pikawilliam11's Forum Posts

  • The example browser of Construct 3 has maybe the answer you search ^^


    1. Go inside the example browser from the Construct 3 main page.

    2. Search 3D.

    3. Choose a project.

    4. Check the code and read the comments :)

    5. Good luck :D

  • Everything is working now :)

    Thank you a lot.

    I thought by using add child, the canon would be spawned with all the parameters I put before removing it. I thought Construct 3 was working as "saving all behaviour parameters through the whole project even after if I delete it from the layout".

    I'm using Construct 3 as the main game engine after a jump of years from GameMaker, so I was, and still am, confused about everything about how to use Construct 3.

    I think it will be better if I check some Construct 3 tutorial 101 for new users :)

    Thanks again for the help and have a nice night ^^

    (Little note: Are my file names good (a_info, enemy_ship, etc)? Still using the GameMaker file names tho).

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  • First, my turret range was already 900 from the start, so idk how you get lower than that in my c3p file.

    Second, removing the container doesn't help.

    With the container:


    If I remove the container:

    Idk what is wrong with the container if I already have a parent/child since the container prevents the child to not getting spawned.

  • It's working :D

    I never knew the utility of sub-event ^^

    Now, this is not the issue of this post title, but since I added the enemy canon has a child to the enemy ship, the turret is not getting the player as a target, like if they can't be enabled.

    Here is the project file:


    Do you think the turret behaviour is not compatible with the parent/child hierarchy?

  • What will be your 8 animations?

    If I had to do myself a state logic for multiple animations on a player, I would do a global variable with a string.

    In short, the initial value will be "idle". So, all your animation will be states like for example "jump", "fall", "hit", "attack", "protect", etc. All triggerable by keys or events or whatever you want them to get triggers.

    Then, inside a group (in the event sheet), you check:

    if the global variable value is "idle", then play idle animation.

    if the global variable value is "run", then play the run animation.

    And go on.

    Do you think this idea can fit your needs?

  • Hi! I'm new here, so I'm not sure how to explain my problem here, but I will try something.

    I'm trying for at least 1 hour to use the flash behaviour on my enemy ship (parent) with his canon at the same time (child).


    Expected behaviour:

    When the player's bullet hit the enemy ship and this one has more than 1 life point left, flashing both the enemy ship and his weapon for 2 seconds.


    Unwanted behaviour:

    Instead, only the enemy ship is flashing without affecting his child.


    Any help will be welcome ^^