pikawilliam11's Forum Posts

  • Tom

    Oh ok. This is weird since (with my Web dev skills) I can see multiple areas in the construct website and the construct arcade website communicate to a Cloudfront server with an "unsafe-url" referer policy (There is "unsafe-url" almost everywhere. Even my sensitive info of licence ID and purchases info end up in the header request and in the URL, which is not security friendly).

    However, if you say the problem is elsewhere, you say it. Have a nice night!

  • Tom

  • Sorry for this, the site crashed on Friday and after investigation looks like was caused by the amount of traffic visiting the arcade. As a quick fix, I put some of the arcade traffic under "Under attack mode" on Cloudflare, and shut down the arcade for ~36 hours whilst I investigated.

    I've made some changes now which should help (much more aggressive caching on expensive queries) which are now live and the arcade should be back to normal operation. This does seem to be an intermittent problem that keeps occurring so am keeping my eye on it.

    Hi Tom. Do you think there is a way to also add more settings to your Cloudfront service to be sure the Arcades will stay up for a good moment? Thanks to fixed it, btw!

    > I just love how all people here are giving downvotes on people asking why the Arcade is not working when they visibly didn't even try to find out themselves that the Arcade has some Internal server errors (5xx error). Instead of verifying, immediate downvotes. how civilized...

    Me neither, didn't expect 3 random people to downvote for no reason tbh :/

    btw pikawilliam11 thanks for finding out why the arcade isn't working! Not sure how you did it but thanks.

    Edit 1: I also forgot to mention. The editor freezes whenever I try undoing an action whilst editing a timeline.

    No problem :)

    Also, I'm a full-time Web dev, was easy to effortlessly find the reason of the broken Arcades, lol.

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  • Internal server error, lol.

    I just love how all people here are giving downvotes on people asking why the Arcade is not working when they visibly didn't even try to find out themselves that the Arcade has some Internal server errors (5xx error). Instead of verifying, immediate downvotes. how civilized...

    Here is what I found about why we can't use the Arcade:


  • Hi, sorry for the delay, I was really busy.

    Here is a new link with the opacity feature requested.


    Have a nice day ^^

  • Welp, I forgot about the transparent thing. Will do it soon. Gn!

  • Here is the update for being able to go behind the building. I also updated my comments.


    Have a nice night!

  • Hi.

    Behind The Building and it goes non-solid & transparent


    Easy, I will update my test Construct 3 project and his Google Drive link when I will have time. Expect possibly a few days before this update since I'm a bit busy right now ^^

    Have a nice day!

  • Hi. Thanks for the answer, Ashley!

  • hi. A quick question like that.

    If I do a multiplayer game in Construct 3 and use wss://multiplayer.scirra.com or the TURN server (idk what will be used at the end), can players play it online as intended on the indie game platform gamejolt.com or only games uploaded in the Construct 3 arcade can use the Scirra Peer servers stuff?


  • To open the file I sent in a Google Drive link:

    Step 1: Click on Open local file

    Step 2: Open the file I sent to you to download:

    Magic, you get the project, assets and all the code and the comments. If any more questions. I'm watiting for them ^^

  • Here are some pictures of the result in my Google Drive link above:



    Standing on ugly stairs

    Standing near NPC levitating

    Quit the building by same doors