ryanrybot's Forum Posts

  • Thanks dhoeke for the advice! Coming from the days of using arrows to control the character (30+ years ago), I forget that a younger crowd might be more accustomed to FPS controls, which are closer to what you described.

    I'll see what I can do about making it more intuitive.

    That's a good idea Somebody! I was thinking of adding flood lights and other random things to show that the place was previously occupied, but light shafts through the ceiling is a good idea to add some more visual interest.

    I can't say it will be implemented in the next build, as I need to get more of the mechanics down, but I'll try your idea when I get back to sprucing up the environment.

    Thanks a bunch guys! You've been very helpful!

  • Based on what I see, you seem to be doing it pretty efficiently. The ground should be tilemap like you have, and the larger objects like the ice and trees should be background sprites.

    I think the platformer tutorial was written before tilemaps were introduced into C2, which could be causing some of the confusion.

    Great looking sprites btw!

  • Somebody

    Thanks a bunch!

    I had tried a few things like rocks instead of grass, but found that the whole thing looked very bland, having mostly brown colouring. Most of the grass is found under stalactites, which I tried to convince myself would have formed from water carrying minerals underground, and the seeds came off the feet of previous explorers.

    Maybe I'll have to brainstorm a few more ideas.


    I'm really sorry to have hard coded the z key to shoot. The plan was to be able to bind keys as you please, but haven't gotten around to it yet. I didn't know about the z and y being switched on German and Austrian keyboards.

    Did you have similar issues with the gamepad? Would you mind telling me which one you were using?

    I've only tested it with a 360 gamepad, as that's what everyone I know has.

  • Thanks for the suggestion plemo! I was thinking of adding some water dripping down the walls and some boxes and stuff lying around, but got distracted with optimizations.

    UI and AI are next on my plate, before I continue with the set dressing, but I will certainly run with your suggestion.

    I appreciate you testing the game so far.

  • Thanks for the feedback plemo!

    Would you prefer it to be completely different, or perhaps just faded more with a different color?

  • Okay, thanks Aphrodite!

  • Hello everybody!

    I was hoping someone could shed some light on the subject of how render cells work in relation to tile maps.

    If I recall correctly I saw a post that stated that tile maps aren't stored in memory like sprites, in that they essentially don't exist until they are actually on the screen, but I can't seem to find the thread any more.

    Neither the manual, the tile maps blog entry, nor the render cells blog entry mention anything about it either.

    So I guess my question is would tile maps benefit from using render cells?

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  • Hello everyone!

    There's a few changes this week.

    https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/305 ... index.html

    -This one has some rudimentary jumping enemy AI, which is way better than it was before, but I could use some feedback on it if you would be so kind.

    -A secret area on the top left of the last passage has been added for testing purposes. I wanted to see how passing through certain walls would look. Next I might try to make it so you have to shoot the wall first, before you can pass through it. We'll see.

    -The starting area is starting to look worse until I get a better understanding of how I want it to look. Sorry about that.

    -A completely new character look and animation is in the works, but for now the old one is still in place.

    -Some more tweaks to the camera so it tracks you better when falling.

    -Vehicle speed increased for better feel. ...or at least I think it feels better. <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_razz.gif" alt=":P" title="Razz">

    This week I plan on getting some form of UI in place, and get more enemy AIs fleshed out. So I hope it goes well. <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile">

    Anyway, test at your leisure.

    Thanks a bunch! <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile">

  • Would this be an alternative to your request?

    https://www.scirra.com/tutorials/318/ho ... ng-screens

    From what you describe, this could be what you are looking for.

  • +1 from too.

    Also an option to assign the frame's bounding box to the rest of the animation as well.

    Unless there already is one I don't know about.

  • Ah! Another Amiga alumni.

    I remember learning how to draw with Deluxe Paint like it was yesterday (mostly because I haven't progressed much since then)

    I'm sure you'll find C2 to be more than capable to build most games you can think of. It's a great program. I can't offer any more advice than some of the more veteran people on these forums, but I'm sure you'll get along with C2 just fine.

  • Thanks a bunch PhoenixNightly! I appreciate that very much.

  • Well, I decided to put up a build today. <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile">


    -New weapon implemented

    -New ground textures with parallax

    -Tweaked controls a bit

    -Huge clean up of project in general. Performance increase? Maybe.


    -AI is still broke, but differently now. <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_razz.gif" alt=":P" title="Razz">

    -Trees outside will be parallaxing funny, until I completely redo the outside stuff.

    https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/305 ... index.html

    Have fun! <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":D" title="Very Happy">

  • I might as well show a screenshot of what I've been working on. I'm quite happy with the way the parallax looks (which is not obvious in the screenshot).

    The whole ground texture has been redone at 64x64px instead of 50x50px tiles. The tiles were keep as close the the original while taking advantage of having more pixels to work with.


  • lol damn, that looks like it hurt.

    This project looks pretty rad! Any guess on when there will be something we can play around with?

    Love the wind blowing in through the window!