Pandadoor's Forum Posts

  • I changed the name of "Spiderbullet" to "Spidertower" cause it was a tower you wanted, I guess. (it has the tower behavior)

    I cloned the "Bullet" and named the clone "Spiderbullet" it's the bullet for the "Spidertower".

    If you don't understand, let me know.

  • You can put the [play explosion event] and the [play sound event] in a function and you repeat this function 4 times (with a delay).

  • You can host your game on gamejolt and generate keys for a private access or you can do it on too.

    Both are free. It's not beta testing focused but it should do the job.

    (Or you are talking about an online server for your game and I don't know the anwser)

  • Hey, this is a game idea where you have to solve mysteries using the internet (or books) to solve it. (I'm thinking of a brower game)

    I already know some games using sounds or other secrets but what I'm talking about is something like uncharted/indiana jones/tomb raider where you play as an adventurer and you encounter mysteries like a drawing, a location, a puzzle.

    For example:

    You find something talking about "The pyramid of the magician" you have to enter a text about "The creators".

    If you search about this pyramid on wikipedia you find that it was made by the Maya. You enter the text "Maya" then something happens.

    It's a simple example but it's to show you how it could work. It could use wikipedia or the game could have a fake wiki for the player to search.

    Tell me what you think of it and I would like to know if someone knows a game like this. (Adventurer game where you have to find the solutions outside of the game)

  • Unless it's like a rogue like where you have perma death, one thing I don't like is the cognitive dissonance of saying 'kill or be killed' when you can't die. It either means both sides can't die or you can't die but for some reason the other guy can (making it seem like the player character is more the villain here). 'Crush or be crushed' would be more fun and make sense.

    Otherwise you seem to have a game about blimps fighting each other - this is neat

    Thanks for the feedback!

    You can die in the game but when you do it's treated as a nightmare. It would be too difficult if you had to restart every time you die.

    The player character isn't a nice guy, he kills inmates in front of a public to win his freedom. It's like a death sentence. (The game will have two endings depending on the opponents you killed)

    It could be blimps but they are more like streetcars. (rail vehicles)

  • V0.5


    -Opponents Ships skins

    -Tutorial at the start of the game

    -Typewriter text effect (with sound, a small step for an experimented dev but a big step for me )

    To do list:

    -Opponents Ships cells for some

    -Game balance

    -PVP mode on the same keyboard (I will wait the release of the game to decide if I do it)


    -The ending of the game (There will be two different endings depending on how you earned your reputation)

    -An intro at the start (maybe)

    A useless waste of time in the making of the opponents ships are the 17 frames for each 10 ships and the 13 frames for each 9 turrets.

    It shows damages evolution on the ship but I've made too many frames for this, it's almost useless for the low hp ships.

    It was boring to do and the player won't notice it.

    Any feedback is welcome, Link to the game on gamejolt

  • The avatars are standardized, there are 10 opponents. (some arms look weird )

    Thanks to the feedback I added two mechanics:

    The energy assist, when you tap the left arrow, your energy reloads faster. (the purple gas jets)

    The magnet, when you press down arrow, both ships are attracted. (useful or deadly)


      -One new background (the jail) -Damage calculation improved (weight+velocity, before it was only using the weight) -Title screen -New opponents behavior -Side effects when you win a fight (only visual things like wounds, graffitis, etc...) -"Reputation" icon -3 new opponents ships

    To do list:

      Opponents Ships, thrusters, turrrets, cells Tutorial Game balance PVP mode (same keyboard) Musics The ending of the game

    Any feedback is welcome, the game is not balanced yet and you can reset the opponents list for testing purpose.

    (Link to the game on gamejolt, browser game)

  • The red or the blue are GVnumber. (it's a variable made to create a space to click with the cursor, not an angle)

    If you set GVnumber to 0, you won't be able to shoot up right left or down.

    If you set GVnumber to 80, you will only be able to shoot up right left or down.

    You can play with it to see the differences, you can scale it to your object size (the example uses a 40x40pixels object)

  • can you show me an example for the event ? to be 100% certain that i understand

    he example is the capx Dropbox link I have made earlier.

    There are events checking the mouse cursor position(Sscope) compared to the origin of the Player(Splayer) then it sets the bullet angle.

    It's not just "one" event.

  • I just played the small demo on the arcade, it has good vibes.

    The fights are dynamic (I didn't know the purple boxes were destructible and that you could shoot above it, maybe a visual element to show this) the "swarming corridor" is intense, blood when an enemy died is always a good thing. I wasn't lost in the level thanks to the indicator top right. I understood how the gun ammo works really quickly.

    For the difficulty, I would say a 4/10 (10=apocalypse ) One thing, the boss needs a grenade to be killed (I spent the first play shooting at him without any results)

    I know that it's a work in progress but some little sounds could add a lot.

    The player is a little slow and sometimes there is lag (when you pass the first door and before the melee enemies spawn in the corridor)

    Keep up the good work!

    Ps: I watched Robot Jox


    I played the dropbox version, it's really good. I had to stop because I was stuck at the end of the 3th level (Leave your vehicle and find the hangar) the game is a little too easy

    -The enemy sprite could change when he's dead cause sometimes I don't know if the blood is from another enemy.

    -The enemy spawning with a jump (ork jetpack I guess) is nice.

    -The level 2 boss is too easy.

    Riding the mech is great, the shaking screen makes the experience enjoyable. )

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  • ok a new question can you tell me when i add the condition of is withen angle .the question is withen angle in relation to what ? i am very confused if there is an angle there should be a center for that angle and i dont understand that condition very well can you explain it panda-kun ?

    sagerx the origin of the angle is the origin of the object used in the events. (in the example it's Splayer)

    It's used in relation with the mouse cursor. (in the example mouse cursor=Sscope)

    This picture can help you to understand how it works, the center is the origin of the object you use as a reference in the events. (Splayer in the example)

    If you click below the object origin (X is the same but Y is bigger) the angle is 270°.

    If you click top right of the object origin (X is bigger, Y is lesser) the angle is 45°.


  • This game looks small until you open the galaxy map.

    I like space games and this one has a lot of possibilities, space battle, trading, exploration, ship customisation, mining...

    Here's some feedback for you.

    -You should add some basic sounds even for your wip version.

    -At first I didn't know the control and forgot to check the help icon. Maybe a screen explaining it when you start a new game.

    -The graphics are clean and soft but the background looks empty.

    -The galaxy map is really cool and I think it gives a bigger dimension to the game. (by the way, it's "click to select solar system" not galaxy )

    -The landing system is simple but it works, you add one city or something like this on each planets with an interface and it's good. (Or you can land on the planet and leave your ship but that's another game in the game)

    Some suggestions:

    -Shield could regenerate himself.

    -Add space stations and friendly ships.

    -New weapons. (missiles, better lasers, paralyzing laser, laser beam, tractor beam ...)

    -Enemies could drop something.

    -A text about the ressource when the mouse cursor is over the icon (Fer for Fe, Tin for Ti,...) and maybe a small description.

    -Visual effects for the thrusters.

    I had to stop cause of a bug, my laser stopped working (the drill too) it happened when I started to drill a planet.

    To conclude, you have multiple directions for this game.

    Keep up the good work!

  • I have tried it, it's like a not serious game made with serious.

    I really like the different planets parameters, the wind, the temperature, the toxic effects. Combined with items you can find, I found a vest with better resistance to the cold.

    I had an experience on a planet where I couldn't get back to my ship cause of the wind, I slided from right edge to left edge to get back in my ship. This was fun.

    The transition effect space/planet is nice.

    There was some little bugs but I don't renember all of them. The one that made me quit the game = I was unable to get back in space with my ship.

    I don't really like the enemies look and behaviors, they all fly around quickly except some giant heads who jump from the ground.

    You could highlight the ressources to pick up, at first I didn't know what to collect on the ground.

    Keep up the good work.

  • If your game isn't a complicated giant mess, you can update construct 2 without worries.

  • Those are cool, reminds me the rpgmaker tilemap. Thanks.