Help! Editor randomly lagging and freezing

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    I just love how all people here are giving downvotes on people asking why the Arcade is not working when they visibly didn't even try to find out themselves that the Arcade has some Internal server errors (5xx error). Instead of verifying, immediate downvotes. how civilized...

    I didn't downvote anyone, but I really don't understand why people are hijacking this thread with questions about the Arcade..

    I just love how all people here are giving downvotes on people asking why the Arcade is not working when they visibly didn't even try to find out themselves that the Arcade has some Internal server errors (5xx error). Instead of verifying, immediate downvotes. how civilized...

    Me neither, didn't expect 3 random people to downvote for no reason tbh :/

    btw pikawilliam11 thanks for finding out why the arcade isn't working! Not sure how you did it but thanks.

    Edit 1: I also forgot to mention. The editor freezes whenever I try undoing an action whilst editing a timeline.

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    > I just love how all people here are giving downvotes on people asking why the Arcade is not working when they visibly didn't even try to find out themselves that the Arcade has some Internal server errors (5xx error). Instead of verifying, immediate downvotes. how civilized...

    Me neither, didn't expect 3 random people to downvote for no reason tbh :/

    btw pikawilliam11 thanks for finding out why the arcade isn't working! Not sure how you did it but thanks.

    Edit 1: I also forgot to mention. The editor freezes whenever I try undoing an action whilst editing a timeline.

    No problem :)

    Also, I'm a full-time Web dev, was easy to effortlessly find the reason of the broken Arcades, lol.

    i have similiar problem because my Animation Editor freezes when i try close, construct wont respond, i must close whole project without posibility to save progress. Maybe i have too many animations? or project is too big?

    i try open on Chrome and Altroo browser

    Ashley Also i try remove folders and error popups, maybe this cause proble, hard to found this issue

    I'm going to lock this thread now because the original problem has already been understood and for some reason people are using this thread to post their unrelated problems in.

    If anyone is having any issues please file a bug report following the guidelines, that is the best way to get help.

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