saiyadjin's Forum Posts

  • woah what complications, how about this:

    x = Min + (random() * ((Max - Min) + 1))

    1st problem = minimum is 280, maximum 420.

    same thing applies to the 2nd problem, your minimum is -100, while your maximum is 0.

    same formula applies. - gives you a random number between your max and min, now if you want percentage of that number in your range you just apply this:

    perc = (x /(max+min))*100

  • nope it doesn't help you in any way, unless your games are over a few gigabytes big.

    boot speed doesn't matter -> my laptop starts in 4-5sec win10, but that's because i have uefi boot with shitload of services and what not. and it has evo 840 (2.5" drive)

    real performance matters in 4K random read which is around 40MB/s and that is super good, because HDDs are around 0,15MB/s -> which makes them really slow when loading windows because of lot of fragmentation and small files.

    now about games -> let's say you're doing an android game, limit 100mb. let's say you have 100mb, 1000 files, which is 0.1mb per file. that's 4K reading -> 2.5s if you have a ssd with slower 4K it will go even worse.

    if you have a huge game ~500-1000mb with big files ~ ssd uses seq. read which is in my case ~460MB, let's say i have 2 big files of 450MB and 100MB of small files = 2 sec + 2.5sec = 4.5 sec if you have a drive with faster seq (PCIeSSD) let's say 900MB/s it will be 1 sec + 2.5sec = 3.5s , so yeah, nice gain of 1 sec! for probably double the money.

    as you can see here: ... cie-ssds/4

    in real bench ("Work") - > the gain is so subtle from PCIEssd that it doesn't really matter -> check the first table to see what kind of files are there.

    in copying big files ("Media") -> you do gain some significant speed.

    anyway in any case - if you want to save your money - buy samsung evo 850, cheap, good, fastest 2.5" ssd probably today. if you really want that "little" upgrade in terms of PCIeSSD and visually no speed difference - buy the PCIe version of samsung 850.

    in any way if you're coming from a HDD you will notice huge huge difference so it won't matter what you buy because you'll be blown away <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile">

    anyway can you post your current PC specs arima?

  • i think you should try this:

    export game as html, open visual studio 2015 (not "15", that's an old preview version), download newest (google download visual studio community).

    when installing make sure you install CORDOVA tools, you can also find them on

    then open vs, start new project - cordova html app. once created make sure you import your files into that project (not gonna go in details how, figure it out youself <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile">)

    compile and run = gg wp.

    if you want to add crosswalk over it, you can through plugin manager, it will install automatically and all set up. you can then add the "fixes" for ignoring blacklist and so on..

    compile again and you got your game with crosswalk.

    oh yeah, that's for android & ios. if you're doing UWP then running the solution file should work.

  • when you got first prototype, then give us a link, now go back to work.

    i won't believe you have/will build a "site" until i see something done.

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  • well.. you can't play with c2's editor source, but you can edit export source..

    go to install directory of C2 (default c:/program files/construct 2) and open folder exporters/html5.

    you will find there - > c2-externs, common prelude, commonace, eveng, expressions, glwrap, layout, system and a few other JS files.

    they are the source code of your game that gets put in runtime.js -> it's combined depending on your choices and complexity of your game.

    i've been tweaking that, but C2 (ashley) won't give you support if you tamper with it, so you're on your own.

    also there are folders in that folder called "plugins" and "behaviours", which have all the JS files (runtime.js / edittime.js) from which runtime.js gets incorporated in that runtime.js file (depending on what plugins / behaviours you use) and edittime - > what is shown / can be edited in editor.

    again tampering the default plugins you won't get any support.

    i've done some work on those too, things could work better somewhere but ashley just doesn't have time for such massive rework/optimizations and i'm not really a high JS expert nor do i have really the time, and whatever you "change" they won't accept to incorporate in code because it might cause issues.

    other than that, most of your events and stuff gets exported to data.js where you won't understand anything because it's just concatenated together.

    in the end you don't have to work on those because with good optimization and correct usage your game will work good no matter how big it is.

    now to answer your original question:

    • i set speed when i choose animation. you can make a function that gets the object from family for example and then sets its speed to designated value, so you won't have to write the same code 100 times, just once.

    for example - > function (family, animation,speed) - > set animation on family; set speed on animation; return;

    • what do you mean importing 40 ss? in sprite editor? 1 by 1
    • same as first. organize your game. here's an example:

    turret defense - you got 5 turrets, all different abilities. what are their common properties? fire range, damage, health(maybe), cooldown time, level, etc.. you put those 5 turrent in a family, give that family those properties and voila all your turrets got these properties.

    so what happens when you want to level up a turret? all you need is a function which receives a family item. for example - >

    function Level (family turret) - > if(turret ==family.smallcanon) - > if (level == 3) return; else level= level +1; ..increase stats...

    if (turret == family.bigcanon) - > if (level == 10) return; else level = level +1, increase other stats...

    and so on..

    if you need a new type of turret - > you just have to change that function, add another if which takes that new turret and changes it's stats, and all you have to do is put the sprite in the family.

    ofc this is an easy example, you can do a lot more with functions and families. grouping is the way to go :=) think of your game first then develop

  • i'd tell you that the best one is visual studio with cordova, but many will say it's not because it's a bit more complicated to work with...

    if you got the time to work it out...

  • that's how much your sprites take in memory.

    maybe all images compressed and spritesheeted use ~10mb but when cut and loaded in memory in their raw format they use 205mb. on that layout

  • it doesn't freeze because of memory use, it freezese because of CPU use.

  • because background is javascript and your event sheet is represented in javascript, then calling a function actually works calling that function by memory location through default javascript handlers.

    more details:

  • anywhere. if you coded in c# ever you'd know this. (or java)

  • i've noticed on that they did some neat updates to windows mobile, which should be released now with windows 10 anniversary on 2nd august.

    there was a lot of battery drain and what not..

  • check my "guide" and stuff here: ... plate-1527

    it's isometric <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile">

    there's a demo link there, works just tried it. it was made for PC but just a template with 1 level, didn't have time to do more or realease a game, it's a good starting point <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile">

  • did you try resizing sprite with +1 pix in width / height? engine will choose itself the best place to add the pixels so you might not lose your nose

  • yes but that happens when you have uneven size of sprite - 1/3/5/7/9... x 1/3/5/7/9... they have no midpoint, but 2/4/6/8... x 2/4/6/8... have midpoints.

  • what do you mean? ofc it can be placed, depending on your size of sprite, which needs to be 2ˇn example:

    if you put on sprite 20x20 on point (10,10) - you have 10 points to left and 10 to right to get 0,10 or 20,10.

    if you have a sprite that's 19x19, and you plaec it on point (10,10) - you have 10 to left, and 9 to right side. same happens when you put on 9,9, just opposite ways.