ryanrybot's Forum Posts

  • I've never written a plugin for Construct 2, but I believe it needs to be written in Javascript.

    BlueJ is Java, so I'm going to say that it's not possible to use it with Construct 2.

  • I've been wondering this as well.

    In the mean time, I've just separated my tilemaps into smaller images and planned my areas around what tilemaps will be used for certain layers. It's certainly less efficient that way though, and more time consuming.

  • Thanks for the feedback JamesXXXYZ!

    I really wanted to have 360 degree movement with the cannon, and the more I play with it, the more I think this is for the best. In my dev build, there's 8 direction aiming with the keyboard and d-pad now (plus full 360 with the analog stick), which makes it almost exactly like Super Metroid. The only difference being that in Super Metroid the shoulder buttons aim up/down, where in my control scheme it locks you in place to aim, which I feel gives you better control if you want to aim in any direction but not move from your position (which you could not do in Super Metroid).

    I really wanted to shy away from having a dual analog stick control scheme, as I find that it makes the face buttons much less accessible, when I really needed all the buttons readily available.

    The controls are slightly more complicated than a traditional platformer, but I'm hoping that the gameplay will necessitate it.

    Granted, there are some kinks to work out, but I feel in my loins that this is the best control scheme for what I am trying to achieve.

  • Hi mepis! I liked what you had so far but, as eliasfrost said, the 8-direction movement threw me off.

    For the gamepad, I was recently given a solution to get the actual angle of the thumbstick. I used the expression for rotation, but it should work for moving at a specific angle too.

    All props go to linkman2004 who came up with it.

    angle(0, 0, Gamepad.Axis(0, 0), Gamepad.Axis(0, 1))[/code:2z5huxo1]
    That will grab the current angle of the stick, so maybe it'll work better than using 8-direction.
    I hope that helps!
  • I'm sorry to say that I got NOTHING done that I said I would. Instead I tried to redo the aiming for the vehicle; specifically when using the analog sticks.

    If someone with a 360 controller would be so kind as to test the new aiming controls, that would be awesome.

    https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/305 ... index.html

    The main gun should follow the thumbstick rotation. It's slightly glitchy, but thought I would get some feedback on how it feels before I committed to polishing it up.

    The controls for the gamepad are currently,

    Thumbstick: moves, aims cannon

    X: shoot

    A: jump

    Y: enter/exit vehicle

    B: bombs (that don't work)

    Right Trigger: Locks vehicle in place

    The vehicle lock is for when you want to aim, but not move.

    Now, I'm not married to this control scheme yet, so please be as honest on how it feels. I'm kind of partial to old controls myself, so I may revert back to that. We'll see.

    Anyway, let me know! <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile">

  • Yep, linkman2004, your indices were correct for the axis and thumbstick.

    Thanks so much for the help!

  • Thanks linkman2004! I will try that out right away.

  • This is too cool rexrainbow! It works pretty flawlessly.

    What kind of game are you going to make with it? It looks very much like a dungeon crawler at the moment.

  • Thanks for the reply linkman2004!

    I hate to say this, for fear that I'm probably going to sound really dumb, but how do I write the expression to find the correct thumbstick and axis? I assumed the gamepad index was 0 since it's player one.

    How about I write what I had as I might not even be close.

    Every tick ---- Gun - Set angle to atan(Gamepad.Axis(0, Index?) / Gamepad.Axis(0, Index?))

    The manual just says, "Index specifies left analog X and Y or right analog X and Y axes, subject to Key mapping. Axes range from -100 to 100.", which is quite vague.

  • Hi everyone,

    I was working on the controls for my game and thought it might be cool to aim at the angle the thumb sticks are pointing, much like a twin-stick shooter.

    Right now the controls are set up to only aim at 45 degree angles, but thought finer controls when aiming might be nice. Unfortunately it gets a lot more complicated.

    Does anyone have any ideas on how to set this up? I would really appreciate any advice.


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  • In terms of level selection, and the non-linear approach to the genre, have you thought about letting the player complete the levels out of order and perhaps having certain shortcuts for earlier levels be accessible with items from later levels?

    Say, there is an objective on level 3. You could take the normal route to reach it, but there is also a shortcut that can be opened with a powerup aquired on level 5.

    One downfall of this would be if you ran into the shortcut before obtaining the item needed, you might get frustrated that you can't progress, assuming that it was the intended path. So you would have to make the normal path "super" obvious.

    As you can tell, I haven't really thought this through and I'm kinda just brainstorming out loud.

  • This is pretty awesome, mudmask! Looks like you've been busy.

    The new flame thrower looks great, and the procedural levels sound like a pretty cool addition.

    Can't wait to see more!

  • Love the atmosphere! Keep up the great work!

  • This is looking better and better every time I see it. You are doing such an amazing job with this Somebody!

  • That's quite a unique setup there,

    I have never seen a control scheme like that in a platform game. When I get around to having customizable controls, you can happily set that up yourself.

    As for the shoulder buttons, they were going to be for weapon selection, I just haven't gotten that far yet.

    The game is still really early in development, so you'll need to be a little patient while I get around to adding all the features.