saiyadjin's Forum Posts

  • the list has been updated.

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  • done, updated links to polygon and myArray, removed colors. left the semiRed on polygon because last update was long time ago.

    are you not working on that plugin? is it broken by any chance? 99Instances2Go

    signaljacker - yeah took me a quite a few days. i'd prefer you send me only working ones, or the ones that are being maintained. there's no point in updating old plugins that do not work or are abandoned. (i will though put up a link if you have for them, someone might take over )

  • i know.

    well if you have the links for your plugins please leave a comment there and i will update accordingly.

  • yeah it's the sad state of the plugins behaviours and effects.

    though there's still a lot of good ones working, some were integrated into official ones (noted those too) and more..

  • i've done this a couple of weeks ago, checked Kytrics lists and found out that lots of stuff is outdated/deprecated/links dead and so on..

    so i've made this sheet that has updated direct links and descriptions so you won't have to search much.

    also i've included links to forum post, and store if the plugin is paid.

    some explanation - each of the Sheets contains one type of items (3 sheets all together!)

    Full RED row - no download links, probably dead very old or deprecated

    description RED - this probably has links that work and can be downloaded but is very old or users report in posts that it doesn't work / has bugs

    no colors - works normally.

    please submit comments if you find some working links or newer versions of some plugins. ... sp=sharing

  • probably, when c3 runtime hits the spot )

  • Ashley - a good option would be "Apply automatically detected collision box to all frames".

    I personally used automatic detection (and then handmade fixing) but i can't just one click to apply the auto generation on all frames, i have to click on every frame to generate it. And yes i could generate on first one and use apply to all frames, but all frames are different and 1st and 10th frame will have not even close same collision polygon, therefore i would have more hand work then if it was applied normally.

  • Ashley - just a few good fast questions for you (if you don't mind answering)

    1. Explain to me the "endless loop of testing" - I get free beta -> run program -> try feature -> says i need full version -> try buying -> says i can test beta, can't buy -> go test beta -> can't use feature says need full version -> try buying -> and so on...

    explain me this please? you expect us to test c3 with like 50% features locked? and limits? it's a goddamn beta atleast let us test full product for the time being. i bet that you can just make a boolean per user account and flip on / off paid version once you've released it.

    2. are you going to put pin button on the panels? like in visual studio? that would be like the best feature ever, here's a screenshot:

    once the auto hide is pressed it appears left side as a panel and autoshows when mouseover, or i can just pin it back as it is now.

    the feature would be very usefull to gain more space

    3. how long will be beta?

    4. why did you use pewdiepie in your marketing ?

    5. it said that c3 would load instantly... but it takes like 5~10 seconds (my net is fine, 2.2MB/s download, EU)

    can't remember other questions i had... but i will ask you later ^^


  • that happens when you guys use crappy intelxdk and what not.

    install visual studio, cordova tools and build there.

    google some tutorials, it's easy

  • "the power of web" rofl.

    where 1 update breaks everything.

  • i prefer using stable releases so i'm waiting for the next one

    thanks anyway

  • Ashley - just a short question, since it's been announced that C2 won't lose its support yet.

    when is the next C2 update planed for? are we gonna be on "stable 239" for like... half a year when you get C3 going or are we going to get a few updates before ? this month maybe?


  • i agree..

    i would love to see this too!

    Ashley - please listen to your users that want this feature, some of us want to make big Android games but we're limited with 100mb apks

    • Post link icon

    Tom - what if i take C3 in 2 years from now on? i am a C2 user, do i get that first year of using for 50% since i jumped from c2 to c3 in 2 years or

    do i have to buy for 99% in 2 years? is that just for this (2017) year buyers?