Beta testing service?

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  • I'm nowhere near beta in my project, just thinking ahead. is there any kind of service (free or paid) that will host your game online for a short period of time that also requires a unique key? I've been searching for something like that, but I haven't found anything yet.

    I am aware of Betabound, but I haven't personally used it yet.

  • You can host your game on gamejolt and generate keys for a private access or you can do it on too.

    Both are free. It's not beta testing focused but it should do the job.

    (Or you are talking about an online server for your game and I don't know the anwser)

  • You can host your game on gamejolt and generate keys for a private access or you can do it on too.

    Both are free. It's not beta testing focused but it should do the job.

    (Or you are talking about an online server for your game and I don't know the anwser)

    Thanks! That's really helpful, I'll look into it

  • You can host your game on gamejolt and generate keys for a private access or you can do it on too.

    Both are free. It's not beta testing focused but it should do the job.

    (Or you are talking about an online server for your game and I don't know the anwser)

    This is helpful to me too. Im currently thinking about how to beta test a game. I might try this option..

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  • I'm planning on using AJAX events to upload data as the game is played. Not a full solution to beta testing but if you are just looking to test out/track a few aspects or have a really small game it could be useful. Might also put in some prompts at certain points so they can give feedback as they play.

    I haven't done this yet but am planning on trying it out once I get to the point of showing friends even small parts of games.

  • I am looking for a more dedicated service to host game, I don't mind if it is paid.

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