ryanrybot's Forum Posts

  • It looks much better with some added depth. Look forward to seeing more.

  • made a wolfenstein 3d engine with this (:

    That looks pretty awesome Follder22! It would be cool to see in motion.

  • Great job, mudmask! Congrats on going live in the Store.

  • We usually say something like, "Lord Gigatron, we know you are wise and powerful and ask if you could grant this humble servant's request for this effect, please?"

    Then, if Gigatron feels that you are worthy, in a couple days the effect will appear in the forums.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Did you put the .capx file extension in the name for the backups and autosave fields, perhaps?

    I can't remember if you just need the filename or if you need the extension as well.

  • I find for the Z order panel to be populated you need to select an item in your layout. Then it shows everything overlapping that item.

  • You can kind of do that, but only with the detachable windows, such as properties and layers, et al. You can have tabs side-by-side, but if you are only using one monitor things get a little cramped (unless, of course, you stretch C2 across multiple monitors).

    As nice as it would be to have removable tabs, it's something we just have to work around, unfortunately.

  • I have a feeling he's not coming back...

  • The project looks like it has the potential to be a lot of fun. You have to remember though, not everyone is going to reply to your thread, even if they are interested in the project.

    As BackendFreak mentioned, you'll need to do a bit of polishing yet, but also think about building fun scenarios with the mechanics you've created. It's fun to shoot things, but not if it's just enemies trickling in from the sides.

    Give the player the tools to have fun with. Items that attract or repel enemies, piles of numerous enemies on screen (think something like Dark creatures from the Rayman games), combination weapons and traps that you have to set off (like dousing a pit in gas, luring enemies inside and lighting them on fire), defensive items to get you out of trouble (maybe a launchpad item, or a bulldozer type shield), interesting environments that complement the weapon mechanics (I see mostly wide open levels in your gifs).

    There is so much you could do you the framework you've got so far.

  • I've also noticed that if you detach the debugger, so it's in it's own window, it runs a bit better.

  • Not being familiar with Fantasy Flight Games' X Wing I am slightly confused as to what I am seeing in the screenshots, but I admire your dedication to the project.

  • I'm glad the capx was of use to you,

    The game feels a lot better now. I can't wait to see more.

  • Hey Hasuak! I got that camera capx for you. I hope you find it useful. <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile">

    https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/305 ... _demo.capx

  • Everything is so colourful! Great job on the art design. It reminds me of NARC, but with fun, colourful graphics.

    You have my vote , good sir.

  • No worries, Hasuak! I hope I didn't come across as too harsh. Your game really is looking amazing so far.

    I can definitely share my camera settings with you, if you like. I'll send you a capx later today.