pikawilliam11's Forum Posts

  • Tom 4 months later, I never received an email about my Personal licence expiring today and no way to renew it manually :/

    Is there even a way to get an email to remind us to renew it when it is about to expire?

  • Hello there.

    I have numerous Construct 3 games playable on the browser, and they ALL have the same issue: Playing on Chrome mobile Web browser.

    If I play my games from the mobile Firefox app, the audio starts playing normally after the player clicks the "Click here to fix the audio" button.

    However, when I play the same games on the Chrome mobile app (latest version), the audio is messed up. After some research, I found out that Chrome has issues (or not) with "Preload audio" which prevents the audio from preloading on load and must be downloaded every time they have to play (UX impacted).

  • The Construct 3 file I posted above, I didn't use an array either.

    For example, the millions will go like => floor(scoreVariable/1000000) & " Millions"

    as action, and there you go.

    You can download it, I added comments C:

  • Can use what oosyrag provided, but requiring a plugin, while I didn't use any plugin or dark sorcery.

    This is your choice :)

  • The project name 'Kosakata Durusul Lughah' contains at least one of the following characters: [ , /, \, :, <, >, ", ?, *, |]. This has been deprecated and is scheduled to be removed in Gradle 5.0.

    The answer is maybe there. Did you use one of these characters in your project name?

  • Hello there.

    After trying this challenge for almost 1 hour, I finally found a way with some math. Here is a project link:


    What I did was update the text for each step (millions, billions, etc) with division.

    Do you want me to elaborate further?

    Have a nice night!

  • Can we have some screenshots, please? Will be faster to help ^^

  • Also, this is helping a lot if we can see your code C:

  • My actual WIP game also has difficulties reading the Solid tag filter too, which is weird.

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • I think the issue is you are setting the time as string without including the global variable.

    Can you try to set the text as the following:

    "time: " & timw


  • Oh ok. Thanks for the reply!

  • I don't know if this is normal, but my Construct Animate tells me that I am using the free edition of Construct 3 when my active licence expires on July 2023 :/

    When asked to subscribe to use the full features of Construct Animate, notice me that I already have a Construct 3 licence.

    How do I fix this?

    This is maybe weird to ask, but did you try to clean your browser from temporary data, cache, cookies, etc?

    In fact, some cache data can possibly cause interference with websites and browser-based apps.

    I say this neutrally.

    I just live tried a blank project the Android export.


    The latest version of Windows 10 64-bit

    Intel Core i7-3770

    Nvidia GeForce 1050ti

    32GB RAM

    The latest version of Google Chrome

    Really fast Internet (idk if pertinent, lol)

    I have no problems on my side for a blank project as my first-ever export on Android tho.