looking for global variables - list:

    Global variables x 1000

  • If you are working on a big project though, you may need a lot of variables and if they are all global like they are now surely they start to become disorganised and begin to impact workflow.

    Yes that is what I am experiencing at this moment sadly.

  • The thing is that the idle animation is only 1 frame long, and I want it to last for the minimum amount of seconds that I am inputing in the random(A,b).

    Here is the file as you can see at this moment the animation Idle02 plays on 1 frame and then is switched back to Idle.

    When I add on "finished animation" for Idle02 play idle, that causes the moving animation not to be stopped when no buttons are pressed and inputkeyboard=5 kicks in, but keeps on playing the moving animation until the moving animation has ended.

  • LittleStain

    I still have a long list of variables both global and local when I search for variables to add to the "compare to" event. Is there a way to filter only local variables so that only these would be shown when looking for variables? The fact that the icon is different for local/global does not cut it for me sadly.

  • LittleStain

    Well as I have so many variables already the best solution would be to use and and or block like I stated above. It would be ten times faster than adding another variable and looking for it, and yet making the variable list even longer, which would make searching for other variables down the line even longer because of the one additional variable.

    I know there are other ways around, like I had written but adding variables quickly stops being a good alternative as the lists get longer.

  • At this moment when using an "or" block in the event sheet, it is possible to specify only 1 condition before it is seperated by the "or" statement.

    So If I have 3 IF's in an event, and add an "or" all three are seperated automatically moving each IF into a different "group" followed by or, which can be really annoying.

    Its not possible to have little groups of IF's and select manually which IF's are divided by the "or" statements. This produces problems when I want to use an ELSE IF statement when using the "or blocks", and need to end with an ELSE statement. The problem is when I have 2 more events/conditions with 3 or more IF statements, then its not possible to introduce one Else IF, but two need to be ELSE statements which renders one of them not functional.

    So to present what I mean more visually:

    What I would like:

    IF x=z


    IF x=b


    IF x=c

    What I am getting automatically:

    IF x=z


    IF x=b


    IF x=c

    Now the above example is just for example sakes and doesnt reflect the exact IF statemets I have, which cannot be solved any other simpler way than using the or block with robust function implemented. I end up having to work my way in circles to try and solve this issue through additional variables and the likes.

    If its not possible to pick manually which IF statements should be divided by "or" statements, I strongly believe it should be as this feature would help tons when implemented.

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  • [quote:nl2ou3wl]

    That and an option to filter variables by event sheet while picking them, sort of a folder category.

    So if you have 3 event sheets with variables, and they are to run together, when picking variables you can toggle tick which to view.

    That would help with searching through the gazillon variables.

    That is what local variables were specifically designed to do. Make them static and they work like global variables. Put them in a group or subevent and they are scoped to that level only.


    Yes, but that does not help in picking them out from a list of hundreds of variables. If only local variables could be chosen from a list where only local variables are present, that would be so much simpler.

    What I mean by this is the comfort of choosing from smaller lists. As of now it is starting to become a chore for me to add more variables and keep searching for the ones I want in a long list.

    To sum it up, local variables in a subfolder with only local variables, and global with only global. Additionally as I suggested, each event sheet with its own variables to form visually easier and quicker selection lists.

  • LittleStain

    Wait - but now - look how the events are set up:

    keyboardinput = 5

    every random(a,b) seconds

    trigger once

    • play animation idle 2

    on animation idle2 ended

    • play animation idle

    So basically once a key is not pressed the system waits random(a,b) seconds before playing the idle02 animation. So it is waiting on the last frame of the animation of the direction that was pressed, and not going straight to idle animation when keys are not pressed/or when keys are released. Only then is it going to idle 02 and then to idle. Am I not understanding this correctly?

    But I want it to go to idle instantly and then wait for random(a,b) to play idle02.

  • LittleStain - Hold on let me make a mockup capx and attach it.

  • LittleStain

    Well its not working properly. As I wrote before this condition is forcing the other movement animations to play out until the end, and not stopping them and not going into playing Idle once a key is not pressed, once keyboard input = 5.

    Not only that, it is freezing the last frame of the movement animations depending on which direction was pressed last, and not returning to Idle animation, but waiting for idle 02 to play out in the random seconds given. Only then is it going to idle 01.

    What I want to achieve is to have idle play out when no keys are pressed - and to do that instantly, on letting a key go. Idle is simply 1 frame of an idle animation. Then once Idle is played, I want in time random(a,b) for idle02 to play.

    Any other workarounds?