ryanrybot's Forum Posts

  • I don't own MV but, if it's anything like previous versions, it should come with a base set of everything you need to make a game. Of course you can always buy or make more graphics, sound and music if you feel there isn't enough for you to work with.

    The software is quite easy to get into. It's definitely not as customizable as C2, but does give you fine control over things like character and enemy stats. If you used the provided assets, you might be able to hammer together something playable in a few days.

  • While I do like RPG Maker, and have used it on and off since the PS1 version, it really is only catered to making one specific type of game. Where as C2 is more like a sandbox where you can create anything you want, RPG Maker designed just for making RPGs. There are scripts to create more Zelda-esque titles, different battle systems, or different dialogue options, but some of them aren't the most intuitive and most only work for certain versions of the software.

    With C2, you would have to build all the mechanics that come with RPG Maker, so it all depends on how much control you want over your game.

    So with that said, if you are interested in making an RPG, I would at least try RPG Maker. It comes with everything you need, but if you want something that truly stands on it's own you would want to create all the art and music yourself, instead of using the prepackaged stuff.

    I think VX Ace may still be the most popular version, but MV uses HTML5 so you can export to more devices.. There's always a trial version of the software if you would like to try it out.

  • You've done a really good job with this so far! I've noticed a few issues with the way the tiles display (some shore tiles are get reversed), but it looks really promising.

    It's also refreshing to see random generation used for something besides caves.

  • Hmm... Interesting. I can't say that I've run into this issue before, but I will certainly keep that in mind when doing my collision events.

  • I haven't looked at your capx, but I did something a couple years ago that sounds like what you are asking for.

    https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/305 ... index.html

    capx: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/305 ... ffect.capx

  • Make a game about a guy who was shrunk down and sealed inside a bottle of soda. The goal of the game is to catch the carbonation bubbles for air, and not be swallowed as the bottle tips back and forth as someone drinks the beverage.


    You play as a wet squirrel trying to get away from a sentient blowdryer, whose sole purpose is to make everything dry. You can distract the blowdryer by running past bodies of water or make your own puddles using your bodily fluids.

  • Wow, this is really polished. It feels very much how I remember it.

    Great job!

  • Well, ok this will get a little complicated because there are a few issues at play here.

    The first problem is the pants. Your events state that the pants animation will play from the beginning every single frame your character is moving. So your pants animation never leaves the first frame. The thing that I find works well for triggering animations is to make them actions to key presses and releases. So "on Key press D - play animation" for example.

    The sound issue is the same as the pants. A new sound will play for every tick that you hold down the D button. That means that the sound is just piling up because you'll have hundreds of them playing all at once.

    You could try removing everything from the audio event and just make it "Pants - Animation Frame = (whatever frame you want the sound to play) - play sound".

    I hope that's clear enough.

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  • Looking good, !

    I've always loved these sorts of games, and yours looks to be shaping up really well.

  • I had a slightly different solution than oosyrag, but the more the merrier, right? <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_razz.gif" alt=":P" title="Razz">

    (click left mouse button to create shockwave) https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/305 ... index.html

    You can change the shockwave by altering the image, which I have provided for you to get an idea of what to experiment with.

    capx, plus some shockwave graphics... https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/305 ... ckwave.zip

    Hope that helps.

  • I enjoyed what I played, but was confused half the time as to what side of the ship I needed to dock. Sometimes I had the top of the ship bumping up against the docking platform and nothing was happening, until I realized i needed to turn around.

    If you made it so it was clear where the landing gear was, it would alleviate some of the frustration.

  • As oosyrag said, you really need to experiment with adding effects to sprites. You'll quickly understand what's going on, I'm sure.

    Try creating an image of a ring on a transparent background and add the lens effect to it, see what happens. Play with blending modes too, as they are essential to creating the effects you want as well.

    I will make an example for you in a few hours, if you haven't figured it out by then.

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  • In Spriter I would suggest making a keyframe at the beginning of your animation, then copying it and pasting it at the end of your animation. That way your animation starts and stops at the same position, which is what you need for an animation that loops.

    Another way to do it is by animating it directly in C2 with a couple of sine behaviors. I've done it that way with some good results.

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