pikawilliam11's Forum Posts

  • Here as promised gluii


    Don't mind the ugly shameful stairs attempt or my gravity try, focus on the fact that this is working as you wanted it to.

    I added a lot of comments. Tell me if something is wrong with the link.

  • Hi. Sorry, I missed time tonight. I will try my best to send you here a Goole drive link with an MVP Construct 3 project.

    Have a nice night!

  • Hi. I have maybe the solution in my head. I'm very busy now, but tonight I will do a quick project to see how you can maybe do this. See you in at least 7 hours ^^

  • 100MB? I didn't knew that :o

    Good to know!

  • Hi. Sorry for the delay, my not Working Construct 3 notifications at their finest.

    Did you get your answer? If not, I will do something quickly with my screenshot from a few days ago with a shareable link with the feature you try to do.

    Maybe people here need more info about what you want, but I understood since the beginning what you want to do, don't worry ^^

  • I didn't test it (not having time yet):

    Is it good for you with this?

    Instead of my tiled_wall_1, you will add instead the roof of your building to see through when inside.

  • if I move to the edge, I want the ship to stop right at the edge, rather than keep going off the screen.

    Well, I think you can do something like:


    If => the player touches the edge of the layout :

    Disable the ScrollTo behaviour.

    Start a timer of 3 seconds (choose your timelapse) once.


    If => After the 3 seconds timer the player is still touching the edge of the layout:

    Restart the 3 seconds timer once.


    Else => Enable back the ScrollTo behaviours (to continue the automatic scrolling).


    My explanations above are NOT real code, I just to show you the visual of how to make your requested feature work.

    By playing with the enable/disable ScrollTo behaviour, you can play/pause the automatic scrolling.

    If you are asking why a timer of 3 seconds, it's because keeping checking the collision between the player and the edge of the layout can possibly be a problem if you had some physics stuff after. However, by adding a 3 seconds timer, you get a little cooldown to smoothly resume the ScrollTo behaviour.

    This is how I would do it. Depend on your needs.

  • Documentation and a YouTube video. What asking more? Thanks lionz.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Hello dev friend!

    As someone also planning to do mobile games too (after 101 PC games in HTML5 format)(for my ultimate life personal project. which will only reveal in a few months), I did my test and research too.

    So, your first question is one of the most important. The screen is responsive. The tutorial you showed us is PERFECT. I tried it for a big WIP game and doing the viewport as 1920 x 1080 (with a layout view of 1024 x 768 with ScrollTo tho) the result is good enough for an HD responsive game. Tips: Be sure your sprites are looking nice when small, will be useful later. Trust me.

    About Google Play, I will be honest with you, I never tried. However, I got asked the same question on an indie game dev platform by a young dev (maybe after looking at my games catalogue). Here is the video I tell him to watch:


    I know I know, this is GDevelop and NOT Construct 3. However, I did a timestamp in the link to show you how to add your exported game to Google Play (assuming Construct 3 uses the same standard APK files for Google Play as intended).

    Don't forget to watch some tutorials or documentation about Touch Object (for mobile input) and Browser Object (if you need to lock the screen rotation or other mobile settings needed).

    If any more questions, I will be glad to reply. Have a nice day!

  • I'm hesitating to fill a bug report since this repetitive issue is only happening on one specific browser :/

  • Hi. Sorry for the delay, my Construct 3 web notifications never worked properly.

    This morning, I see that my Firefox can finally run the TURN server, but now I got auto disconnect by this Every. Single. Time.

    Firefox is not friendly with Construct 3 or I am wrong?

  • Hello.

    In short, whenever I try to use the remote preview of Construct 3, my phone never gets the preview (stuck on the loading splash screen).

    When I checked the console, here are what the problems "can" be:

    If this happens again and again on my Firefox, but not on Chrome and Opera GX, should I still fill out a bug report anyway? (I can't use remote preview with Firefox any longer :/ )

    Edit: I forgot:

    Windows 10 64-bit

    32GB of RAM

    GTX 1050ti

    core i7-3770

    Latest version of Firefox

  • Sadly, I can't edit the title of my post to add [SOLVED] :(

    Would be cool, I think.

  • Oh, it's work! I had to handle stuff to make it works, thanks!

  • Look about tilemap.

    You can use a tilemap to display the ground (like a tileset of the ground everywhere) and then you are digging by erasing each cube of the diggable ground when they are overlapping with the shovel, for example.

    What to look for at least:


    Object overlapping with another.

    Overlapping based on collision on origin from the sprite editor.