ondraayyy's Forum Posts

  • Rable i managed to get the IAP to work using Phonegap IAP from cranberry. Thanks for your response though...

  • caiocesar use MySQL database & create a login system like "username/password"...

    If you don't understand about MySQL (which I don't) there is another simpler way to set up a login system, which took me just 1 hour to understand the whole concept. With the help from rexrainbow (plugin creator) & jomo (tutorial writer), rexrainbow made a login system plugin which is easy to use, it is powered by Parse. Here is the tutorial to it by jomo

    https://www.scirra.com/tutorials/1455/p ... rse-plugin

    As for your question "How would your game know the information that the player already purchased the product"

    In the Parse database plugin that rexrainbow created, there is an option where you can store a player data. So for an example if a player already purchased your One-Time Purchase product to unlock all the other features, levels, characters, etc. You should store the value of that player to "1" for example and then save it to that player database and then update that global variable on the "start of each layout" or "every tick" to the value that is saved to that Username.

    And everytime the game runs, if the global variable is "1" (which is the value that is stored in the user database), then the game will unlock all the features, levels, characters, etc.

    It's kinda complicated to understand, like I said, one step at a time, if you don't get what I mean, eventually you will in the next few weeks if you keep doing what you're doing.

    No problem, I know where you're coming from, 2 and a half months ago, I never thought I could be at the stage of where I am at right now, but because I kept learning and hours of practice doing this everyday, I made it this far to almost releasing my first game on the App Store, its a tough challenge but once I'm done, I'm pretty sure the achievement feeling that I'll get out of this would be beyond the limit.

    I'll also write a tutorial on "Uploading your iOS Game using IntelXDK to the App Store" once I'm finished with my project, because most of the tutorials out there for iOS to upload to the app store are outdated and they're not specific enough.

  • caiocesar I understand where you're coming from, I was in your stage about 2 and a half months ago. I don't have any programming skill, but 2 and a half months should be enough for you to get to the intermediate level of understanding the knowledge of construct 2, ways to get your app to the google play store or any other platforms.

    Yes it is possible to get your game on the google playstore, I believe the reason why you can't find this option under the "Export Project" section is because you need to have at least a "Personal Construct 2 License" which can be purchased at the store.

    As for the "Pay for Full version" Button, there are two logics that I can think of...

    The first logic is, whenever players tap on the "Pay for a full version" button, you can code under one of the event sheet to open up the "Link" for the "Full version" app on the device browser.

    The second logic is, the game itself already have the full version but it is locked, and it can only be unlocked once a player buy the "Full Version" product (which is a One-Time Purchase product). So whoever buys the product, you can start coding for example

    Add Global Variable with the name "Premium" set 0 as default

    If player has the "Full Version" product set the global variable "Premium" to 1

    Then you can compare this global variable if it is set to 1 "Unlock all feature of the game". Something like this.

    If you don't understand don't worry, keep learning, there are many tutorials out there, use GOOGLE if you can't find a tutorial or use the search textbox on the forum to help you, if you can't find any, feel free to ask me, I'll be more than happy to help.

    My tip for you is this : Keep believing and don't give up, if you really want it and you work for it, you'll find a way to get through it. All the best mate.

  • caiocesar the process to sell your in-game item depends on the platform that you're choosing to publish your game in. For instance, apple is the most complicated process amongst all other platforms, been a month since I am trying to figure out my in-app purchase to work.

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  • I've been pulling hair for a month to get my IAP Product to work. I tried several methods. But it always return with an error saying

    "IAP error (only reported in test mode): Trying to purchase an unknown product. (Code 4983500)"

    Yes I've created the IAP Product on my iTunes Connect

    Yes I'm pretty sure I'm right with the event sheet "On start of layout" > "Add product ID "Product Name"

    "Request Store Listing"

    Yes I've signed out of App Store

    Yes I've enabled "Test Mode" in the IAP Plugin properties

    Yes I've even deleted and created another binary over and over again

    Yes I've even created a new certificate, APP IDs, Provisioning profile over and over again

    The last effort that I put in to try and figure this out was this...

    So I thought to make this work, I have to get my IAP product to be approved by the Review Board then only I can test it, so what I did next, I submitted my app for review but it got rejected only because the IAP returns that error message when my app got tested by the App Review Board.

    and this is the message that they gave me back...

    We have reviewed your app to be uploaded to the App Store, however we encountered a bug that returns with an error message. Below are the steps to reproduce the bugs

    1) Tap "Shop" logo on main menu

    2) Tap Buy 1 Coin

    3) Error message pops out "IAP error (only reported in test mode): Trying to purchase an unknown product. (Code 4983500)"

    Please fix this bug and resubmit a new binary.

    So now I'm confused, am I suppose to get the IAP Product approved by the apple review board in order for me to test it?


    I can test the IAP Product regardless the IAP Product is already approved by the review board?

    Ashley or anyone please help...

    This is the last thing on my checklist before the game is 100% ready to be uploaded to the app store.

    Additional information:

    Used IntelXDK to compile

    Used the default IAP plugin


    On the iOS Dev Library under "Testing In-App Purchase" Section

    One of the instruction to test is

    In Xcode, set your test device as your scheme’s destination.

    Open your app, and perform your In-App Purchase product testing.

    Use your test account credentials to test the purchase.

    Do I have to use Xcode to test my IAP product then?

    The problem is I am compiling using IntelXDK and as we all know, we can't open .IPA file on Xcode.

  • Rable hey Rable I'm facing the same problem as you. I am assuming the problem is you need to get your IAP Products approved from the iOS Review Board, did you already got your products approved?

  • AndreasR Thanks I'll check out the plugin when I have the time. if I have somemore questions, I'll refer you again...

  • AndreasR Thanks I'll check it out. Does it mean that it's harder for hackers to hack the webstorage value? Is there any tutorial for it though?

  • Bump

  • Bump to the top. Need to know if this is possible...

  • cranberrygame thank you very much, I will check it out.

  • Is there any plugin or example of how can I save my in-game currency (that is stored in the webstorage value) into player's game center account?

  • Bump to the top....

  • You can use VM Ware, basically it's a Mac on your PC, youtube it "VmWare Mac on Windows"

  • Rable

    Solved, turns out that I have to install the testflight app and enable the sandbox mode, it works now.