Pandadoor's Forum Posts

  • Nice, I don't use effects much but when I see this, I know that I have to dig into it.

  • Thanks for your feedback facecrime, I didn't know the movie Robot Jox.

    [quote:gi0ojgmg]Progression is a bit unclear.

    You are right, you are free to choose which opponent you want to fight and you don't have to follow an "order" (You won't have to kill everyone to win).

    I will do something about it.

    [quote:gi0ojgmg] 'reset' my progress, which seems to consist of locking defeated enemies and leaving me with harder ones as the only option

    The reset button is for testing purposes, it unlocks the opponents you have already defeated.

    [quote:gi0ojgmg]more depth to combat would be nice too, like buying new skills and abilities or something.

    I will think about it, thanks for testing the game.


    Thanks for your feedback pyremonk you gave me good ideas!

    [quote:gi0ojgmg] I would create a small icon that represents Reputation next to the amount they have to spend and next to the amount of the cost, just so the two numbers tie together visually.

    This is a perfect idea, I will do it.

    [quote:gi0ojgmg]maybe you could add a button to tap/click that helps block lasers or brace for a ramming attack? Just something to add a little strategy during battles.

    Once you upgrade your cell you don't have much time to waste but I will think about it.

    Thanks for your time!

    (Best way to win is a better Hull)

  • You create an event:

    [every 0.01 seconds]

    [YourObjectName set angle to (YourObjectName.Angle+0.01) degrees]

    [YourObjectName2 set angle to (YourObjectName2.Angle+0.01) degrees]

  • Do you think it is too long? Maybe too boring? What's exactly the reason why I should lower the kills? Many popular video game as Mario Bros, Sonic, Wonderboy, etc. run for a similar amount of time (about 1 minute and half like mine).

    Quicker access to the first upgrades can hook the player but instead of lowering the kills you could lower the tree density of the first level.

    [quote:34xcb5iz]Moving the mouse on the trees it should says "Set up the number of trees during the endless mode" and if you stay on the cursor it should says "[number]% tree density during the Endless Mode". Did you have the message when playing the game? They basically let you choose how many trees have during the Endless Mode. Playing the game you will notice how much trees are an important element of the game. They will help you on one hand and at the same time they will annoy you. Try to play different games, maybe in Endless Mode, with difference tree settings and you should notice the difference

    Okay my fault, now I understand. You should add a text next to it "Tree Density" same for the other parameter.

    [quote:34xcb5iz]Well, I guess in many games the first time you put the mouse on them to read the description of the icon, later you will already know what they are. I will try to put a more explicit description but not sure if I can fit it all nicely, especially if I will enlarge the font. I will have to add more upgrades in the future so I need lots of space.

    Maybe my English isn't correct. I meant complete the work means go to maximum to get the upgrade. So to put a trap you need 3/3, to create the thunder artifact you need 15/15 and that will be the weapon that you activate pressing the number 3 on the keyboard as written on the main menu to use it.

    You are right but the descriptions could use more informations. (What is the thunder artifact?) And the keyboards control should be written again. (I forgot about it on the title screen)

    [quote:34xcb5iz]Thank you very much for your feedback it has been very useful! I will keep you posted about future update if you want

    Glad I could help.

  • I don't know how to explain it so I made a capx.

    You can adapt it to your game, ask me if you don't understand.

    Dropbox link

    (There was a mistake in the first one, it's 135 degrees instead of 145 degrees.)

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  • Can you provide a .capx?

  • I have feedback for you,

    The game works and can become really good with polishing, you have a good base to work on.

    The title menu

    • You should do something about the Layer where you have a drawing of your menu cause I see it each time when it loads. (Nice drawing)
    • Your buttons, they don't have sound and they look boring. You could do medieval buttons in wood or in stone.

    The level

    • I like the push back of the trees when you hit one with your arrow.
    • The music is nice.
    • I hope you have plan to improve the "green triangles" who are attacking you.
    • I only did the first level (you should lower the kills to finish it)

    Option menu

    • A bigger text size would be nice.
    • What is "Tree density" and why would I change it?

    When you are at the betwen level menu with several bonuses

    • The sounds when you win a level are annoying (loud and disturbing) maybe something softer would be better.
    • You could enlarge the descriptions zone for your mouse cursor. (invisible zones that show a text when your mouse cursor is over it)
    • How does I know what are the things at the end of a level without my mouse cursor over it, you have the space to add text like a name or a small description.
    • The quotes are nice but a description of the effect would be cool too: Complete work to build the woundrous thunder artefact! <--- I want ten of it but what is it?
    • I have problems reading your font, the characters are tiny and fancy.

    Keep up the good work.

  • To send your capx you can try DropBox, Google Drive or OneDrive.

    Here's a tutorial about Space Invaders with a capx Space invaders tutorial

    (the capx made by zenox98 just in case you don't find it )

  • I don't know but you can start with this tutorial.

  • This won't help but I added 30 layers and did multiple tests of drag and drop (Project and Layers docked like you). The layer never changes.

    If when you remove the Layers bar you don't have this problem, your theory could be right.

  • You can use global variables as a timer. (BF109respawn and Flakrateoffire)

    You reduce the timers after a period of time until the timers are at their maximum. (I set 60seconds)

    Hope you understand.

  • Welcome to Iron Kiss's devlog.


    Available on gamejolt

    It's a small pixel art game using the mouse and the arrow keys. It's a brower game.

    The goal is to kill the opponent before he kills you. You can shoot lasers or use your reactor boost to crush your opponent, it consumes energy that you have to manage.

    The story:

    You play a male or a female character who is stuck in an arena/prison. You have to fight other inmates to earn reputation, with this reputation you can access better equipment for your "Iron kiss". (a monorail moving on a rail used during the fights) It takes place in a dystopian society.

    If you see a bug or a grammar mistake, let me know.

    Thanks for reading this. ¯\(?)/¯

    Link to the game (gamejolt)

    (browser game) hope you have fun.

  • Nice platform game, I enjoyed the cute aspect and the start/end animations with sound of the 2 levels.

    There is stuff to pick, I like that. Cool little raindrop effect on the ground.

    Some feedback

      -No sound mode (just in case) -Had to guess the control (space to shoot) -Text looks blurred (wrong font size with zoom?) -Graphics have different styles and pixel sizes (the trees, the player, the moving platform, the brick walls) -the sound when you fall in the water is strange

    I had some lag, it's like the game run a little slower than it should. (or just a feeling)

    Keep up the good work.

  • Simple game without sound, the only goal is to last for better scores. You go right then you go left until the orange ball touches you. I did 110 scores, that's not my kind of game. (repetitive and time wasting)

    Some feedback,

    -add sound

    -improve graphics (the orange ball is a fish ?)

    -add some kind of a story

    You already had an old post about it, updating it could have been a good idea.

  • Here is a solution but it is not perfect.

    Add to Sprite10 the instance variable (Overlap = 0)

    Then :

    If two Sprite10 overlap each other, the furthest to Sprite6 will set his overlap variable to 1.

    If the overlap variable is 1, the Sprite10 stop his pathfinding, wait 0.1s then "reset" his overlap variable.

    I tried with 5 instances of Sprite10 and it works, you can manage the Z position of Sprite10 in the layer for better results.