saiyadjin's Forum Posts

  • ok, thanks Ashley

    I presumed this answer would be what I get.

    Is it possible to at least "upgrade" intellisense to show each function instead of distinct of all functions in the project ( when you have 2 functions named "Test", intellisense shows only once "Test")

    it's a bit confusing, at least in the debugging sense (i was looking for bug 3 hours before i found that i've accidentaly had the same function twice)

    that shouldn't be a big upgrade, or?

    zenox98 - sorry about that, i've followed the guidelines when writing first post, i guess i forgot about it

  • Ashley when do bugs get checked? it's been almost a week, noone took a look yet

  • C2 should prohibit having 3 "Open" functions. because when you do "call function" it shows only 1 "Open". But you:

    1. don't know which of the 3 you are calling

    2. have a ****** design of the game

    3. have a editor that doesn't recognize the difference between all 3 Opens because they're in global namespace.

    and basically fixing 3 fixes 2 and 1. Also , the editor could (like good editors Visual studio or etc) differentiate functions of the same name that HAVE parameters and those that don't, because that's actually 2 different functions then.

  • no, that's a bad design.

    you can basically have 3 active groups then with the same method, let's call the method "Open",

    when something Calls Open - it calls all 3 Open methods, though only 1 should be called (the specific one).

    this causes more problems, especially if Open method handles items:

    • if item doesn't exist it would cause an error
    • if all 3 are run at the same time it is a performance problem (even though 2 would not do anything for example, or you expect only 1 to run)
    • when designing your code - when you call method - it offers only one Open (but which one are you calling? )

    additionally, since functions are GLOBAL, there should be a restraint to have 2 functions of same name in GLOBAL namespace, that's like the principle of programming.

    if they could be separated by groups or etc, then it would be ok (like having a Class with a method), but you don't have.

    and finally.. i see no problem calling different methods different name... if you have a method that does something called from 3 groups - make 1 method with 3 calls (in each group 1 ). And if you have 3 methods that have the same name and are spread throughout groups - call them differently. For example Open1, Open2, Open3 etc.. (or a bit smarter OpenDoors, OpenWindows, OpenChest etc.. )

    that's called polymorphism and basically c2/c3 does that through families but it does it badly.. or doesn't even do at all. so yeah..

  • yeah, that's what i was wondering

    thanks for the answer.

    btw.. one more question -> if i have a 1920x1080 background image + bump mapping effect + normal map image 1920x1080 - what is the complexity of the rendering? is it going 3 times through render pipelines? or even more? that seems taxing a lot on GPU/CPU

    btw i've tried layout scaling to 1.5 and it had better performance than 1.0, are you sure it doesn't affect the fillrate?

  • hi,

    this is mostly a Question for

    so, I was testing some builds and I noticed when I have a big layout like 1920x1080 and i run the game with window size 1920x1080 the game laggs on most devices. Reducing the Window size to example 640x480 it works nicer on every console.

    The question now is .. if I leave the window size as 1920x1080, but scale the layout by 1.5, which looks like it's zoomed in, does it affect performance?

    Is Performance better like when window is reduced (which also works like it's zoomed on a part of layout), or is it not?

    Can you explain a little bit more in technical detail.. why and where?

    • Post link icon

    shareX is nice

  • Problem Description

    Basically when you make a function for example named "TestFunction" and then copy paste it, you get anothre "TestFunction" instead of "TestFunction2"

    at runtime if we call "TestFunction", both the copied and original ones are called which is clearly wrong since there should exist in global namespace only 1 function of the same name.

    Attach a Capx

    Description of Capx

    When sprites collide you will see that both functions get fired at the same time, due to same name, which should be prohibited from making.

    The result should be 1 in variable, but it's 6 due to both functions firing.

    Steps to Reproduce Bug

    • Step 1 - create a function in event sheets that does something
    • Step 2 - copy paste the function - the name stays the same (bug! in global namespace there shouldn't be 2 functions of the same name)
    • Step 3 - rework 2nd function to do something else and call it from somewhere - both functions get fired (wrong!)

    Observed Result

    Both functions of the same name are fired, leading to bugs and errors in event sheet and runtime. Also only 1 is given as a choice at design time though there are clearly 2 functions existing.

    Expected Result

    I expect c2 to warn me of existing name of the function or when copy pasting to add a number or sth at the end to differentiate them.

    Affected Browsers

    • Chrome: YES
    • FireFox: YES
    • Internet Explorer:YES

    Operating System and Service Pack

    Win 10 latest

    Construct 2 Version ID

    C2 r259, latest version

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  • well Chromium is the only thing we can use for Mobile, so yeah.. that's the point Ashley

  • I see how things are.

    can that be added for the desktop variant only? or at least on the few windows that matter (properties and objects/layers)?

    Also, a thing I thought it would be nice to suggest:

    • you focus on most wanted big ideas (i guess) and it takes you up to 3 weeks to pull a beta version with 1 feature and a few bug changes, while some features could be done pretty fast.
    • I would at least use 1 week per month to develop small features and usability features that would help in a matter of ways, and use other 3 weeks for the "big" wanted features. I'm pretty sure with a good choice of features you can make around at least 5 small features per week.

    it's just a suggestion, but think about it, you can satisfy then everyone

  • the only problem with this Ashley is that Construct 2 has that feature (auto hide and pin), while Construct 3 doesn't.

    Wasn't C3 supposed to be everything like C2 and better? Also, I don't think people (after the initial hype) follow the ideas page a lot, therefore some ideas might not have been procured. Also, the AutoHide feature is pretty important if you ask me, since it can bring more view on the Layout Editor when you hide properties/objects/etc bar instead of turning it off or unplugging and moving somewhere behind. It improves workflow a lot, and that's one of the reasons i'm still with C2 for now. Also, the jQuery thing can be implemented in pure JS pretty simple, and auto hide aswell. I don't know how it ties into your C3 editor, or whatever have you done / libraries used, but even in pure JS it isn't hard to make. That's a feature that C2 has, and C3 doesn't.

    Also, why not make like first 50 ideas/things that are of 1 weeks work to improve all the workflows and simple / small stuff from ideas, and then go to the big ones. People voted big ideas because they like them the best. But every small idea might be as good and giving faster workflow, which is also a thing that each user would appreciate.

    (I work in business industry, C# dev, we had a request from our client to change full row selection copy paste to single cell copy paste, but with full row selection still). We did that like immidiately and gave them that. They're happy, we don't have work later to do. Why is that so hard with C2/C3 when users ask for something? (talking about the small changes).

  • Hi Ashley,

    i'm here to help you implement a feature that C2 has, but C3 doesn't and it's pretty the one reason why i'm still not using it.

    The feature is pinnable autohide windows (for properties etc..).

    Basically some guy made it in a few functions, so i'll just leave it here:

    hope you can look into it and use it to implement the autohide faster now.

    Thanks in advance, sai!

  • I agree, this works and should be updated in the offical plugin ASHLEY.

  • the list has been updated.

  • basically the

    mechanic that we are looking for will be announced on the day that JAM starts.

    what you want to do is make that mechanic possible for someone to use in another project.

    for example you can make a menu that has placeholders for opening options / about / new game, that can be later used by anyone just by replacing it with his own gui for example